EVA adaptation

Directed by Lynch. Produced by Netflix. Are we watching it?

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Why do you keep making this thread?

>Directed by Lynch

yes he has top taste in women


i hope they run out of cash soon.

Would never have the budget to pull it off and they'd fail to capture the scale of everything.

only trusting an EVA adaptation if its
1. Produced by HBO
2. 2/3 Seasons Long (Plus EoE)
3. Directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga, Jeremy Saulnier, or some unknown genius
And i'm not fucking with anything else otherwise.

Is EVA actually good? It seems like it's one of the most iconic anime properties around, but then so is Cowboy Bebop, and that was plebby as fuck.

Bump you foreign parasite


It was pretty dang good

Honestly the greatest show ever made. Not Plebby at all.





>copy pasta of copy pasta of bot posting


>Produced by HBO

>Directed by Mel Gibson
At least you would know they won't make Asuka black or Misato a pajeet or something

Can someone explain to me why anime fans obsess over getting live-action adaptations of their cartoons, then bitch relentlessly about how bad they were after they get made?

the only live action eva i'll watch is asuka rape porn

CB wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Eva. It was Eva that managed to put original anime on TV instead of it being relegated to niche audiences. It was pretty much the culmination of everything that had come before it.

Bump again

you haven't been able to bump your own thread for years dumbfuck

I'm asking as someone who is generally cautious about anime because most of it is 'meh' at best to me. I really like Berserk and most of Satoshi Kon's stuff is good, but that's about it as the big name stuff goes.

It's good. Some of the episodes are kinda all over the place since it was a 26 episode show, but the parts that people like and remember it for are still amazing 20 years after.

Tom Holland actually might work well for Shinji, he was really able to pull off an meek highschooler in homecoming.
But if Evangelion isn't faithful to the original when it comes to setting and casting I can't really see the whole thing coming together.

The only way you'd convince me of watching an Eva movie is if it was mostly based on the Kaworu parts of the show/manga/movies. It would be gay as fuck, but if you started in media res you could condense stuff enough while still having their relationship be the main thread of the movie and showing Shinji's issues while having a window for world building with Kaworu's relationship with the Angels and Seele. And the cliffhanger ending would be great.

Why is there no Bluray of eoe?

shinji is now called tyrone

This isn't my thread. I'm asking the parasite OP why he keeps making this trash thread

yes there is, maybe not in english.

Just watch brokeback mountain you fuck

They came out about 2015, the entire series and EoE.
It was a huge thing on Sup Forums because the series had gone so long without an HD remaster.


Anime in live action doesn't work


Shinji: Michael Cera
Asuka: Emma Stone
Rei: Kristen Stewart
Misato: Scarlet Johansson
Gendo Ikari: Gary Oldman
Ritsuko: Sigourney Weaver
Kaji: James Franco
Kaworu: some K-poop boyband members
Toji Suzuhara: Jake Paul
Pen Pen: Danny DeVito

I'll watch any adaptation as long as there are no niggers in it like in the anime.




It depends on the anime. I unironically think pic related could work perfectly with someone like Refn directing.

Isnt Orlando Bloom too big for Dandelion?

I don't want to see Cera in any movie ever again

Bump again you piece of trash OP


Too scared to post on Sup Forums.

I barely understood anything that Shinji was babbling about in all of those internal monologues of his.

it's a shit board anyways

But Pacific Rim is already a thing.

white people are fucking crazy...

>I barely understood anything that Shinji was babbling about in all of those internal monologues of his.

don't pretend like you didn't read the explanation on wikipedia or something.

It's been a while since I watched the series but when did he even "babble" about anything remotely hard to understand?

I'll only take JJ Abrams for my EVA or no deal.

A lot of the people who experienced Eva initially were only familiar with anime.
So when the show goes along and does things that are completely alien to them like use vivid imagery and such they get lost.
I won't lie, the first time I watched it I didn't really get it either, but then again I was 13.
Upon my rewatches I found it's a pretty well made series and you can understand its message if you have a decent amount of brain cells and a heartbeat.
However there are a few interesting underlying themes and ideas here and there.

I'm Chinese.

I should have said that I barely understood why I wasted my time listening to some little animated nip boy ramble about his existential crises.

Eva is a cornerstone of Sup Forums culture and is thus allowed on every board

>directed by Lynch
Only as long as this plays whenever that faggot manlet Shinji does anything

wouldn't that be yotsuba?

