Disney admist to “browning up” white actors for live-action “Aladdin”


Disney is being heavily criticized for using make-up to darken the skin of white actors in its upcoming live-action adaptation of their 1992 animated classic “Aladdin,” The Sunday Times reports.

The movie is being filmed at Longcross Studios, Surrey, neat the British capital of London where over a million people of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Arab heritage reside, but the company has still resorted to “browning up” stuntmen, dancers, and camel handler, per the Daily Mail.

“This is the most diverse cast ever assembled for a Disney live action production. More than 400 of the 500 background performers were Indian, Middle Eastern, African, Mediterranean and Asian,” Disney said in response to the report.

But some believe the company should be doing more. Kaushal Odedra, who worked as a stand-in for a leading actor, told The Times he saw 20 “very fair-skinned” actors waiting to have their skin tone changed.

“On one set, two palace guards came in and I recognized one as a Caucasian actor, but he was now a darkly tanned Arab,” he said. “I moved inside the marquee where there were 10 extras and two were Caucasian, but they had been heavily tanned to look Middle Eastern.”

“The talent exists and is accessible, and there’s no way that Asian extras could not have been hired to meet the needs of the film.”

TV director Riaz Meer expressed his outrage too. “Failing to hire on-screen talent of the right ethnic identity to meet the clear needs of this production is just plain wrong,” he said. “We expect better from all filmmakers.”

Disney has not yet revealed a release date for “Aladdin,” which will be directed by British filmmaker Guy Ritchie and will feature Will Smith as Genie, Mena Massoud as Aladdin, Naomi Scott as Princess Jasmine and Marwan Kenzari as the villain Jafar.

Will Smith looks weird without facial hair.

I hate will smith so much why does this nigger keep getting roles.

Are you kidding? Will Smith is one of the whitest black guys around

>smith doing the soy smile

Same. I wish he would go away

most alladins are white

Surely hiring brown people as extras would have been cheaper and easier, why even use white people?
I mean I understand getting a more talented white guy and painting him if he's an actual role but why even bother on extras?

>brown eyes

>SJW's complain about white extras in background that you would not even notice
>Meanwhile film takes place in Arab realm
>Literally not one of the main actors is actual Arab descent
>Majority of background people are South Asian, not Arab
>But SJW's OK with this because "All brown people are the same"


anyone notice how blank will smith's eyes have become? he's a broken man

Meds are more masculine and good lookin than your average nordic subhuman

Med women are way hotter than your irish stick bitch

It's a little confusing - Aladdin is based on a book whose ethnic characterization is so broad to be unfilmable. It encompasses "white" lands like North Africa all the way through to China.

t.shitskin from shithole country

This movie is based on the cartoon Disney version, which itself was a fictionalized version of Baghdad which they renamed and changed it's look

I look at a nord's eyes and I see a descendant of pillaging and rape

I look at a med in the eyes and I see a descendant of civilization and exploring

>tfw ultra white ginger with black eyes

Because casting people of any color is better than another all white movie ? How is this so hard to grasp?

Does Disney not see that this fucking shit would happen if they catered to SJW's? You give them an inch and they want the whole damn mile.

Also do they not see how dangerous this game is as well? By catering to the SJW's, and then the SJW's seeing blood in the water, Disney risks someone who worked on this film being at physical risk of hurt if some SJW with no self restraint decides to go "punish" them for their racial transgressions.

>another all white movie
Nice strawman, literally there was zero chance of a movie like this being all white, even if it was fucking 1950 they would have had a racial mixed cast, faggot

>even if it was fucking 1950 they would have had a racial mixed cast, faggot
This movie would've been all white in 1950.

>"Lawrence of Arabia" was all white
Someone get this soyboy outta here

I need you to return to soyland and never come back.


SJW education, everyone

Isn't this a pretty typical thing to do?
I didn't think I'd like him in Bright, but he surprised me

China likes him and wished he played Finn from Star Wars.

Didn't even recognize him holy shit

Yes Disney. This is the future you wanted. Now bow down and feel the SJW pounding you from behind. Walt isn't here to save you know, little mouse.

Is there any chance for the Fox merger acquisition deal to not go through?

Maybe if a meteor falls on the right people

You'd brown me with makeup if I were to play a version of myself who just lived life where I'd get a lot of sun.
I don't get the problem other then being offended for its own sake.

Here is an idea you no life morons, instead of just "wishing" someone away in the fairy land you are living in for no apparent reason, how about just not fucking watch. Morons

>t. Scientology Internet Defense Force


Irrelevant discussion.
Hitler believed Meds were Nordic mixed and considered them allies.
The only people he considered non-white were Polacks and Slavs.

>Kaushal Odedra, who worked as a stand-in for a leading actor, told The Times he saw 20 “very fair-skinned” actors waiting to have their skin tone changed.

I guess this dude is trying to lose his job. Who gives a shit about the extras being white? They're just there to fill in the background.

huh, so it is okay to replace white people with minorities under the guise of equality; but somehow not okay to replace minorities with white people? How do liberal minds not explode from all their hypocrisies?

where's the webm of this?