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>Wicked Sense of Humor
Checks out


me on the left

why do they all make that face?

True Detective Season 2 is much more human and moral than Season 1 and in doing away with the ineffective paganism made it the conspiracy more believable but because of that and the trade of a "intelligent, nihilistic and wicked sense of humor" character for a cast of flawed and unarrogant characters whose dialogue was more story-serving and motive-revealing than pseudointellectual harangues caused the S1fags to recoil against it. They also suffer from the "I don't want anything different and recoil from different" syndrome.

I'm Batman.

I love Sup Forums

how do you always manage to distill the best memes and turn them into greatness

Its a goofy face so what does it matter if they look like shit in the pic it wasnt serious just a joke

>tfw you spend too much time on Sup Forums then try to meme on another board and everyone calls you a faggot so you just come back here


shilling your content is against the rules, user


Don’t you dare make fun of based ronnie

>Virgin Runner 2049
>Only Chad Forgives

don't forget CIA and Bane

>A bunch of characters who would never make that face


besides Rick, those two characters are what robots closely. and they are not soyboys..totally. yes they can be feminine, but most soyboys have "gfs" and are stanch feminists.

You leave CIA + Bane alone
They are top tier kino and so are there memes
You're just jealous cause he's a big guy for you

very true

sure, if I was an underaged deadmeme pusher like yourself



2018 top meme comin' through

Why do they all look like this? Like, you have the choice of shaving your beard, wearing contacts, but no you look in the mirror and go "YES, I AM MAKING AN ACTIVE DECISION TO LOOK LIKE THIS" good lord


>ask about that face
>don't ask about the why all of them are white

and yes, you all know the answer to that question

r-ronnie's numaleism is part of the character!!!

So this is the power of soy products. Not bad.

>Why do they all look like this?
Social programming bro. The rise of the numale has been a long time in the making. Nietzsche (aka Nitch) predicted his coming. The Last Man.

>it wasnt serious just a joke
Pretty much. Although that easily also applies to virtually everything written here.

look at that

>tfw you're a comic fan
>tfw you've had a pull list for decades
>tfw your favorite was Iron Man, ever since you read Doomquest
I hide all of it. Nobody knows about it. It's like a dirty secret that I cannot share with anybody. I'll die before I associate myself with these soyboys.

Happy numale is cancer.

You're right; upset numale is much better.


>Stealing /biz/ memes

how about you get out of here too you faggot

>Drumph will be impeached soon then we can finally have a progressive society


wow 3 ryan goslins and one morty nice meme OP

Requesting the "whoa I'm totally not like them" pic.

They're awaiting the cumshot.

>daring syntheses are theft now


I thought this was a joke of some kind, until I saw the date.

You'd think if they really were as estrogenic as Sup Forums believes they couldn't grow those beards

>hating on Ronnie

>buying the japanese version of breath of the cock
holy shit this guy isn't just a regular soyboy, he's an ultramegafaggotsoyboy

>that image
Now do one for Sup Forums

White Nationalists BTFO!

just replace the logos on the shirts with variations of those stupid faggoty non-swastik "white power" symbols

You don't need an mspaint comic for Sup Forums. There's plenty of actual pictures.

>Now do one for Sup Forums
How? Each one a different type of fascism?


It wouldn't be any different

soylent grin

These people really make it hard for me to be liberal

Rust Cohle's character got ruined at the night. What a cowardly, schmaltzy ending.

Why do soyboys enjoy edgy media yet support the most leftist, kumbaya hippie bullshit imaginable?

>Mfw I look like the guy in the top image

Fucking kill me Sup Forums

do it yourself... oh wait lefty cant meme :(

>Ham 4 her

>mfw the soylent meal replacement supplement comes in the mail

the world may never know

Shave your beard, homo.

Although turbo-virgins on Sup Forums appreciate drive/br2049, I feel like the soyjak, though similar, is inappropriate for this meme. In fact most soyboys/numale bloggers and online journalists disliked blade runner.

That being said both drive and Blade Runner are still well made movies worthy of praise, probably just not the autistic fanboying they frequently receive.

i know right? nothing fucking matters dude lifes a mistake heh i could accomplish things but why bother nothing matters im so intellectual

No fuck you I like the beard.
Plus shaving it makes me look like more of a kid.

Aye, this

Truly anyone who was actively for Hillary was just bad or deluded

If you're worried about looking like a kid then you should probably start lifting.

You don't have to shave, just keep it short and shave your head. That guy would look 10x better if he did that

And there it is. SoyGoyBoyTois always grow a nu-tron beard because they have a shit chin.
>tfw you see one recently shaved IRL
wew lad


They already did it for themselves

Indian Elliot Rodger?

Why is this so funny?

Bunch of dudes hanging out near the womens rest room.

Rust didn't even believe that you brainlet. Otherwise he wouldn't have felt that having a child was a mistake. The ending was weak.


thank god i have a square face and a nice jaw. non-mewers should just commit suicide, stick a shotgun up to your narrow palate and pull the trigger you mouth breathing faggots

And your other beard


>making fun of Ronnie

Ronnie gets more pussy than you, faggot.

diversity is beautiful

celtic cross > swastika
fuck aryanism


The downstairs one?

But he's a nice guy, would never confront people or demand to know who you voted for.

>when a new anime has finally dowloaded and I think I might get a new waifu

Growing a beard is the most passive way to signal one's masculinity. They've been ruined by the middle east and these numales. Shave or open mouth gape, those are the options. numale secretly grow beards to kowtow to the middle east threat in an attempt to appease them

fuck lads should i get LASIK
i literally need glasses to see but i don't want to have anything in common with these people


I wouldn't and my vision is shit. Shave face and get non shit glasses or even better, contacts.

yeah I'm not muslim but when I lived in the ghetto I figured having a mujahedin beard would make the muzz leave me alone, I was never bothered by arabs but I'm not sure if correlation equals causation in this situation.




>muh honorary aryans
>muh kali yuga


>Putting based Ronnie with those soykins
Delete right now