Is he a faggot?

Is he a faggot?

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who knows, but I'm a faggot for him.

Yes. Most homophobes are homosexuals.

Like your dad?

>Is he a faggot?

objectively yes.

>the constant indirect flirting with Steve
>the literal looking at Steve's ass and dick in the shower
>the calling Steve "pretty boy" with a cadence that would indicate he means it
>the NOT fucking the ever loving shit out of the stupidly hot Mrs. Wheeler
red ranger confirmed gay

Closeted fag detected.

He's too Chad for sexual labels

someone post mommy webm

You could write it off as his misguided attempt to be manly to impress his dad who thinks he's a fag. He's just trying to one up the cool guy at school and look like a rock star. The flaw is that it just comes off as weird flirtation and spending a lot of time doing makeup.
Or he just really likes dicks

why doesnt the article say every movie is about jews?

I don´t know; it was one of the worst things of S2, tough

Have you ever interacted with another human being? You're probably some fucking faggot or tumblrina who wants everyone to be gay.

Like your dad?


>if he acts like a man then he must be gay!!!

Wishful thinking.

Quite often, but ironically enough it seems my answer really triggered your faggot ass. Sorry for hitting a nerve gayboy.

>Like a man


What did he do that hints to him being gay? Flirting with a woman? Having a girlfriend? Shit talking his rival? Sounds like the opposite to me.

Probably not. Lots of shit from the 80s seems gay now.
Look at Lost Boys, none of them were actually gay yet it’s loaded with homo subtext.

How was he flirting with Steve? It’s just banter you soyboy.

go watch that shower scene again and if that is "just banter" to you, congrats you are a confirmed faggot.

They were all gays

Are you referring to him calling steve a pretty boy? Do you not understand the context of the scene?

Steve is ugly though

>acts like a retard after realizing he was wrong

He is calling Steve a pretty boy in a derogatory fashion. You’re probably a tumblr hambeast who sees gays everywhere.

Right, because he definitely doesn't stare at his ass/dick while saying it like the world's biggest closeted homo. No tough guy on EARTH would want to come off like that unless he wanted sum dyk in his mouth.

I'm not who you are conversing with

He doesn’t stare at his dick, did you watch the gay porn edition of Stranger Things?

>because he definitely doesn't stare at his ass/dick

As far as this video shows, he literally doesn't.

t. school loser weirdo
these are the ways of the chad

Thanks for the info, faggot

>they don't realize their alpha is gay


stupid femanon

whole lot of virgins in here


Your dad's dick