Dude noir lmao

dude noir lmao

Is she smoking weed or a cigarette? I can't tell.



am I wrong that she looks much better in anime form?

she vapes

It's artificial.

boring pretentious shit, took an eternity to edit a decent edition, worth it for the visuals only

that just means youre a pedophile, user

"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.


I just don't like her hair in the 3d version, yeah that's it

it is a valid argument, if a film loses the attention of the audience it is at least partly it's fault. Dunkirk is boring because it has flat visuals, poor pacing and no dialogue, there is nothing there to engage the audience.


>what is subjectivity
there i destroyed your entire dumb """"argument""""

>trace over a picture
>add anime eyes
>proceed to get thousands of dollars off patreon

>flat visuals
You pulled this one out of your ass
>poor pacing
Explain how, since you're thrown into the battle right from the first frame till the last
>no dialogue
Literally not an argument

Most people find films by Tarkovsky "boring", probably because they are a bit slower than todays films. Are they bad films then?
Most people find flicks by Marvel "fun", probably because it's non stop braindead quips and mindless CGI action. Are they good films then?

As an artist, this is still impressive shit. There's no shame in reference, and he didn't trace them, that would look different.

money is money. You're just butthurt you can't do this yourself.

>smoked for a year as a teenager
>Haven't smoked since (6-7 years)
>Anytime anyone smokes in a movie I crave a cigarette

he's just using the "turn to anime" filter in photoshop

If it's so easy, then why don't you do it?


great movie with great aesthetic

i see nothing wrong with that and im a artist. This guy still has really good skills, though he is not the best one out there.

this, it's photo manipulation, not digital painting

>it's okay cause i'm a weeb


my only problem is with the ones that are so close to original to not even be considered references but direct copies. like make your own shit. people only care because the original is iconic and he's riding on the coattails of that.

She was the best thing before Luv became a thing.

there's no problem with copying and tracing as a method of improvement, but the problem is when you give no credit to the original artist and sell their slightly modified work as your own.


It's your fault for getting addicted in the first place and being a weak-willed faggot. You have no one to blame but yourself.

that's an impressive display of autism

>She was the best thing before Luv became a thing.
She's still the best.