Jaime Pressly

Why won't Hollywood hire her anymore?

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gee i dunno OP

Too sexy, they're scared someone might grope her and they can't deal with the bad publicity.

Margot Robbie replaced her due to aging.

she sneeds a new agent named chuck lol

This. Does margot get roles anymore either though?


She recently starred in a brave and heroic biopic called "I, Tonya"

Isn't she going to be nominated for an Oscar in like a month?

shes an unreconstructed redneck woman.

I'll just cut to the chase and post what is destined to be posted.


>Who was in the wrong?

damn shame, Jaime was a legit smokeshow. She's in Playboy February 2004 if anyone wants to do some research.

She made a Jew joke on the Howard Stern show.

Jesus Christ the JDF mentality in the entertainment industry is sickening. They could have easily just brushed aside what was obviously just a playful comment but instead the go for the kill straight away to get as many good goy points as possible. Just sickening to watch.

She's also nude in the Poison Ivy film she's in. We've all seen her nude and she was fucking amazing in her prime.

Karma got her


Worst case scenario, she can sign on for all Harley Quinn roles for the next decade because no one else is gonna do it

I heard she's incredibly difficult to work with. Every producer and everyone on set wants to fuck her and she refuses.

She already has, I think there are 4 movies in the works

>replaced by robbie
they better get a new replacement for her soon

Who the fuck are you, Nicki Swift?

>Coming out of the water
>Hair is dry
I probably watched the webm too much but it's a glaring continuity issue. Although no one will notice the hair just watching the movie.

No I'm Looper

You ruined it.

I don't know what could ruin Jaime Pressly

People very rarely seem to notice

She's a dead ringer for my dad's ex-wife, who I spent my adolescence/teenage years quietly wanting to have sex with, and gave me a /ss/ fetish.

Is it weird to be sexually attracted to your stepmom? It's not like we were related by blood.

Thank you for sharing with the group, user


its actually perfectly normal.

>tfw my stepmom looked more like a stepdad

Not really, especially if she came into your life when you were no longer a little kid. It's not your fault your dad decided to marry a hot woman.


she triggered howard stern and got her banned from hollywood

This it's the val Kilmer syndrome some one who looks almost the same only hotter and younger comes along and steals your hype.

From 3 minutes on you can really see her holding in her emotions as she's attacked.
Just outright bullying.

this bitch is a SUPER coalburner
holy shit batman wikipedia her personal life

On the contrary, if you were old enough and didn't find your stepmom attractive, this would be alarming one way or another since you and your dad are closely genetically linked and should by all accounts have similar-to-identical patterns of attraction.

It's /awkward/ as fuck but it's not weird.

Not everyone likes to put their head underwater when they swim, dude.

I masturbated on her photos a lot during my childhood. What a hot babe she was, damn.

>Married a Cuban then two kikes
Not ideal but to be expected from someone working in showbusiness. Who were the niggers?

She was in Mortal Kombat?

She was in a lot of things

>Jaime Pressly says in the DVD commentary of "Ringmaster" that there was accidental penetration twice during her sex scene with Michael Jai White. After the second time the director just reworked the entire scene so they are "having sex" in their underwear even though it doesn't make sense in the movie.

nasty coalburner

She waxed her sexy hairy arms and belly.

In the 90s she was pure sex. I am sorry, but Margot Robbie pales in comparison.

Her peeing in the street on camera was pretty hot.


Wait a sec, I don't remember her in MK. Only ugly Sonya and that's it. Maybe she was in part 2?

>not going on a beach vacation with your step-mom
>not giving her an entire box of wine and try to seduce her

You fucked up senpai

Source? A friend is demanding I ask you for it.

In user's mind

she was banging in joe dirt

I think user means the tv series

I never understood the Howard show. It's not fun or entertaining to listen to.

Just google it. She was drunk and pissed in front of a bunch of people outside a place. I wish I was tbere.

>Hairy arms


Isn’t she on that show Mom? Bring the number 3 in a CBS comedy isn’t a bad gig

Jamie pressley is like the uglier, older and less talented version of Margot robbie

you've never been next to a real woman have you

D.E.L.E.T. T.H.I.S.

But she has tits and tverefore Sup Forums thinks she is better.

>Your dick will never be that floss
She has really hairy arms too desu

>jews in charge of not getting butthurt

>not appreciating the soft, downy hair that women get on their arms

Man, fuck you.


literally who?

is that photo recent, she still looks hot af

i wish all women aged like her, she looks fantastic

I guess the names, even for the kikes, do sound niggy. I'm guessing he just assumed.

my mom and dad want to video to masturbate to

She doesn't like the taste of jew dick

>everyone I work with is jewish


Kikes are terrified of southern accents

>Kikes are terrified
Fixed that for you

>hairy arms

>accidental penetration

it was a accident.


Wow wtf they actually do look identical bar wrinkles and skin elasticity

>accidental penetration
So that nigger had an erection during their love scenes and somehow managed to stick his dick inside her pussy twice?
Wut? Someone is lying.

It would also mean she was wet


god has she ever done porn? i want to see her suck did and yell.


No but she did do a fair user of softcore
When she was younger and cuter I always thought Jesse Jane was a decent porn lookalike

>getting cucked by your own father

Did you jerk off when you heard them fucking at night?

Who'd Val get replaced by?



Such a stupid sexy bitch. UGH.

Prove that shit google gave me no such info

oh shit

>She waxed her sexy hairy arms and belly.
>Her peeing in the street on camera was pretty hot.
Post both of these please.

she fell on hard times after snorting a bag of meth followed by her 2 hour police chase

Hell that's practically a requirement for being a citizen of California these days

She's a regular cast member on the TV show Mom. She plays a morbidly obese, alcoholic divorcee.


I think it's a fat suit, but I'm not 100% sure..

If you listen to her on the commentary for this film she's annoying as fuck

Everything they touch is disgusting

once I fapped to a video in her in thong in front my my ex gf, worth it