Does this REALLY deserve all this praise? People can't stop talking about this shit like it's some sort of masterpiece

Does this REALLY deserve all this praise? People can't stop talking about this shit like it's some sort of masterpiece.

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Its not a masterpiece but its unexpectedly good since the director is black, everyone set their expectations accordingly because secret we re all redpilled.

I liked it, i hope he makes more movies hopefully with more themes.

It's a really good horror movie that's entertaining, has good tension and good character development.

My expectations weren't that high, but the amount of praise I thought it might have some merit.
I was wrong, it was trash.

No it's likes shit(ter) Black Mirror episode

you're the only one still talking about it OP. everyone else has moved on. are you still triggered?

Not OP, but people haven't moved on. They've bitching about its lack of GG wins all week.

>SJWs entirely ignore message and praise it
>triggered Sup Forumstards sperg out about it
>me, an intellectual, realizes that it's making fun of liberal black fetishists and not racist conservatives

I really haven't heard anyone talk about Get Out for a long time. The last time I heard it brought up, it was because it was nominated as a comedy in some award show, which people took offense to. And then before that, I hadn't heard much about it since it had left theaters.

How? I don't fucking see it at all.

this is black people's version of Lawrence of Arabia. this is the pinnacle of black entertainment. nothing will ever surpass get out for black people. just let them be happy in they finally made something of quality

This. How anyone could not immediately see it just shows how many brainlets go to le cinema.

I refuse to succumb to the bigotry of low expectations

It's a well made movie but the plot is retarded, you can tell the first draft was about just hypnosis but then he decided to add in some more campy b-movie material about brain transplants at the end even though he already established characters acting like they were just brainwashed and not acting like people who knew they'd been transplanted into a new body.

>Does this REALLY deserve all this praise?

They literally say it in the film
Black bodies are stronger, fitter, more beautiful, bigger dicks etc etc yada-fucking-yada and that is why they want to transfer their brains into superior black bodies
It’s the basest form of exploitation

It’s not a difficult movie to understand

It was really bad
It Follows was infinitely better
The only thing I kind of liked about it was the protagonist, but he constantly had a dumb expression on his face

It gets hype due to "cultural welfare".

It's nothing but a ripoff of the Skeleton Key. It's a decent thriller that's about it. But not worthy of all the praise.

I bet you’re black

>People can't stop talking about this shit like it's some sort of masterpiece.
it's white guilt.
It's the same reason why Black Panther will make a lot of money domestically. White. Guilt.

>tfw you share the same culture, heritage, and genetics with people who would rather see it all thrown away
the 21st century was a mistake

Nope. But that's what you get from western shitholes.

went in knowing all the praise it got and didn't think it was that great. Don't Breathe I went in knowing all the praise it got and I fucking loved it.

What praise did dont breathe get and when?

this. It Follows left me wondering what different scenarios could happen with that story and how you could get away from it and shit like that. it was intriguing. Get Out was a competently made film but it wasn't a revelation or anything special really. very average thriller.

sorry I just should've said I went in knowing how much money Don't Breathe made.

But $$$ doesnt equate to quality. My gen edge bro made me chauffer him and his m8s to see this and i genuinely found it boring and unoriginal, but he and his fag friends loved it.

lets just say i think Don't Breathe was a better film and I will get more replay value out of it compared to Get Out. shit I liked fucking You're Next better too.

Ah yeah compared to get out it was a masterpiece.

No, it doesn't but the plot turning into stupid generic horror genre crap is fine for this movie and you aren't allowed to say otherwise.

Yah, don't know why this movie gets a pass for ridiculous stupid inane plot twists yet any other film that did this would have people questioning the plot and its utter stupidity

But omg first time director so it's gud!

Your picture comes straight out of a stock photo universe.

One of the best movies of 2017, and 2017 had quite a few good movies.

>2017 had good movies

Hello newfriend, is this your first time on Sup Forums?

What is ridiculous? It makes sense within the plot of the story.

That's because leftwing progressives only find pride in mindless self-destruction these days so praising a movie that indicts their very mentality to the point they unwittingly become the plot manifested IRL.

