Ywn go back to mid 1990 early 2000 toonami

>ywn go back to mid 1990 early 2000 toonami,

Other urls found in this thread:


The ending to Outlaw Star was so random.

This didn't age well. G Gundam I understand since that didn't take itself seriously.

>tfw you'll never reclaim the early 00s aesthetic

I can only hold out hope something dramatic changes in the 20s

G Gundam aged as fine as you can expect, but it was just a slightly dumber robot jocks with Gundams. Wing was the one where they started catering more to female fans

i hated that period of my life, wasn't on drugs or anything, really boring time.

>He's intense, perhaps?

walking through the streets saw inside a building a cheap art school and this really hot girl was drawing goku. the drawing was admittedly shit, but the fact that she was really attractive, not in a geek or weeb way, but really hot and doing that made it special. made me think back to those times. where did it all go wrong?

>that special 2003-6 period where we had genuine beginnings of gender equality among media participation and plenty of girls playing games and watching anime without going YES I PLAY GAMES AND WATCH ANIME SILLY BOIS

>the power of love triumphs over all

Nah, it was actually pretty standard in fact.

>robot jocks
>not Wuxia and Dragonball

Plebs like you who haven't watched at least 500+ series should shut up and lurk the fuck more.

Well there was all that finding the akashic records stuff that sort of came out of nowhere

I meant the ending theme with all of the pencil drawings like OPs pic

If you're trying to impress someone with your anime knowledge, my first recommendation is don't, and my second is don't use dragonball z. I'm talking about the similarity of the series' premise you dumbfuck.

I hate threads like this.

They just remind me that I'm almost 29 and I've wasted my youth.

It was weird in that the imagery had nothing to do with the story.

But I don't care. Shit was pretty comfy.

Im in the same boat senpai , middleschool in 2000-2003 with adult swim and toonami was the best.

Dragon ball is normie as fuck though, there were even a couple chads at my high school who liked it

Thread theme


Redline ended like that.

>scrolling through Sup Forums
>See OP's pic
>Go "oh shit, an outlaw star thread"
The fact that a random ass pic from one of the most random collection of pics endings is so well known to me that I can instantly spot it is both sad and amazing. I miss the midnight run

I fucking loved the ending to Redline

Yeah, but the DIY scale models were endless fun for hours on end when you had no friends in middle school because you had PTSD from living by youself as an 11 year old...right?

Or do you guys prefer this


I remember watching that ending as a teenager and being inspired to draw and write and fall in love but I also felt really lonely since anime wasn’t a thing yet in America.

Over a decade later I’d watch Outlaw Star with my girlfriend and our friends in a giant house her and I lived together in.

She dumped me last Christmas.

It's not random. All of the creators works occur in a universe called "toward stars" all the art at the end is just various shit from his other manga

mo shi lala no tu ki

im just glad most of those girls are my age and some are still available, newer generations really have it more fucked.


tfw mid 30s and been here since college in 20p4

>MFW its been almost 20 years since outlaw star came out and I /just/ now noticed that the ending theme song is melfinas song she sings in the show before the mcdougall brothers find her


This is the best Gundam OP

Might as well.


