I don't get this character at all...

I don't get this character at all. She whined constantly about wanting the know the truth about Elliot and The Dark Army and Whiterose and then when she finally found out she started crying and blamed Darlene for ruining her life.

What the fuck she wanted to know. Now she does. What right does she have to blame someone else for it?

She wanted to be a hero and stop them.
She probably thinks if Darlene hadn't forced her hand and just cooperated, she could've stopped everything.

That's stupid she didn't even know her boss was dark army.

>i still watch mr reddito

she's a girl scout
ultimately she believed that the government was good and could help the world
now she is in a position where her world view is completely shattered. she is also now part of the corruption.
also its a pretty human response to lash out like that. and more so she has been shown time and time again as incapable of handling her emotions in anything other than a professional lens.

there, i hope that helps.

Dom had suspicions.
She thinks she could've figured it all out if she knew everything Darlene knew, even though we knew that would never happen.

Mr Robot is a pretentious garbage.

it's hard to enjoy fiction when you're a sociopath

It's not sociopathic. She has zero right to blame Darlene when she finally got to see the truth for herself. That's what she wanted she can cry about it but it's only her own self she can blame for it.


fucking worst character on the show with darlene. The first season was ok, I have no clue why I'm still expecting this shit to turn its downward spiral into something better.

She's not supposed to be tough you fucking retard. She's just a pathetic autist.

She's portrayed as both pathetic wreck and a 'tough gurl' and it just doesn't work on any level. Open your eyes, asshole.

Only flaw with her is she isn’t electrocuting my testicles with jumper cables

You are attracted to her?

She is pissed the fuck off because she trusted Darlene/scissored Darlene and was super-duper betrayed by the cunt. And Darlene's betrayal in turn led to a series of even worse events that culminated in her being enslaved by the Dark Army in terms of the fact that she now has to help the Dark Army do horrible horrible things/subvert the laws she swore to uphold (to the point that she was willing to fall onto her sword after Darlene used her, rather than selfishly try and claim that she was manipulated), lest everyone in her family be murdered.

Bitch has every fucking right to be pissed the fuck off.

"dark army" has always sounded gay as hell. The show would immediately become 30% less pretentious if they changed that name to something else.

A-are you serious?

She’s walking perfection.

But she's not pretty.

its pretty clear the "tough girl" act is just that. Her constant angst and search for connection via alexa or her morning routine denoting not just her insomnia but the literal face she has to put on to even function show us that shes actually just a timid girl from teaneck trying to do the right thing...

You jest. She’s beautiful and elegant and there’s raging sexual desire just under the surface.

Dom to me really represents women well. For that, I respect her.

Honestly, this pseudo-intellectual show was like nothing I've ever watched. It'a absolute trash that tries so incredibly hard it's endearing. Each episode shows that the directors and writers are creatively bankrupt and yet they continue. Its stellar how such a brain dead show could enjoy such praise and fandom.

Twists, "mysteries", gimmicks, inconsequential narratives and a loose interpretation of "hacking" don't make for a great show.

I thank god every day that I wasn't born with a small enough number of brain cells to enjoy this content without irony. It constantly challenges the viewer in its simplicity, promises and lack of a commitment to anything but the next surprise. Not in any form of intellectual discourse as its fans seem to believe. It's marinated in cliche, fried in shlock and still tastes raw to any patrician.

If you enjoy this show I must respectfully ask you to reconsider your ability to subjectively assess anything. It's trash.

I have full faith that the type who enjoys this show is a simpleton of the highest order; a low IQ, simplistic mongoloid plebian.

I hope you find peace in death. Seek it soon.

Nigga if you die tonight your parents will celebrate.

I'm sorry you've devoted so much time to infantile mental masturbation you feel the need to attack my self-worth.

As I said, I respectfully ask you to reconsider your ability to subjectively assess anything.

Nigga I ain't reading your posts get cancer and die. Brain cancer so you never post here again.

Have a nice day, "nigga". I hope you're able to increase your IQ.

>blamed Darlene for ruining her life

how do you ruin what you dont have?

Nigga go eat more baby dicks you can't have finished that last bag of foreskins yet.

I'm not Jewish. You're obviously even more idiotic than I thought. Let's agree to no longer converse. You're just too low IQ to even banter with.

Have a nice day ___friend .

Just like the Ivy's, there are legacy admissions in Hollywood. Look who her mother is.

Nigga you done with those baby dicks already you must really love that baby penis protein. No wonder you got so many bags of it.

all female characters in mr robot suck
also the show became shit once trump became president, and esmail obviously can't handle that

>Have a nice day ___friend .

Unlike yourself, sir, who spends his time arguing with strangers on the internet after watching the entirety of a TV show that he admittedly does not enjoy. Sounds like a very smart use of a very smart person's time.

*tips fedora*.

[Spoiler] I'm not even the guy who called you a nigger I'm just laughing at you [/spoiler]

when i scrolled passed this i thought OP image was a female rendition of data from tng

i hated her since day 1. she's a terrible character and the girl can't act worth a shit.

But now she's a tool of the Dark Army.

I love the show, but her lollipop thing seems kind of forced to me. Like they thought it was a cute little gimmick to make you remember her better. Not a big deal though. I still love the show.

*saves your show*


> thinking I still watch Mr. Robot

False. Your entire line of reasoning is based on a false premise. Continue laughing as your brain cells degrade.

>le suave relaxed guy is actually a fucking psycho when he wants to!

Last episode was so reddit tier

>streeps daughter
classic hollywood nepotism

He's been based since he was in Boardwalk Empire. Irving is the real pleb-filter

Show lost all momentum after season 1. Season 1 captured the mood of so many people who felt completely blackpilled by the state of everything 2014-2015.

But then Sup Forums and 'hackers' and wikileaks and a meme presidential candidate actually delivered some real positive change and the show lost all relevance. It's been off the rails ever since.

Is Sam Esmail fucking up his own show because hes butthurt about Trump?

Not really. He is obviously very butthurt about Trump, but it doesn't negatively affect the show too much. The most obnoxious thing for me is how he's kind of combined Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson into one character because I think liberals honestly can't tell the difference.