Do you think it's the white conservatives pushing embarrassing race fetishes or unironically calling black girls magic for simply existing?

Not even the best horror film of the year.

>It makes sense

>newfag opens mouth trying to be part of the gang

>Do you think it's the white conservatives pushing embarrassing race fetishes
Yes, actually

You are so new that it hurts

It's pretty good but it triggers Sup Forums cause it has a black lead

ONe bucket of crab legs please Robert, you know my usual!

So you're out of touch with reality

LOL this guy's new! a-am I fitting in yet, guys?

I didn't care for it

It doesn't matter, I hate niggers regardless

it's good pretty good character development, foreshadowing, and symbolism
it would be amazing if it wasn't so predictable

Then you're hallucinating. They aren't the ones publishing Op-Eds trying to normalize cuckoldery like progressives and lefties are.

As soon as I saw black man/white female couple in the description I said nope.

Only part that stood out to me was the actor who played the girlfriends dad. Really nailed the smug liberal douche. It was okay, definitely didnt deserve all the praise from critics who were too afraid of being labelled racist.

It still feeds into the insane victim complex black americans have.

I just searched for this and apparently California and Hawaii are actually in pornhub's *bottom* five states that searched for cuck porn.

I hate how cucking infested my threesome fetish, over half the porn results aren't even threesomes anymore

Doesn't change the point though. You won't find conservatives trying to celebrate it, racialize it, or normalize it like you will lefties.

Stepford Wives is 100 times better than this shit, doesn't have an ugly bitch and a chimp as main characters either.

It sounds like a movie length low tier black mirror episode. Even has the same actor. I’ve never seen it but all the lefty media praising it sky high made me skip it out of contempt.

Pretty much a Black Mirror/key & peele skit that goes on way too long.
I'd probably think it was cute little above average flick if not for the bombardment of politics surrounding it.

I used to think that was juvenile contrarianism, but the fact I routinely felt nothing (or even disliked) the shit they constantly praised turned my opinion around on that. Now I treat it as a litmus test. If the usual suspects are creaming themselves over it I'm already halfway to skipping it. The terminology is a dead giveaway. If lefties are calling it "important," or talking about the lessons and messages to take away from it over the actual content it's a guaranteed skip.

As a horror fan I thought it was okay, not as good as top modern haunted place films.

But I could only watch it once before Wonder Woman took over the whole season.

Funny how this year also begins with another black hero movie being buzzed a lot. I don't have black politics in my country but I legit loved Black Panther's trailer more than the cringefests that were Thor Ragnarok and Guardians 2.

it was either this or Detroit (bigelow) that was gonna be the default token black praised pick

and they didnt wanna piss of James Cameron before abatap 2 so they made this the false hype affirmitive action heralded pic

think of the last decade or two of oscars and whatnot and when has at least one ridiculous nigg pic was not overly hyped during awards

The premise alone is corny as fuck.

It works as a decent twilight zone episode, but it absolutely does not deserve all the praise it got.

The "I TOLE U BOUT HANGIN ROUND WITH DEM WHITE PEPOLE" cliche negro was literally the only thing in this movie that wasn't complete ass.

That's right, a tired and uncreative cliche was the best thing in this movie.

But then all the SJW cucks fetishize the movie for having niggers in it

>Black bodies are stronger, fitter, more beautiful, bigger dicks etc etc yada-fucking-yada and that is why they want to transfer their brains into superior black bodies

People who think its good because it makes fun of liberals are retarded. The movie isn't smart, it isn't deep, it isn't scary, and the only funny parts weren't meant to be funny (groundskeeper sprinting then making that retarded 90 degree turn etc.)

>Nigs have the highest obesity rates in America, even fatter than spics.
>lowest life expectancy (not even counting murder/accident victims)

Yeh lemme git one of dem superior negro frames

>skeleton key
I think you mean the invitation

He’s had practice

True, but black people are still the victim and white people are still the perpetrator. And the audience is still thinking "yeah, wypipo ARE evil!"

Yep even when whitey isn't technically racist, he's still evil

Because it simply is that good.

