Was it kino or was it bambino?

Was it kino or was it bambino?

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this movie is legitimate kino hands down



third best movie of the Star Wars flicks.

1. V
2. VI
3. III
4. IV
5. I
6. II
7. VII


>not completely shit

kys mouse shill

It isn`t.

>this """"""""""""""""""""""taste"""""""""""""""""""""""

yes it is. The story is complete shit, Ray is still a massive Mary Sue, the plotlines were fucking retarded, it completely ruined Luke, was a huge SJW selfinsert garbage and much much more.


more like 5>4=6>3>2>1 (mostly for the stiff acting)>disney shit

I liked the rest of it enough for it to give me the entertainment equivalent to the smile on that image though.


Consensus opinion

>just turn off your brain brah

I didn't say or imply anything like that.

good list

It was memekino

yes you did. Ignoring all the major problem, problems so big that no star wars movie is even comparable to it and just saying "I was entertained so it's good" implies you never cared for the problems. You're literally the "I turned my brain off and it's good because of that"

>liked III
Opinion discarded.

>didn't like 3

stop getting your opinions from RLM

Best final boss fight of the franchise

No, I think everything with Kylo, Snoke, and Rey (you know, the entire rest of the film) was fucking great. I didn`t have to turn my brain off to feel like that. The rest of the movie felt pointless but I don`t feel those sections detracted from the general quality of the good moments.

Objectively correct

I usually get my opinions from personal experience.

How in the flying fuck can you like TFA and TLJ but dislike rogue one lmao. If you're going to like any of the new disney horse shit it would be rogue one as it's the only one that's not a complete pile of wank.

R1 bored me to tears.


Arguably the only good character in the movie


Just proves my point, literally generic evil guy we got absolutely NO backstory or plot around. Horrible written character

Yes, the Mary Sue that can't fail at anything that has absolutely no character developemnt and everybody loves her from the start. Yet another garbage written character.

>the entire rest of the movie

You mean absolutely horrible quips and jokes like Luke milking and alian sea cow or the fucking hyper space ramming that broke the star universe or the awful casino planet shit?

Yes, it's very obvious you just turned your brain off because if you even thought a little during the movie you would have noticed this.

You do know nothing of what you just said is an actual fact, right?
Because you write it like it is.


For true star wars fans

>giving Yigsney your manbaby cummies because they put your favorite logo on a new movie

>moving the goalposts
>instead of countering what I said you go"b-but that's just opinions"

Everything I said are objective facts yes. If you like what happened in the movie or not however is subjective but if you like Mary Sue SJW insert character's like Ray or villains with absolutely no story behind them like Snoke or shitty plotlines etc you were brain dead while watching it. There's a reason why this movie has prequal levels of backlash, if not even more yet you just ignore this like you ignored everything wrong with the movie.

No he's right, they are objective fats.

You have shit taste, but that's okay user. It doesn't detract from you as a person, you're just banned from giving opinion on films.

Feels good to still enjoy things


>he puts AOTC over TPM
>he puts TLJ anywhere close to ESB
>he wastes dubs on this

I like pre-suit Vader. Hayden did a good job as school shooter edge lord Sith when he didn't have to say anything and just murder everything on his path left and right.
Episode 1 should cut down Jar Jar and have more Darth Maul with the start of the Clone Wars.
Episode 2 should show the Clone Wars and Anakin maturing as a general while also slowly falling into the dark side.
Episode 3 should have Anakin as Vader early, just murdering shit left and right. His transformation into the suit was too fast.
Overall RotS was top tier kino

The interactions between Kylo and Rey are great and so are their interactions with Snoke, who served his purpose just fine as a menacing figure Kylo had to overcome. His backstory wasn't needed. That was enjoyable enough that it made up for the rest of the film.
Do you get it now?
And you don't know what Mary Sue means.


>trolling this hard

>>he puts AOTC over TPM
I liked the last boss fight. Anakin with the two lightsabers at the end used to hype me up as a kid. TPM, I thought, was boring
>>he puts TLJ anywhere close to ESB
I loved it. To each their own.
>>he wastes dubs on this
I earned these dubs with my gospel of truth

This is the correct opinion.


