Why is she as strong as Kylo when she's trained less than 2 weeks?

Why is she as strong as Kylo when she's trained less than 2 weeks?

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For the last time.

Kylo was seriously injured, he was also really pissed off. So basically they had him fully on tilt.

because the Force in the OT wasn't about literal training and powerlevel shit, it was about spirit and belief. The ONLY training Luke ever got from Obi-wan and Yoda is them telling him to stop thinking about shit and to just let the Force guide him.

Kylo is an insecure autist who was heavily wounded both physically and emotionally, which is why he lost to Rey. This was obvious in TFA and is explained in explicit detail in TLJ for the retards who didn't get it the first time.

According to Rian Johnson the force is always balanced between the light and the dark. So as Kylo got stronger so did Rey. Yes, he had to train all his life and she gets everything given to her

But it still don't make sense. He could have his arm torn off and have the flu, and he should have been able to beat her by tossing her into a tree or something.

>Eyes and mouth wide open

1. Kylo had been shot
2. Disney has to show that: women r strong too! tell your parents to buy her toys kids!
3. It pleases numales (that's the target demographic, nobody in this board is)

>Eyes and mouth wide open


Garbage writing and she is a flat, uninteresting character because of it.

Kylo was emotionally distraught and had been shot by the insanely powerful crossbow blaster.
Her beating Luke in Last Jedi was insane, though. Luke completely punks out Kylo like it's nothing in the final battle, I have no idea how she bested him in combat like that.

Yeah we get it, Jay. You like Star Wars.

>Her beating Luke in Last Jedi was insane, though

She literally didn't beat Luke, though. He disarms her almost immediately and then she cheats and pulls a lightsaber.

That is literally retarded... why did Luke ever lose to Vader then?

Shouldn't every fight have been a draw?


>She literally didn't beat Luke, though. He disarms her almost immediately and then she cheats and pulls a lightsaber.
So he disarms her, then she re-arms herself again, thereby BEATING LUKE.

This. It's no longer about training, discipline, practice, method, technique, will, knowledge, or understanding. As Kylo becomes more attuned to the force Rey becomes his equal regardless. He might as well stop training. He might as well stop using the force like Luke. Her power would drastically diminish and give the First Order a sure-fire victory. Or maybe that's not even an option. Maybe Kylo will forever be her equal. And even if Rey were to train harder Kylo would become stronger regardless just to balance it out. Hm...

Anything goes in a fight, her being able to call the sword is fighting skills, so she won. He wasn't trying to kill her? Cool, but he didn't stop her either.

shitty, third wave feminist writing.

so if I get into a boxing match with Mike Tyson, and then suddenly pull a gun on him and shoot him in the head, does that mean I beat Mike Tyson?

Anakin gets slammed into a pillar and recovers instantly, gets hit by force lightning from Dooku and then slammed into two pillars and still recovers instantly.

So if it was just that Kylo was weakened how is she able to help Kylo defeat an entire group of imperial guards 3 days later?

Terrible example, this is a swordfight where you lose your first weapon but then you find a second one and win. This is what happened there


Gogo "won", Bride Sue won.

>Kylo wakes up to Luke about to kill him, defeats him and destroys the Jedi temple
>Loses to Rey
>Rey can also handle highly trained guards with semi lightsaber proof armor
>Luke also loses to Rey because she pulls a lightsaber on him
Thanks for giving us a protagonist that we can root for and has room to grow Disney!

If Tyson could throw cars with his mind and predict the future, yes.

>That grip and stance
She looks ridiculous. She looks like she's playing space baseball for fuck's sake.

she bypassed the.....

More like less than 2 days

>he was also really pissed off
>only your hatred can destroy me

Yoda prevents Ventriss from moving her saber ( canon )

Why can't Luke do the same?

>dude he got hurt

are you guys actually implying if you squared off against an injured guy that was 8 inches taller and 70 pounds heavier than you with more muscle mass that you could hold your own?

Because she's a woman and women can do anything

>then suddenly pull a gun on him and shoot him in the head, does that mean I beat Mike Tyson?
If you said you did I doubt he'd argue with you.

>Terrible example, this is a swordfight where you lose your first weapon but then you find a second one and win.

It was a stick fight and then as soon as she was disarmed she brought a sword to the fight.
Dirty pool. The fact that this isn't supposed to be seen as her being underhanded is galling.
It would even make more sense for Jake Skywalker to get disarmed and then stop her by using the force to get a lightsaber and cornering her, Rey daring him to go further and then him sheathing the blade and her dissing him and leaving to go help the rebellion.
These movie are so fucking shit. It's like they're written by someone who has no story instincts whatsoever.

It's a stance that makes sense if you have a fucking big sword, not that glowing stick.

Its not even a new scenario where the big dude goes into full tilt mode and losing to the smaller guy.

only reason you faggots are also going into tilt mode is because shes a woman who cant act.

