Let's say one day you are looking out your window and you see JJ Abrams crossing the street...

Let's say one day you are looking out your window and you see JJ Abrams crossing the street. At the same time you notice a large truck bearing down on him. From your vantage point you can see directly into the cab of the truck and you see that the driver has dropped his cigar and is scrabbling at the seat trying to find it. He has not looked up, he does not see Abrams, his foot is still on the gas. Abrams similarly has not noticed the truck.

You take all this in in an instant and realise the truck will strike Abrams within the next five seconds with enough force to certainly kill him. If you were to yell a warning however, Abrams would look to his side and dodge the truck. If you don't yell anything though he will be killed, although under these circumstances no court of law would ever convict you of any crime.

My question to you Sup Forums is would you warn Abrams? Or would you let the truck strike him?

holy shit that nose

Warn him.

He made Rey cry.

For that he must pay.

I run as fast as I can to kill him with my bare hands before that fucking truck steals my glory.

>My question to you Sup Forums is would you warn Abrams? Or would you let the truck strike him?

I'd be driving the goddamn truck

I don't bother to waste time yelling a warning. I grab one of the arrows from the quivers I keep next to every window, nock it, and make a precise shot into the truck's gasoline tank, making it explode. With the truck now disintegrated completely, Mr. Abrams will no longer be in danger. I would then close my shades and expect no reward. It's what any citizen would do to help.

>with enough force to certainly kill him.

I'd let the force be with him.

Yes, because then he would owe me a life debt.

This is the only correct answer. Also, kek

This. He would owe me a favor, and that favor would be to completely unfuck Rians fuckery in IX.

Let him die

I'd use two seconds to pen a note that says, "I can guarantee you I can prolong your life for a million dollars, take a second to reach him, give him a second to read it, then spend the last second becoming a millionaire.

I’d probably have an instant reflex to warn him and then regret it because I could’ve let him die but didn’t because my brain is to cucked to let me make mean decisions

warn him that George is driving right towards him. I'd also yell that he already got Kathleen Kennedy and Rhian Johnson and their corpse is rotting inside the back of the lorry.


>He went under the wheels
>Are you SURE?
>I saw it. He went under the wheels

Back up and make sure.

jesus christ, george

I would sort of mumble a warning that he couldn't hear, then I would realize that I needed to be louder. But then I'd also realize that I don't like him, I'd hesitate and then he'd be dead.



I'd warn. Not because I want JJ to live, but because I don't want some poor trucker to go to jail. Even if he's just charged with manslaughter, you know he'll get max sentence time for killing one of (((them)))

I'd warn him. I think he's a hack who helped ruing both Star Trek and Star Wars, but I don't begrudge spending $12 to see The Force Awakens so much that I would let a man die for it.


I would probably yell without thinking. I've been in a few panicky situations like this and it feels like you just act without any thought. If I had time to think, I'd still yell to save him. I don't like his movies, but that's a pretty petty thing to allow him to die over.

I'd yell that there's a nickel on the ground so his Jewish genetics would firmly plaster his feet on the ground in anticipation of surveying for an extra five cents.

This is accurate.

Every LucasFilm and Marvel Studio "director" deserves a blunt fate. I would only save them on the assumption that they'll reward me with a career of painting actresses toe nails. I fucking hate these guys so I probably wouldn't bother putting my neck out. If I am going to risk becoming crippled it needs to be for an artist I respect.

>he's a hack who helped ruing both Star Trek and Star Wars
How did we get to the point that this was allowed to be a real thing that happened in the real fucking world? HOW?? We let one fucking man ruin two of the best and most popular franchises in existence.


sit back and enjoy the show. it would be the most entertaining thing jj was ever involved in.


I think it's fair to blame him for star wars, but with regards to trek everything after DS9 has been, to varying degrees, pretty terrible as a whole, culminating in the current clusterfuck. ST was ruined by many people and it's been steady work for twenty years.

I would warn him. I'm not a piece of shit, the guy just makes movies I don't like.

>but with regards to trek everything after DS9 has been, to varying degrees, pretty terrible as a whole
Show yourself out.

>My question to you Sup Forums is would you warn Abrams? Or would you let the truck strike him?

I loved Voyager while it was airing and watched every episode. But looking back in the cold light of reason it's one of the worst written tv series ever. Astonishingly terrible.

I hope you are not going to defend ENT or DIS?

Let it happen. The perfect society people like him envision naturally creates that kind of social decay, apathy, and background loathing anyway. If the chef can't taste his dish he has no business cooking.

>But looking back in the cold light of reason it's one of the worst written tv series ever. Astonishingly terrible.
No, it actually isn't. You just hate it because you listened to Sup Forumskikes who hated it because Janeway had tits. Voyager was where the Borg shined.

>I hope you are not going to defend ENT or DIS?
Absolutely Disgusting.

>You just hate it because you listened to Sup Forumskikes who hated it because Janeway had tits

No, I hated it because Janeway got turned into a salamander and had babies with Paris, The Rock rock bottomed Seven, Chakote spent one episode fighting a four armed alien boxer and dozens of other such "highlights". I hate it because it was terrible.

>Janeway got turned into a salamander and had babies with Paris
LOL. Picking the worst episode, really dumbass? And what about all the times I had to sit through Worf episodes on TNG? Oh wait, I skipped those ones.

>something else being bad makes the thing I'm trying to defend not bad somehow

Stellar reasoning ability sir.

I wouldn't even get my phone out to record it.
I'd just quietly watch it all unfold. "This...this is just for me."

TNG is overall fucking gay

Oh get over yourself. Voyager was amazing on all sorts of levels. The Borg (in depth), Species 8472, a more modern StarTrek with the aesthetics of TNG. People shit-talk this series because asinine mgtows made it into something bad and one dedicated shitposter on this very board screamed about how DS9 was infallible over and over again.

>I liked something, but then someone was really loud about hating it and I hated it too!
The epitome of brainletism.

Jews, basically. You know its true.

No wonder he hates white men.

I know. Just like western animation. Ever since that fucking kike Gendy Tard-kikey made Dexter's lab, etc. now EVERY FUCKING CARTOON has to be that shitty style, even if they're 3D CGI. But ThunderCats, that has to be canceled. This age is such trash.

I'd warn him, then ask to be given a somewhat major role in Episode IX. From there I'd schmooze and act my way to success in Hollywood while Sup Forums forever cursed my name for saving his life.

I'm more of a 2 Stupid Dogs man myself


top kek

You're not obligated to save a person and cannot be sued by the person if you weren't the one who put that person in danger in the first place.

I would let the truck hit him, jump into my car, and run him over again

I jump in front of the truck, killing myself and him.