What is meant by this

What is meant by this

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t. no one

I find her plastic surgery disturbing

More Marxist propaganda by the liberal media controlled by Disney to shill Disney’s Soy Wars and The Last Jedi.


Well hello beautiful


>large font in all caps like it's being shouted at you

the more you tighten your grip...

>What is meant by this


>Some dumb faggot who writes for Elle doesn't know shit about storytelling

For a shitty Genre movie, of all things. They didn't push Hillary this hard

Hillary spent $1.2 billion her failure.
Disney spent $4 billion before even producing theirs.

Corrupt kike "film journalists" writing reviews full of lies for their shekels. What else?

>They said it so it must be true!!

Based Counter-Semites

She's an amazing villain. There aren't that much powerful evil female overloads out there.

>"TLJ is a good movie"
Truly she is a master at the craft of weaving intricate fiction

How many writing credits does she have?

>looks at her bio
She actually worked on good films in the past, what the fuck happened to her?

She has nothing to do with said movies, she was embedded because her husband was the producer and Spielberg's secretary at some point. I believe they gave her producer credits out of courtesy.

Because she was always working under the creative types.
A producer's job is to source money and run a production smoothly. Outside tv they often have little say in creative decisions outside the occasional suggestion. Star Wars is literally the first thing she's ever been overseeing from the top.

>she was embedded because her husband was the producer and Spielberg's secretary at some point.
She met her husband through Spielberg. She started dating him and then the three of them started a production company together. Prior to that she'd be Spielberg's secretary.

If she believes this then Rian is gonna get fired.

She's a Producer, like Amy Pascal. The fact that she was involved with some good films being made, doesn't mean she had any role in the creative process, or any good role.

There's tons of producers that produce good films and godawful ones; it's why, "By the Producers of [Good Movie]" is the least impressive thing you can hear about a film.

"if I say it enough maybe it'll come true"

Well she fucked up her latest project. Weird time to post that article. Who could be behind this?

Yes she was just a secretary and there is no way Spielberg and Marshall needed her except for sexual pleasure.

Come now. Surely without her "good ideas" we wouldn't have had E.T. or Indiana Jones.


He radiates low energy in this image

Why not have the rest of it? Just change "You" to alt right and "We wuz Kangz" to "Force is Female"

Sure and this bitch say she was producer on Indian Jones, she always fails to mention started on Indians Jones 2. It's her husband that produced Raiders of the Lost Ark before he even knew her. Just like Kasdan also fails to mention he wasn't involved in SW until ESB and that it was entirely George's story.

He's a cock sucking slob from the south that writes for Elle.
What did you expect?

I was being facetious, user.

an no surprise that article of propaganda is written by a jew.

Perfect example of why we need to start cutting down their numbers.

Women in Hollywood are the new jews, that's what it means

she was an affirmative action hire by spielberg and lucas


I literally have no idea. She has no writing or directing credits at all. She doesn't do anything storytelling related.

