Why Frozen is so kino?

Why Frozen is so kino?

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Lesbian incest is always kino.

Songs, waifus and subversion of expectation. What's not kino about any of that?


No niggers

Knew exactly what was going to happen a year before seeing it and hans still took me off guard

It was complete shit

>hans still took me off guard
Ikr.... I couldn't resist Prince Charming.

I want to fuck Elsa so fucking bad. I’ve almost convinced my Swedish girlfriend to wear a wig. Then the dress and it’ll almost be there. I’m going to make his happen.

get a load of this edgemaster

>triggered non-white

They tried to make Tangled again but made it worse

>No diversity
That's why Frozen is so good.

Who would win in a fight? Elsa or Iceman from the X-Men?

>that scene where Elsa gets BLACKED
how did Disney get away with this?

Moana > Frozen >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tangled

God, I wanna fuck Rupenzel too. I wasn’t even interested in blondes back in the day, then one weekend I saw both of those movies and ever since it’s like someone flipped a switch

>pollocks will defend one of disneys worst movies because there are no black people in it

sad. its objectively one of the weakest offerings they've had in years.


not that i've ever seen this dumb movie. it's for little girls. tangled is great thoughe

Because it promotes white beauty

Real talk Gigantic was gonna be real genuine kino and now it doesn't exist

>"Frozen" is the highest-grossing animated film of all time.
Budget: $150 million
Box office: $1.276 billion

I remember when the Frozen short played before Coco in movie theaters and people accused Disney of not having any faith in a film based on Mexican culture.

Get a load of these Disney shills lapping up the shit because it features white women. Let's just ignore everything about the movie that makes it objectively the worst modern Disney movie along with Big Hero 6, it's good because the characters are white

niggers BTFO
Liberals BTFO

Why do you hate frozen? Why is it especially bad for a children’s film?

>create absolutely phenomenal 11/10 character
>give him four minutes of screentime
What's their endgame?

>Money made equals quality

Physically impossible

>Big Hero 6
of course it has a nigger

It's really not

The best part was the first scene/song

Only good for waifus

Frozen made more money than The Last Jedi though

Gorgeous women



Would it even be physically possible to fug Elsa without your dick shattering into icy shards?

Umm sweetie? Its called "diversity" look it up

No, it was the worst because of story and writing reasons, not because it had a black guy

>First girl I ever kissed looks exactly like Elsa
>Tried to date her afterwards but she hates me

I hate my life


anything made by Jewwood that takes place in Europe will have Blacks.You can always expect as much. If you want something that shows European societies as they shouod be portrayed then look to Japananese anime or something.
did moana have Black people?

I fell asleep during this crab. How does it end?

> If you want something that shows European societies as they shouod be portrayed then look to Japananese anime or something.
Wasn't some anime called "Fate" put under fire because it had some French hero as a loli or something like that?

Kids will associate Disney with capeshit and Starwars now instead of kino animation

Love the porn.

France likes lolis so I doubt it

I'll never understand the appeal of this character.
>Shit personality
>Generic Disney sameface
>Whore makeup

>I'll never understand the appeal of this character.

That's because you're a dick slurping faggot

Tsundere like relationships

>Frozen served a political purpose: to demonstrate that a woman did not need a man to be successful. Anything written to serve a political purpose (rather than to explore and create) is propaganda, not art.

He is voiced primarily by openly gay actor Jonathan Groff. Interesting note. Yeah Frozen is kino.

That's not political.
What is political is
>women do not need men
>men impede women
see nu wars

Why was Moana literally perfect?


first one should be
>women cannot need men

So you're saying that only cucks like her?

Disney hasn't made anything good since the 60s

The famous animated movies are all shit

People shit on it but I love the animation and the tech behind it. You guys notice the snow? Disney Research division published their paper based on the tech. Their physics system can now accurately simulate particles at harmonic frequency at what I can surmise is within realistic levels. It's fucking insane.

Great themes and songs

I agree, and it looks so amazing.

He does look like him. Cute.

It already looks dated compared to Moana and Zootopia

the snow is amazing, I'll give it that.

I also think it has better music than Moana which apparently became a minority opinion at some point

Moana is 10 times the waifu Elsa could ever dream of being

the plot


It really only had one memorable song.

That has nothing to do with my post but
>being a shitskin-lover

>she looked at her best in the coronation dress
>she will never wear anything close to it again in Frozen 2 or the shorts
Life is suffering

if you have jungle fever, so yeah

Oh I do

do people still play san andreas online?

>People actually choose Elsa over her superior sister Anna

Not once but twice I ended up working with two cute girls that kind of looked like her, shame I struck out with both and neither are interested in even talking to me.

>the virgin anna
>the chad elsa

>jungle fever

I don't think you know what that term means.

I thought Moana had better songs. Every one of them I liked, whereas the only one in frozen that I enjoyed was the reprise in the ice castle between the sisters. Snowman and troll songs were godawful

then what term is appropriate for that?

I’d pic anna. she seems like she'd actually love me.

coconut fever

She's an even worse character than Elsa. Generic Mary Sue given the illusion of flaws by being naive about like one thing. They're both terrible though

Sounds weird, but I see it. Someone hardly mentioned it IRL

So what will Frozen 2's plot be?

Anna is cute, adorable, and cares about her family.

Elsa is an uncaring bitch.

Can fire in spurts

underrated kek

I found Moana refreshing because she failed for a lot of the movie, didn't expect that from Disney. They straight up had her almost kill others twice

shitty movie carried heavily by the success of one song and lesbian incest dreams

Yea..guess that would be kino to faggots that say kino

>the massive amount of incest shipping that this movie produced
This is what happens when you don't pair the spares


The live-action version of Frozen is kino.


>156 episodes
I don't know if it's worth it.

Judy is best Disney waifu of all time.

> women do have need men!
> fucks chad, gets preggo
> supported by welfare state that gets 80% of its money from men
> hell ya gurlllll

The first four seasons are worth it if you like weird disney fanfic. Also, lots of hot actresses.

>mirin those titties before looking at her face

That Elsa is the opposite of hot

>once upon a time
is it a good show?

Its shit made for 50 year old mothers

because it is about a stronk aryan slut princess who needs to be rescued by a peasant knight in not so shiny armor

She's an absolute qt.