Can we talk about this /tv?

Can we talk about this /tv?

So what Johnson was saying here was that

1. he knew what Lucas ripped off to make star wars.
1.1 ie, the death of Alec Guiness in Bridge over the river Kwai is the same as Vader killing Palpatine
1.2 The bomb run sequence in ANH is the same or similar to that from 12 o clock high/dam busters
1.3 the bounty hunter scene is the same as the mercenary scene from Three Outlaw Samurai
1.4 etc
2. By having the cast of the last jedi watch these films, Johnson was presumably trying to "dispell the myth" by pointing out where lucas ripped material from
2.1 The last Jedi has some of these elements, but also copies elements from modern films Johnson clearly likes
2.2 ie, the B-17s during the opening sequence
2.3 Snoke tormenting Rey, Luke as the outlaw samurai
2.4 etc
3.0 Johnson's real objective was to introduce elements from movies he liked in the same way Lucas cribbed shit from Flash gordon, wizard of oz, etc
3.1 Fin's "independence day" attack on the death star tech
3.2 Princess Leia's superman flight
3.3 Casino scene, I'm sure you can think of more examples
3.3 etc

I find this kind of clever but also unfortunate because by doing this Johnson is saying what Star Wars really is is just a composite of other shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you're gonna steal something why not just steal the things that the things you're stealing stole from?

i guess ur not an artist
read this

How fuckin nu

>Star Wars really is is just a composite of other shit
I think we found the dumbest person on Sup Forums

Not really surprised. /tv probably hasn't seen any of these movies. I guess Rian Johnson was right.

>1. he knew what Lucas ripped off to make star wars.
>1.1 ie, the death of Alec Guiness in Bridge over the river Kwai is the same as Vader killing Palpatine
>1.2 The bomb run sequence in ANH is the same or similar to that from 12 o clock high/dam busters
>1.3 the bounty hunter scene is the same as the mercenary scene from Three Outlaw Samurai
>1.4 etc
Okay. That's George.
>2. By having the cast of the last jedi watch these films, Johnson was presumably trying to "dispell the myth" by pointing out where lucas ripped material from
Now let's get into Rian.
>2.1 The last Jedi has some of these elements, but also copies elements from modern films Johnson clearly likes
>2.2 ie, the B-17s during the opening sequence
He copied this element from?
>2.3 Snoke tormenting Rey,
He copied this from?
>Luke as the outlaw samurai
He copied this from?
>2.4 etc
>3.0 Johnson's real objective was to introduce elements from movies he liked in the same way Lucas cribbed shit from Flash gordon, wizard of oz, etc
>3.1 Fin's "independence day" attack on the death star tech
Okay, he copied this from Independence Day. Now the scene is even worse.
>3.2 Princess Leia's superman flight
I'm assuming he copied this from Superman.
>3.3 Casino scene,
This was copied from?
>I'm sure you can think of more examples
I really can't.
>3.3 etc
That's not how et cetera works. I'm all about incorporating your influences into your work but to say that parts of your work copy from other works is not a good look.

rian johnson is a talentless hack, his “influences” i could give. a shit about.

>Luke as the outlaw samurai
He copied this from?

Dude really?
How about
>throne room scene ripped from ROTJ
>"salt" scene ripped from ESB
> Rey and Chewbacca save them at end w/ millennium falcon ripped from ANH
>Luke Force dodge ripped from the matrix

>Johnson's real objective was to introduce elements from movies he liked
Okay, I know me saying this is getting old but: there is no problem with that per se had Johnson, like Lucas before him (see what I did?), reframed these elements in the context of a space fairy tale. He didn't.

He failed.


>grab bag of cinema classics
>seemingly chosen at random
>not a single one "subverts expectations"

I second this. Clearly OP is autistic.

He did refraim them though. I mean the movie does exist and it definitely is a fairy tale.
Every one of those films clearly influenced star wars.

>>Luke as the outlaw samurai
>He copied this from?
>Dude really?
Yes, really. Which modern movie did he copy it from. Answer the question. Zatoichi? Which is actually from the 60's. Maybe you're thinking the westerns from the modern 80's, right? I'm just asking because I'd like to know.
>How about
>>throne room scene ripped from ROTJ
Don't say that just because the scene takes place in a throne room. They are lightyears apart from one another.
>>"salt" scene ripped from ESB
Yea, I do remember that one rebel soldier that shoveled snow into his mouth in that one scene and then spit it back out just so he could clarify it was actually snow.
>> Rey and Chewbacca save them at end w/ millennium falcon ripped from ANH
Great job.
>>Luke Force dodge ripped from the matrix

Yup. Surely you can think of more examples.

>Which modern movie did he copy it from

Literally a cliche. I'll just say "John Rambo", instead bothering to make a list.

Jesus Christ, it's even an element in BR2049:

umm, nothing new gets created ever. How many stories are there? They're just variations of like 5 basic types. So what if certain elements have been done in the past, I'm sure brooding high school kids have solved mysteries in movies from past eras and that is not unique to the early 2000s of filmmaking. Fucking hell, it's like Rian Johnson read a shitty blog post about Harold Bloom's "Anxiety of Influence".
>pic related is where "intellectual" filmmakers nowadays find themselves masturbating as they write, when they should just concentrate on making great art and less on "how-to-subvert-expectations"

A man on the run is common in movies but I'm talking about outlaw samurai's that have been featured in modern movies. Can you name one? No, you brought up Blade Runner.
>John Rambo
I was so sad when he committed sudoku at the end.

