$1.5 mil budget

>$1.5 mil budget
>one of the best action movies of 2015
Why the fuck can’t they make kinos like this regularly?

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Kino is in low demand. The masses of normies demand appeasement.

S. Craig Zahler is shaping up to be my new favorite grindhouse director. Brawl on Cell Block 99 was lesser but still good, and Dragged Across Concrete is shaping up to be kino as fuck with Mel involved.

That being said, if this film was bigger, I guarantee you the SJWs would be all over it.

>white men band together to kill savages and save one injured guys 10/10 wife
>injured guy asks the lord to help him kill said savages
You’re right this is /ourkino/ for sure. SJWs hate everything good and manly

I like him too, 99 was dumb but funny and I'm definitely interested in his next project.

I enjoyed Brawl in Cell Block 99 far more than I thought I would.

I'm really loving the resurgence of true unironic grindhouse. That movie was fucking brutal without any flash, just Vince Vaughn playing a role I never thought he could and beating the shit out of people like it's his job.

That's a good appraisal. I like how Matthew Fox's character was based around killing indians and bandits. They didn't try to misportray his actions as unnecessary. He was always right.

Is it really that good? Kind of in the same vein as Bow Tomahawk?

Not them but I can confirm it's pretty good. Kinda slow to start though.

Not everyone is as good as Zahler, and not many people seem to realize that Patrick Wilson is pure kino

The Good:
>Story is threadbare and to the point
>Action is absolutely brutal and "realistic" to an extent
>Vince Vaughn nails the role

The Bad:
>it's a bit too long. It's not that the story is meandering, but it uses the fact that it's a slow burner to make the action more impactful.
>Color pallet is annoying, nearly every shot has an ever present blue filter that's a bit distracting
>That's about it.

>one of the best action movies of 2015
How can you justify calling it an "action" movie? It's an ultra-slow-burn drama with a dash of horror.

I've never given Matthew Fox much thought as an actor, but he was great in this. He should seek out more roles like that.

>it's a bit too long
Watching Brawl in Cell Block 99 is probably the shortest 2 hours and 12 minutes I've ever spent

>when the amputated baby factories appear

I hope we get Mel doing something like this

I was pretty captivated the entire time, to be honest. But if I had to make a complaint at all it's that it's a hour and a half of movie that's stretched into nearly 2 and a half.

But as I said in the original post, it's for a reason. The slow parts are intentionally designed to make the action stand out even more, at 90 minutes it would just be him beating the shit out of everyone every 10 or so minutes and lesson the impact it holds.

The pacing is very intentional, it's not a movie trying to stretch it's runtime.

Holy fuck, it was over 2 hours? It felt like a 90 minute movie.

>they show the guy getting scalped and split in half

It was a step too far, in my opinion. I wish they'd built suspense using off-screen horror, instead.

Are you guys ready for the return of Masculine Kino? It's a shame that Zahler is the only person making movies for men these days.

It wasn't that good

>t. female

How did they get away with portraying native americans as the savages they actually were?

Indeed. Once it started amping up I was fucking hooked. Didn’t realize it was 2am until it was over.

its a fucking western. and yes, mixed with horror, specifically the italian cannibal movie style.

they have a spokes-indian who says the indians aren't indians

I was fucking dissapointed with brawl in memeblock 69 but I have faith on him.

Almost everyone from LOST, bar Emmerson and Lilly has dissappeared, and it's a shame. You'd think after such a hit they'd all be getting tons of roles.

THat happens with most actors from hit series,look at the sopranos or the wire

Mad Men too

>I'm really loving the resurgence of true unironic grindhouse.
this. it was shitty for a while with Tarantino, Eli Roth, Rob Zombie and Robert Rodriguez making over the top, hyper stylized 'throwbacks' that the ironic 'so bad its good' crowd lapped up. none of those people care to watch it done properly.

But why? I get it if they're subpar, but that wasn't the case with LOST, Sopranos, Mad Men, etc. Why do they all dissappear?

I think its because they someshow get haunted because of how good they were,look at Gandolfini,no matter what they played after the sopranos you would always think of Tony while watching it

I think you're right, probably the typecasting. I guess if you see the same character for many years on end, they get branded onto the actor.

It's cheap and easy to make intentionally shitty grindhouse, by its very nature these days it's so easy to replicate the style that anyone with an iphone and some filters could do it, but it's not proper and loses its edge.

>mfw I forgot Gandolfini died until I read that

I guess. But maybe it's mostly about studios thinking that then the actors themselves. Which is weird, since with the movies it's the exact opposite.