There's no justification
Even while injured he should've punked Finn and Rey
And last time Kylo just immediately force gripped Rey, but he didn't even attempt that here

Read Darth Plageuis. Sheev was a teen and could make people fly around. You dont need training to use the force. Same thing with gifted people who can play piano by ear without any lessons.

So why the fuck does Yoda and Obiwan wait on Luke to come of age, instead of training literally anyone else?

Young Plagueis would get tossed around by Yoda or Obi Wan or Jake, you're missing this small detail.

>The green screen stick they gave her was heavy enough for her to make her stand like this
Just kill this franchise already. It's fucking dead.

Why didn't Kylo just use the force to turn Reys lightsaber off?

She is canonically a Mary Sue
She is no one and strong enough to actually mildly oppose Luke fucking Skywalker
You can't even throw the "SHE IS THE CHOSEN ONE" excuse out there now, she's literally some gutter dyke who picked up a lightsaber and became amazing with it

Because this is something that was written on the fly for the second movie, like the hyperdrive deus ex bullshit.

The stronger they get, the more likely to be sensed. ( Yoda was on a dark side planet )

It's shameful how bad the writing is.
I would not have given a fuck about a female Jedi if she had actually been a fully formed character.
It's startling just how badly they fucked up.

Being anger makes you stronger if you are a dark side user, you Disney cocksucker.

she mustve trained under emilia clarke

Maybe she's got lots of midochlorians or she's just the chosen one. You know, all the excuses you guys have been eating up for bad writing/poor characters for 40 years until one of them was female.

>like the hyperdrive deus ex bullshit

This whole series of events pissed me off.
I can understand why they did it. Because any time somebody gets into trouble, star wars nerd go
But they could have come up with something better than a hyperspace tracking device. Maybe the first order could have had a spy on the ship, and they needed to figure out who the spy is or something.

Being pissed off would have made him stronger tho sense his a Darkside user. Just like Luke using his darkside made him stronger when fighting vader. These movies are stupid and people defending them are retarded.

There was just as much bitching about midichlorians de-mystifying the force.
If Sup Forums were a thing in 1998 it's all Sup Forums threads would have been for like a year.
Somehow, Rey is even more nonsensical and de-mystifying than that.

Was Luke ever a chosen one? Because Anakin was always hated.

No one cares she's female. There have been tons of female Jedis and tons of strong female characters in Star Wars. Fans love those characters. And they'd love Rey too, if she hasn't been written by a committee of lobotomy patients.

Being on tilt has nothing to do with being physically weakened.
Being on tilt causes you to make stupid mistakes.
Like when Obi Wan told Anakin not to try attacking the high ground and he did it anyway.

>People expecting these movies to have any sort of qualities when they're approaching The Land Before Time numbers of sequels

>Land Before Time is on its 14th film
Holy shit. And Star Wars will eclipse that within the next, provided Solo and IX don't de-rail the franchise to the point it's put on hiatus for a few years

Ok so since Anakin has more midichlorians than Yoda let's have him fight Yoda in episode 1 and win.

That is literally what you said, you just arranged the letters differently.

Isn't that if you're a sith? Kylo isn't a sith and inexperienced

I think he was talking about how a suicide hyperdrive took out the first order fleet and that creates the problem of why didn't the rebels just do that with the death star or why build a death star when you could just do that to the planets themselves.

What was the stupid mistake Kylo made when fighting Rey tho. You see Anakin's stupid mistake and why Obiwan beat him. Also Obiwan was very experienced and knew how to handled many situations. Kylo makes no mistakes and is just gets out skilled by Rey.

Because she used the power of (((feminism)))

>Maybe the first order could have had a spy on the ship.
While this would have been much better, it still wouldn't have held up as a reason for not explaining the plan to Poe. Since Poe blew up starkiller base, he's the least likely person to be a spy in the entire resistance. Getting the resident hothead on-side would have also calmed everyone else down.

she's not. She has the potential to be his equal.


He was tutored by Luke Skywalker presumably since childhood and some guy who is apparently awesome with the Force over his adulthood. How is he inexperienced?

He's at least supposed to be an Obi Wan Knobby tier of Padawan, like jedi knight but not really. He didn't quit the academy after three hours.

This is like if Rey had almost killed Ep2 Anakin or Ep1 Obi Wan.

Because it's harder to restart a story occurring 30 years later within the saga universe than it is to look back in time and make prequels. The prequels were easier stories to produce by comparison.

>This is like if Rey had almost killed Ep2 Anakin or Ep1 Obi Wan.

Don't recall Obi every freezing laser bolts or people with the force in those.
It's established in the first half of the film that he is a formidable and powerful Jedi. This is kept up right until Rey out of nowhere bonds with the force because a lightsaber, which has no connection to anyone she knows, calls to her. Hours later she is Kylo's equal out of fucking nowhere.
It's total mary sue fan fiction tier writing.

I could've written a better story continuing the previous trilogy within a week. I have zero doubts.

she grew up fighting off thugs with a staff. She learned to fight naturally.
Kylo DIDN'T want to defeat her. He wanted to test her and get her to join him.