Nice. a trope in Logan for example.

Well there is really only one story in Imperial cultures.

I mean Johnson's not wrong. Doesn't mean I agree with his artistic and character and story choices. Dialogue and editing and shit, there's a lot in this movie that sucks or could have been much better.

but fucking Rian Johnson wasn't a priori wrong.

This is why George selling the franchise was a mistake. The new Directors get to be the new George, but the audience is expecting something somewhat in line with George's universe. But they're not George and their ideas are even worse than George's worst ideas.

>I find this kind of clever but also unfortunate because by doing this Johnson is saying what Star Wars really is is just a composite of other shit.
The difference is that Lucas used influences to establish a new IP, he didn't inject completely disparate influences into an existing one. A single IP can only be pulled in so many different directions before you dilute its identity. Is every Star Wars movie just an excuse for the rotating cast of directors to "leave their mark" like vandals tagging a subway wall?

>Is every Star Wars movie just an excuse for the rotating cast of directors to "leave their mark" like vandals tagging a subway wall?

And yet Lucas made Star Wars and Cryin Rian made TLJ.
Almost like one guy is talented and the other guy is a hack.

Shit. Looks like you hit the nail on the head there.
And that's with the most charitable interpretation.
(the other being that RJ is just a faggot little SJW trying to purposefully
scrag SW for political agenda points with his feminist masters)

>6. Apophrades or The Return of the Dead; a struggle with the dead that makes it look as if the living latecomer influenced his precursor.

the larger number of things many viewers might have found somewhat unexpected at least before they got past the middle of the movie, and might have began to expect that there might be some things that they might not have previously expected to see, was done just as a way to do something different for the movie in general than what occurred with the force awakens. it's not like this aspect of the movie is the only characteristic of the movie

RS: It wouldn't bother you to have someone else do the ones in between?

GL: No, it would be interesting. I would want to try and get some good directors, and see what their interpretation of the theme is. I think it will be interesting, it is like taking a theme in film school, say, okay, everybody do their interpretation of this theme. It's an interesting idea to see how people interpret the genre. It is a fun genre to play with. All the prototype stuff is done now. Nobody has to worry about what a Wookie is and what it does and how it reacts. Wookies are there, the people are there, the environment is there, the empire is there . . . everything is there. And now people will start building on it. I've put up the concrete slab of the walls and now everybody can have fun drawing the pictures and putting on the little gargoyles and doing all the really fun stuff. And it's a competition. I'm hoping if I get friends of mine they will want to do a much better film, like, "I'll show George that I can do a film twice that good," and I think they can, but then I want to do the last one, so I can do one twice as good as everybody else. [Laughs]" -Rolling Stone, 1977

op is wrong but the opening casino shot is taken from wings 1927

Lucas didn't direct Empire Strikes Back

>george lucas copied from movies like bridge over the river kwai and 12 o click high
>rian copied from independence day and superman
no wonder it was shit

some written books and comic books were influential on multiple Star Wars movies as well. some were probably as influential, if not more influential than the movies that Lucas had seen

you're a fucking dummy and have no idea what you're talking about

>I find this kind of clever but also unfortunate because by doing this Johnson is saying what Star Wars really is is just a composite of other shit.
Hey cuckbitch face, it doesn't fucking matter. Lucas created Star Wars and it looked great. Your fucking shit was terrible bro, you are fucking terrible. Hey Johnie boy, go suck a bag of dicks after your wife is done with them you cucklording smurfag. You fucking suck and The Last Jedi sucked assballs.
Enjoying making smallfry indieshit you fucking scum.


Uhhhhhh please tell me how the throne room scenes are different
>protagonist tries to convince emotional connection to turn Light, he says nuh uh
>Big Bad says welcome
>Big Bad shows a view out the window to the Rebel fleet being decimated
>Protagonist tries to attack the Big Bad and is instantly stopped
>Protagonist is painfully immobilized
>Command to kill the other to go further to the Dark Side
>Evil emotional connection suddenly turns on the Big Bad and kills him
Literally the only difference is Palpy tells Luke to kill Vader whereas Snoke does it the other way around, telling Kylo to kill Rey. They’re effectively identical otherwise. They even use the RotJ throne room music in the scene instead of Snoke’s theme from TFA ffs

he was inspired by the jew agenda

How about we talk about the fact that Rian stole A LOT of important plot points from a fucking Tumblr fanfic?


Fucking hack

holy shit boys this damage control, time to check this out

>I find this kind of clever but also unfortunate because by doing this Johnson is saying what Star Wars really is is just a composite of other shit.
It is. Star Wars worked because Lucas took a bunch of stuff that was good from other movies with similar tone and put it into one movie and it all fit together reasonably well.

alright never mind, time to keep writing my ww2 film backed with john williams

Holy shit