Sup Forums is one of the only places on the internet you can be a contrarian about it and have a majority agree with you, because racism.

This movie a 3/5 until you realize the whole main idea behind the plot is copied from a movie called The Skeleton Key.
Then you drop it down to 2/5.
Then you remember how much this movie was shilled by the """critics""" so you drop it to 1/5 for a sense of justice.

it was good and his first movie he directed, pretty impressive

>t. nigger

It’s good but not great. Has some issues.

unless you're just talking about brain swapping this movie is absolutely nothing like the skeleton key.

Yeah, that 100% on RT was totally organic wasn't it? If you accept racism can be a factor in hating it, why aren't you at all concerning yourself with the racism possible in liking it?

The main plot idea is the same but executed in a retarded way. In TSK the two niggers swapped their bodies with the two american kids to ascend to a better position (a better race). A moment after the two niggers are lynched like the animals they are.
Of course to avoid the bullet they put the nigress nurse in the movie, to gave the idea the two black magicians want only to escape "aging" process.
In Get Out the whole thing is executed in reversal and its retarded beyond repair (especially in non-american eyes, apparently).
Who will wish to trasfer himself in the body of nigger because...they're stronger (what?) or they have big dicks...??? lmao maybe if you're 10 years old/teenage age and still virgin and you still care about your dick size. I simply dont know wtf is going on...

Its like wishing to trasfer yourself insto a spider to benefit of the spider sense. There is no spider sense and the idea its retarded anyway.
Seriously how much of a brainlet you need to be to write or enjoy something like this?


Yeah, since fuck white people.
All they want to do is steal black culture, and even their bodies.

>steal black culture

Wasn't the Author just saying he wanted to be white? He wanted the audience to think whites are obsessed with blacks.

That's blacks in general. They never stop revolving around a general loathing for whites while projecting that at others. Feminists work the same way towards men.

That's why I never watch movies with feminist or black directors.

Book of Eli was pretty good.
Post apocalypse setting so no opressed negro bullshit.

Great lovecraftian horror

So the movie is just some ugly pure blooded negro with a 8/10 white girlfriend trying to avoid oppression for the white man?

is this what black soyboys look like?

Nah they have tranny bodies like star wars dude

It was good-watch it

There’s a hell of a lot of gewd chreeestyaaans down south who watch gay porn and nig cuck porn. Read up on those pornhub stats bro

>pornhub is trustworthy

Again, there certainly are conservative cucks out there, but you won't find them reveling in their disgusting lifestyle in the open or writing articles for leftwing publications trying to make it an accepted thing. That's the left.

nobody said it was true, stop being so insecure and maybe you'll get laid

Whore: the post.

>do thing
>vague assurance of sexual reward

You were raised by a single mommy

It's honestly one of the most absurd cases of tokenism and racism of lowered expectations I've ever seen. It's condescending to a level where even Jordan Peele must be feeling a tinge of cringe.

It's also indicative of film bloggers, millenials and current film critics either ignoring or being unaware that movies exist pre-2010.

It's a mediocre low budget thriller, with a muddle/not entirely clear racial allegory. It's like an extension of a weak Twilight Zone episode.

But literally because it's got a black guy in it and he's scared of boring white people rather than rednecks?

Well, it's a masterpiece.

It's a solid 5/10 movie, maybe 6/10 if you're in a good mood, and they're pretending it's a 9/10. Sight & Sound literally named it as the best movie of the year.

In the low budget Blum derived thriller genre, it wasn't even the best of the year - Split was a far better movie on every level. It's bizarrely insulting that the lead actor in Get Out is getting awards buzz for a completely generic performance while Split is completely overlooked.

This is peak SJW delusion.

I'm so out of touch with millenials.

I thought Get Out was quite boring, muddled and uninteresting - but It Follows was borderline unwatchable garbage. Like a bad student film on YouTube.

Same goes with the Babadook and a lot of other highly praised horror movies from the last few years.

None of them have topped The Strangers for me in terms of new horror movies where I'm left scratching my head because I believe what I just watched wasn't just a case of "I don't get it" and that the film was straight up terrible on every level.