Be Kiernan Shipka

>be Kiernan Shipka
>have a large role in one of the most patrician TV shows of all time
>you're seemingly the only teen star in Hollywood with a bright future ahead of you
>Mad Men ends, and new roles are coming slowly
>your only upcoming film project is a horror film directed by the guy who did Annabelle and Wish Upon
>finally your second big break comes
>you're playing Sabrina the Teenage Witch!
> the spinoff of Riverdale, one of the worst shows ever created

Poor girl can't catch a break. I guess starring in a Netflix show will be good for her career, but this show is bound to be dreadful. From Mad Men to Riverdale, it's tragic.

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January Jones was even worse.

River dale was bad?

It's horrible. Sup Forums watches it a lot, but only to jerk off to the actresses. It's horribly written. I forced myself to watch four episodes and couldn't take anymore. Didn't care to find out who the killer was.

How was it bad

They were neck and neck. And not just because their characters were supposed to be pmsing all the time.

All those fucking outdated pop culture references that no teenage would use. Drove me up the fucking wall. Also, everything in the show is fucking green.

Careers have been launched by much worse shows user.

Also it's made by a different company so it won't be connected to Riverdale.

Are you sure? I keep hearing that Sabrina's going to be part of Riverdale, and they keep talking about how the new Sabrina show is going to be dark and edgy.

Left or right?

Sabrina is an Archie character though.

They are on different networks and Netflix always guards it's properties jealously. Originally there was a lot of talk of a Riverdale crossover but now I don't think it will happen.

the girl has child actor as an excuse. what's JJ's excuse? and yes the characters were annoying but the acting was just dreadful. skyler white people may hate her character, but she knew how to act properly.

God Glen turned into such a chad!

I hope not, that's the only chance the show has of being watchable, but I'm pretty sure they're in the same universe. Netflix has the streaming rights to Riverdale, and I think in other countries Riverdale is exclusive to Netflix.

very good but where are the webms

>always this one

It's cute and all but come on there must be more!

She's the cutest.

yeah i'm hoping to improve my collection too

Is there a single Mad Men actor that hasn't had a JUST career since then? I guess Jon Hamm has done the best what with Baby Driver.

What do you expect when you have a manface like that?

Like a piece of fresh meat ready for my rape warehouse.

>man face



user pls, Mckenna any day but still, Kiki is 2nd. The rest just can't compare.


I love overly descriptive file names.

Also did Glen ever get to tap that?

>ywn squidge kship's calves and thighs in your hands

She's so smiley and bubbly :3

I liked her better when she was a bit thicker, and with less eyebrow. Still qt though.

>los angeles lgbt center
h-hold on bro

Kiki waifu and Mckenna daughteru
Best combo

Mckenna is #1 for me, but I really like both.

She seems really sweet. I'm looking forward to seeing her in more roles.

Have you seen her interviews? It's literally the cutest thing ever, you can just tell she's an amazing little person. And she's a great actress too of course.

Almost makes you wish to have a daughter, even in today's world

kek if that's a chad to you you must be a limp wristed soyboy faggot. He just looks like the regular jewish guy.

>even in today's world
I just hope she grows up like Kiki did, it would be sad if she didn't.

I saw the Ellen interview the other day and that was lovely; I might have to check out some more.

Oh I just posted it here , all the stuff they did for Gifted was great anyway. She should get to play a young Sabrina with Kiki, that would be fun, but who knows, her schedule is quite busy.

>that sexy 70s chesthair

She reminds me a LOT of young Kiernan.

post the kiki discord then delete it so not too many normies come in

>little person
They're called midgets, sir.

Looks wise yeah, they look very much a like, Mckenna seems more mature than she was at the same age though, she kinda reminds me of how Emma Watson used to talk to the press as well when the first HP came out, Emma was not as good though.

That just means she's still pure and isn't sucking dick for roles like most girls in hollywood.

>one of the worst shows ever created

you think every girl that was Harvested actually got good work?

How can we save Kiernan's career?

> ywn be a part of Hamm sandwich

>had Jon Hamm as a father figure

We got no hope, boys.