It is possible. Whereas an iconic film role has the person playing a character for 2 to 6 hours (sequels and all that), an iconic tv role has them in-character for hundreds of hours.

Still, it's a shame. At least I hope they got paid enough and are making some good cash through royalties.

To this day, Hamm's the only guy to have escaped that fate, since he's appearing on movies regularly since Mad Men ended, and he's getting courted from both DC & Marvel.

They become identifiable with the role.

Same reason why John krasinski has been drastically changing his appearance and putting on muscle to escape being just Jim from the office.

TV roles like that are a blessing and a curse, they're guaranteed steady work and pay for the duration of the show, but they're plagued afterwards because audiences can't disassociate them from the role.

They typecast themselves into oblivion in the worst way, not just a certain archetype that can be worked into roles, but a specific character.


I think this is a lazy excuse. Ford played in his first actual big movie one of the most recognizable pop culture characters of all time, got cast in another role who turned into one of the most recognizable pop culture characters of all time and still was hired for productions with a serious dramatic attempt (Frantic from Roman Polanski for example).
It could be that the other actors aren't just as charismatic or good and they nailed it perfectly with that one role, but are bad actors in other roles.

Kino sex scene.
>tfw no hot young wife to have procreative sex with
Her gasp when he put the peeper in her was so pure

The industry had changed a bit. Harrison is an outlier because he was handsome and charismatic... and propped up by his backers Lucas and Spielberg to be something more than a one shot.

I think the fault is less in the actors and their agents and more in producers not wanting actors with iconic or career defining roles in their productions.

>S. Craig Zahler is shaping up to be my new favorite grindhouse director.
I literally think he is the best film maker currently working in Hollywood. Both Bone Tomahawk and Brawl are terrible C-movie scripts but somehow Zahler turned both of them into kino.

>action movie
but it's not

Each section of the movie has a different color pallet iirc
Liek up until he gets rusted, it's sort of normal looking, then in the fridge it's blue, then the second prison dark gray then in 99 it's rust

I noticed that too.

apparently his script he used for Bone Tomahawk was his first draft, and not a single thing was removed or changed from it throughout filming. took him years to get funding because investor's kept demanding cuts and rewrites, but he refused. not many writer/director's are that sure of themselves and their work. pretty based.

That's pretty damn impressive if it's all true.

A slow burner, gitty, brutal western is hard enough to sell. Especially as a young director. Props for not caving into studio interference to make it more palatable.

Im surprised that with a 1.5 million budget he was able to get Kurt Russell in there

He probably liked the script and premise.

Mods. HEY MODS! We have a teenager on the loose!

that, and it was shot in only 21 days. Dude made his first movie on a tiny budget in marathon time and it came out looking better than most films with 100x the budget and 4x the shooting schedule. Then he makes Brawl in Cell Block 99 proving it wasn't a fluke. I have very high hopes for Dragged Across Concrete.

At this point in his career he can comfortably live off residual checks, he presumably works only when something is of interest to him.

>t. wrong

He's an unreliable drunk unfortunately, like Michael Biehn

>$1.5 mil budget
Fucking hell thats nothing.
one of my favorite movie of 2015

Really? Shit, that's a shame.

you got a boner ?

>literally Wild west Hills have eyes
>one of the best action movies of 2015

its Hills have eyes with revolvers

I think we're all so used to seeing weightless cgi violence that anything more visceral hits much harder when it does come along

Yep, Kurt pushed the project along.
Its no surprise when these actors see a potential kino in the works and they do their best to help a director.
They must be tired of the endless capeshit as much as we are.

the action scenes are literally the worst parts of the movie, Brawl99 is superior, the guy has serious potential i hope he moves on from those retarded B movie type tropes that hes been exhibiting in both films and becomes more nuanced

movie was awful

>They must be tired of the endless capeshit as much as we are.
Kurt was in GotG though. Capeflicks are not the problem, the problem is when they're soulless Capeshit. An Iron Man Trilogy based on stuff like Armor Wars, with Hammer and Stane done right, or Director of SHIELD would've been unironically kino. The problem is that they're too safe. IM used to be one of the least-cape books around, long before Image and indies became a thing.

1. brawl in cell block 99 - 8/10
2. bone tomahawk - 6/10

Fucking hell, I forgot how hard this scene hits. My stomach's uneasy now

Even if his performance was great, I doubt that he did GotG out of interest, more because he likes checks.

t. soylent

>action movie