>using "boss fight" to describe something in a film
>using that as a reason for a film to be good.
So this is what we have come to.

jesus christ

The big final fight of anything I refer to as a "boss fight.

I am only speaking for myself.

>The interactions between Kylo and Rey are great and so are their interactions with Snoke, who served his purpose just fine as a menacing figure Kylo had to overcome. His backstory wasn't needed. That was enjoyable enough that it made up for the rest of the film.

no it wasn't, you don't hype up a villain and then turn it into nothing. Actually having Snoke being a at least okay written character with SOME backstroy to him would make him a much better menacing figure yet now we got a generic evil dude die that we knew absolutely knew nothing about and couldn't care for.

Ray IS a Mary Sue, saying to people that they don't understand what one is, is fucking pathetic. She has no faults, she does everything right, everybody loves her, she has absolutely no character developent and is generally just a SJW insert (less than the pink haired admiral from a planet that was ruled by women and considered an utopia because of this though).

You simply don't think when you watch it proving the meme right. You didn't think about how horribly the story was planing out for you, you didn't think how horribly written the characters were, you didn't think about how the plotlines made no sense and you didn't think about how inconsistent it is compare to the other movies.

Just tell it as it is, you wanted to see light saber fights and not a well written story.

He's even reddit spacing now. The fuck is up with the digits tonight Bateman.


>The interactions between Kylo and Rey are great
This I agree with, but it's mostly on Adam Driver's acting alone

>so are their interactions with Snoke
That's so so

>who served his purpose just fine as a menacing figure Kylo had to overcome. His backstory wasn't needed
That's top tier bullshit. First Order and Snoke coming out of nowhere after the events of RotJ required so level of explanation. It wouldn't actually take much explanation, but we got exactly zero.

>That was enjoyable enough that it made up for the rest of the film.
No it wasn't, Rey and Kylo Ren's interactions was like a single flower that grew out of a pile of shit. The rest of the movie was THAT bad.

What the fuck is "reddit spacing?" Putting spaces is just normal writing etiquette.


>no it wasn't, you don't hype up a villain and then turn it into nothing.
You can perfectly do that, yes. In this case, the only thing I think needed explaining was the origin of the First Order and where the hell they came from. But not Snoke himself. The Emperor had none.
>She has no faults, she does everything right, everybody loves her
She literally starts the movie on an island where she wanted to train to get better at the force because she wasn't good enough. She then goes on to show that she has no idea what the force is, is nearly drawn to the dark side when she tries to find out (and nearly drawn to the dark side for the entire movie really) and fails miserably at convincing Luke to help her because she loses her temper with him and he doesn't buy into her arguments. She'd rather trust Kylo, the bad guy. Had she been a Mary Sue Luke would've been "wow, this girl's got potential" and he would've been glad to train her to save the galaxy like only she can do. That didn't happen.
>Just tell it as it is, you wanted to see light saber fights and not a well written story.
But there is barely any lightsaber fights in the entire movie.

And none of those things prove the interactions between Kylo, Rey, and Snoke weren't great and made up for my entertainment compared to the rest of the film.

>The rest of the movie was THAT bad.
You see, I didn't feel like that.

Another thing I loved: the final conflict between Kylo and Luke showing just how scared Kylo was of him.
What I disliked the most was the humour and the subplot with Finn and Rose.

My post is like the bottom one. I used a space to separate two unrelated topics.

Now there's an image I'll be using.

The best one, honestly.

You only need to hit enter once.

None of this ^^^ shit. Though, the holy Bateman brought you blessed digits, and for that you have my respect.

>not realizing the kino that is episode 1

I though anything that had Finn, Rose, Hold and Poe was bad. I did like Benicio Del Toro's hacker character, but he wasn't in the movie much.

I agree that the fight between Luke and Kylo was good and the best thing about the movie, was the Kylo/Rey connection. I liked both of those characters way more then I did in The Force Awakens.

i hope you're joking or too young to be on here.

No, true Star Wars fans hate Star Wars.



Best SW movie after the OT.

Serious and 30.

You have shit taste then.

are you enjoying the nintendo switch user?

stop poasting this it's stupid.