Which was more tragic?

Which was more tragic?

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fuck franco, fuck jonah and fuck every single jew on earth

Jonah obviously. Franco is about to get his just deserts.

Tommy laughed about it, the fat fuck couldn't even do that.

>fuck franco, fuck jonah and fuck every single jew on earth

^this, we gotta start cleaning house of these shitlords.

This. Tommy effectively countered Franco's rudeness and let karma handle it

What's the story with Jonah?

>>Whatever nigger...

I'll tell you when you turn 13 newfag

This may come as a surprise but it is possible to enjoy tv and film without obsessing over the actors that are in them.

Tommy cause he won't get another chance at going up on a stage like that again.

Tommy has a great attitude about it. And he's still peddling the Louisiana story.


I thought since you're a neet who lives in your parents' basement you were obsessed with remaining a virgin

He's going to the Oscars

Poor franco is fucked, he will never shake these accusations

Oh, you're just shitposting. Carry on.

Yes but it doesn't compare to shitpost that is your life

I wanna know too
I'm scared and confused

I do not understand why you are so hostile friend, but I hope it all works out. I will pray for you.


He got buttmad after this and cancelled all of his interviews in france

What the fuck was that thing in red?

average french girl is my 10/10, kill me pls

That just seems like he can't take a joke.

Why are French women so hot yet French men are so hideous?

It's not nearly as bad as Russia when it comes to that.

What would have been a good come back?

>Yeah? Well I had sex with your wife!

>did I leave to get my wallet?

>*look at main talkshow host*
>"Who even is this lady?"
>say this while smiling to look like a good sport about it.

Because seriously, who even is she? At the end of the day Hill is more universally known than her.

Hill's "I heard you get anal quite often, no?" and weather lady responses really show how much of a sore ass he really had

>thanks for sparing me the STD

Tommy didn't care. He's so positive it's probably impossible to make him sad

Jonah. Tommy got the last laugh with the Franco accusations.

>you get anal often?

What a loser.

They will give him a script to read.

Not the same : (


"The fat seems to have gone to your mind".
"You said you had to make a Subway run".
"I'm every woman you've ever met".
"Oh Jonah, relax, we're just having some fun".
"And I was spared a hernia".

>To bring back the video camera, right?

These aren’t subtle at all, work on your wit

Really? I wouldn't think he'd be invited after Franco got such bad press.

Tommy is a jew

He comes off as raised Catholic

He is looking kikey-er than George Soros getting a tranfusion of baby blood straight from a freshly circumsized goychild.

what a B A S E D story Mark

We did it.
We finally won.
There is no coming back from this.