Bump again
Also why is this spam being protected?


I tried thinking about a better Shinji but couldn't think of a better bitch boy.

Lynch's eva vs angel fight scenes would be interesting.


just throw a bunch of literal who teen actors as shinji, asuka, and rei but make the adult figures like misato and gendo recognizable actors/actresses

How exactly was EVA influential?

Stop saying Netflix is producing anything. They're just the streaming service that buys the rights of series and films.

it influenced me to be a neet weeb virgin

don't know what that is
came from reddit went straight to Sup Forums then Sup Forums made me insecure so i came here

I'd love to see someone like Michael Bay or Luc Besson do the adaption and completely take the piss out of the source material. Basically make it teenagers fighting generic aliens with giant robots and winning through the power of friendship. All along the way, the movie keeps teasing that it's building up to a complete 180 turn into mega downer psychological stuff but it just never happens. The weeb asspain would be great.

Fucked up two generations of Japanese men. Name something other than a World War that did anything on that scale.

Kek I love Eva but that would be top tier hilarity

It would ruin the series too, nobody would consider watching it if the adaptation was baykino.


No, he cant do big theatrics as was demonstrated in Dune. He can definitely do psychological analysis and symbolism (leagues above Anno) but Eva needs it's theatrics like a symphony needs more than just strings and flutes.

Also, Netflix wouldn't be able to bring enough cash into the project without spending an unreasonable amount on a project they don't know will bring them their money back.

Literally every anime that came after it owes SOMETHING to Eva

Eh, don't get your hopes up. There's some good stuff in there but if you don't care about the mental issues of some teenage boy you might end up a bit disappointed after all the hype like me. If they had less exploration of people having problems connecting with eachother and more of the fantasy and sci-fi stuff going on I would give it a better rating, but that's just what I found interesting about it.

>Literally every anime that came after it owes SOMETHING to Eva

primarily they owe even being on air.
because thanks to eva proving that original anime can be successful

Anime in the early/mid 90s had basically become niche again after Akira and various other projects had bombed, it wasn't safe to invest money into anime anymore (this was doubled by the fact that japan's economy had recently taken a hit.) That was until Eva had become a big money making success, Eva made it OK to invest dosh into the anime market again, thus causing anime to once again become mainstream (In japan that is) without it, anime probably would have remained in niche for at least another 8 years.

Also I'd probably literally be here all day telling you which anime it personally influenced and how it did it. The short and sweet of it is that Eva is pretty much the reason that most anime that takes itself seriously can take itself seriously.

ty dudes

>feeding that pleb of a ferret

Sorry for the late reply as well.

> "babble" about anything remotely hard to understand?

The 'introspection' scenes are some of the weakest written and easiest to understand parts of the show. There are so many other confusing as fuck things about it though that basically nobody actually understands it, and those who claim to are largely filling in tons of shit with headcannon. There are so many red herrings that imply things that aren't ever further explored and which don't clearly add up to any clear answers.

You were never unsure of yourself when you were a teenager? You can't relate? Or what was the problem?

They say NGE loses some of its magic if you watch it later in life - and that might even be true - but I'd wager the problem is more about you, than Shinji, if you can't understand what's going on.

>Basically make it teenagers fighting generic aliens with giant robots and winning through the power of friendship.
>Characters who aren't terrible at talking to each other about their feelings actually co-operate and win where everyone being neurotic would fuck things up

It would be the Evangelion of Evangelion.

When the FUCK is 3.0(+1) coming out?

No because hes a dementia riddled faggot who would shit all over the original story and imagery so some retards on a cambodian scrimshaw forum can scream 'L Y N C H E D' every time someone points out his chicanery.

No one knows.

And eventho I'm an adult, it still feels like I've waited forever for it to come out.

t. alberto barbosa

Just re-dub the anime with celebrities.
Zooey Deschanel
Anna Kendrick
Kristen Stewart
Drew Barrymore
>Gendo Ikari
Will Arnett
Werner Herzog
Allison Brie
Aaron Paul
Tom Holland
Jake Paul
Gaten Matarazzo
Brittany Snow

directed by anno would be better

Modern HBO can't resist putting gonzo nudity in everything it does. Rei would get whored up and the waifufags would riot.

>produced by Netflix
Nope. I don't watch propaganda.