Because he'd never had a lightsaber duel before

Yeah. I spent years kicking a football and the second I picked up a basketball it was like second nature.
Practice with one you get the other.

And neither had Rey.
However I'm sure Kylo had trained in similar instances far more frequently. In fact, didn't the Knights of Ren slaughter the remaining Jedi that were loyal to Luke? Would've thought some of them used lightsabers.

Staff and saber are two different weapons you imbecile. Saber against someone who knows how to use his. Hmm

Why are you idiots always miss the most obvious?

Shes an extremely gifted force user. She can literally anticipate his actions, so can he. Why do you think Jedis can deflect blaster shots perfectly? They can sense them. Some even sense the future, as said by Qui-Gon when talking about podracing.

So yeah, she can sense his movements ona subconcience level.

No he wasn't. According to TLJ the only serious injury he had was from Rey's lightsaber. Rian completely ignored that shot from Chewie's weapon.

Except luke was about to pull some force shit when the camera showed a close up of his floating hand if rey hand't back down like she did

Look I'm not saying it's how I would have written it, but she did have experience with melee combat and, again... HE. WAS. NOT. TRYING. TO. KILL. HER. He was both injured, emotionally drained from killing his dad, and wanted to punish finn. rey attacked him. It was cheeky and weird that she bested him at the end, but this attitude, where its like,
'LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE" is retarded. When you consider that she is not some kind of novice with melee, and that Kylo didn't even really want to fight her there in the first place, it becomes only a little odd that she ultimately won, not some crazy, what were they thinking, moment.

>For the last time.

And he's right here too Why not just concede outright it's poor writing instead of inventing poor excuses or weak rationalisations?

>People justifying Rey's insane mary sue-ness
She's a terrible character, and so is Anakin before you bring him up.

Except he had zero problems with Finn and Force pushed Rey up a tree. Then all of a sudden Rey can beat him in a struggle of the Force

I haven’t watched it. Didn’t a single person fight him when he killed the students at the temple?

>on tilt
Go back to your assfaggots.

What? 3 days?
Are you serious?
That's dumb

How come she beat him at mind control when he was trying to interrogate her, considering she only discovered the force exists a few hours earlier, and he's been trained by Snoke and can use advanced powers like sleep and paralysis?

Kylo just got shot in the chest
Also she's been using that staff her whole life and she fights the same way with her lightsaber as we see in that scene where she cut the rock to pieces
Also Luke didn't have that much training before he fought vader either

>Why is she as strong as Kylo when she's trained less than 2 weeks?
she bypassed his compressor.

>Luke didn't have that much training before he fought vader
That's why he got his ass kicked

yeah anger truly diminishes a dark side user's ability to fight

i remember senator sheev saying something like " let the hate flow through you" because he knew it was bad and had adverse effects

so..let me get this straight..


in the phantom menace yes. in aotc hes trained for a decade and still gets easily molested by dooku.

They went toe to toe for a while though and vader was a lot stronger than kylo and luke had never fought with a weapon like that before

He wasn't really angry though, he was conflicted
He thought killing his dad would end that conflict and commit him fully to the dark side but it only made it worse

but he had wielded it when training with obi wan. and yoda taught him about the force in general, which we can assume is interwined in the wax on wax off sorta sense.
not to mention vader was toying with him until luke tagged his shoulder, then promptly cut lukes hand off seconds later

It shows you in the movie.

Have you watched it?

>They went toe to toe for a while though
The fuck are you talking about? Vader started the fight by only using one arm. The moment Vader got serious Luke lost his fucking hand

Maybe it has something to do with her parents that are "nobodies".

The ones you see fly off in a spaceship in TFA.

>I have the high ground
so I guess obi-wan should've died in episode I

You still need conviction, which Kylo didn't have after killing his father.

Sheev was powerful because he was literally Satan, he was rotten to the core and he fucking loved it.

Bullshit, retarded fucking nigger.

>Luke, in ANH, doesn't even fight Vader, needs to be saved by Han

>Luke, in ESB, got his ass kicked by

>Luke, in ROTJ, was been honing his abilities for year and has had three movies of a legitimate character arc, beats Vader but gets rekt by Sheev

>Ani in AOTC gets his ass kicked by

>Ani in ROTS gets rekt by Obi-Wan.

Neither are comparable to Rey who beat a trained nu-Sith with ZERO fucking training. It's because she's a shittily written character, a Mary Sue, not because of muh soggy knees. Eat shit.

>How come she beat him at mind control when he was trying to interrogate her, considering she only discovered the force exists a few hours earlier,
And she only heard about the Force by name, she has no idea what it is, how to use it, let alone the fucking Jedi mind trick that only works half of the time when masters like Qui Gon and Obi-wan tried to use it. The absolute fucking Mary Sue just because Kathleen Kennedy thinks her vagina means something. She got the Carrie Poppins idea too.