Who will play him in his inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in his inevitable biopic?

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not Ryan Gosling, he only stars in queeno

Idris elba, as always

it will be kino, failcons has no chance.

Matt Ryan is a real human being


Who will play him in the inevitable biopic

t. EDP

Who will play him in his inevitable biopic?

Philly native here. Hype levels at maximum.

Goose is the only answer

Pic unrelated but I saw it while out driving in philly.

>implying the dirty birbs won’t make it to the owl again
It’s destiny desu

What did he mean by this?


Nick foles is a fucking bum and Philly will never ever win a Superbowl. Even if they somehow derp their way there they're not beating the patriots. I don't know after all these years how eagles fans can be this delusional

He looks like some sort of villain laughing at you in a SNES game when he defeats you

I know you’re trolling but the pats are cheating fucking pussies that can’t make it to the Super Bowl let alone the playoffs without blatantly cheating their way there. You’re bad and you should feel bad for having that opinion.

Do people still watch this shit?

You're trolling if you think Nick foles + Philadelphia eagles = super bowl


It's fun to watch, user.

>Implying he won't be out dueled by Based Keenum in the NFC Championship

I've missed him bros.

Obviously whoever comes out of the AFC is winning it anyways

Nobody outside the usa knows how to play this ''''''''''''''sport''''''''''''

It use to be fun to watch until it got too political and apes wouldn't stand up, most people I know boycott and don't watch it

lol people still care about that? it hasn't been a story for months

Lmao shut up

who cares?

>mfw seeing it live

Nobody outside the usa matters.

its not fucking fair

w-we can do it, r-right??



>first round exit

probably a JUSTed actor

post the one where he spins out of some shit and hits clement for the touchdown...or at least post the pass to sproles from last season.

go back to Sup Forums, faggot

>be eagles
>everyone else in division has multiple superb owls
>you have none

What was this kid thinking at this moment?

Good sportsmanship




that milf is hot, for real son

>Mack Daddy
shame about the drop a few weeks ago, but thankfully he's come along nicely and we will drop Smith in the offseason



Is Wentz, dare i say, /ourguy/?



Good for him for bagging such a hot girlfriend.

you know hes hurt right? you guys are fucked

Got the webm where he got a season ending injury for some garbage time points?


Enjoy being blown out by the failcons tomorrow.

Who said we didn't know that?

this guy


harsh m8

What did he mean by this?

NFL Kino:

gayest interview i've ever seen


But he's straight.


sure he is

>When I found you I saw raw, untamed power. And beyond that, something truly special.


He cheated, yet again

Fuck it, i will start drinking right now.

you arent drunk now?

I was working.

Titans gonna beat the Pats


