/rlg/ - Reylo General

Calm before the storm Edition

Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018?
>New Forces of Destiny episode featuring Reylo, voiced by Daisy and Adam (TBA)
>TLJ Blu ray with ~20 minutes of deleted scenes (March 27th?)
>TLJ Novelization (March)
>More Reylo merchandising

Adam interviews Daisy (for real, not a fanfic): vmagazine.com/article/driving-miss-daisy/

Short videos:

Long videos:

Rian about Reylo : instagram.com/p/Bd1voS8nPBy/
Daisy resources: Thread archive: archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/subject/reylo/
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


You're a scum, you know that right

how-w much of a s-cum


>Kylo teaches Rey
What did he teach her?

he made her a woman

Seriously wtf is going on with this dudes face when flipped.

user it's rape

One of the reasons why he has long hair

My face is asymmetrical like that

flip one of your photos and you'l find out.

Its mostly your brain thats causing it. You got used to his face and it looks even weirder than it already is flipped.
Same thing happens when you look at your selfies or photos.

You are a snake, I'm surprised you don't need to bask yourself in the sun in the morning to wake up. I would curse you to look ugly, but I think I missed the rush.

>reylo general
this has got to be a joke, right?

No one looks good when flipped if you have seen the other photo.

Why are you laughing


Daily reminder to the finnwhales and antireylos that lurk this thread viviennedew.tumblr.com/post/169527833463/the-interview-video-where-the-kylo-is-a-scum
Next time try harder

Top kek that face
>show yourself you evil monster
>oh no I want his dick inside me

I mean no offense bros, I think rey and kylo have good chemistry, etc. as much as the next guy, and i think it would be cool if they ended up together, but to have an endless general dedicated to just that?
That's a special kind of retardation.

we are on Sup Forums

Mark Hamill said it sounds like something they'd say so it doesn't matter if it's fake (it isn't), they don't support reylo.

>Sup Forums

>having generals

your welcome

you say that, but it seems to me like we're on tumblr or something. Endless shipping wars? really? that's straight up reddit right there

Oh its gonna be fun once episode 9 releases.

who cares what the actors think

its not like tumblr and reddit are not hating reylo at the first place

>we are on tumblr or something
>straight reddit
well shit nigger, make up your mind, is this reddit or tumblr? maybe its fucking Sup Forums liking something and some retards not liking it

This was the first time she got horny, right? That's what he taught her. Next time he'll teach her how to make a baby.

sure bud it funny that the part where they say this is not in the video mysteriously where she BTFO poefags

>they don't support reylo.

you have not even read the ((shady)) interview it seems

there's a word for it and it's tumblreddit.
and it's not about which fictional characters' pairings people like or do not like. having a 24/7 shipping thread on Sup Forums is the most bizarre thing i've seen in a while. How is this not banned yet?

hiro ships reylo, my dude has good taste.

have you seen the rest of Sup Forumss threads ?

B-bb-but this c-can't be h-happening!!!!!! Sup Forums is not about s-shipping!!!!

It the only place, where you can even discuss star wars without getting annoyed by retarded butthurts

yes, i have, and that's why i'm saying that it's bizarre. this actually stands out from the ambient cancer background of the board.

>implying he knows how to make a baby
That boy is pure

no, fuck you, I love reylo but stop pretending the movie was good.

Rian is a fucking hack and accidentally got reylo right.

It was pretty sexual:

>"I know you’ve seen the map," he repeated. "It’s what I need. At the moment, it is all that I need." When she maintained her silence, he almost sighed. "I can take whatever I want."
>Her muscles tightened. "Then you don’t need me to tell you anything."
>"True." He rose, resigned. "I would have preferred to avoid this. Despite what you may believe, it gives me no pleasure. I will go as easily as possible-but I will take what I need."
>She knew that trying to resist him physically would not only be useless but would likely result in unpleasantness of a kind she preferred not to imagine. So she remained motionless and silent, her arms at her sides, as his hand rose toward her face. He touched her again, as he had in the forest on Takodana.
>And hesitated. What was that? Something there. Something unexpected.
>As she strained to resist the probe, he pushed into her, brushing aside her awkward attempts to keep him out. While he investigated her mind, he spoke softly.
>"You’ve been so lonely," he murmured as he searched for what he needed. "So afraid to leave." A thin smile crossed his face. "At night, desperate to sleep, you’d imagine an ocean. I can see it…I can see the island."
>Tears were streaming down her face from the effort she was making to withstand him. Increasingly desperate, she did try to strike out. But just as on Takodana, her body refused to respond.

This boy will be a good father :')

Ok, sry when I hurt your feelings but TLJ > TFA

No, seriously, fuck off, the movie is fucking shit, you cannot defend that piece of trash, I will go the end of the world for reylo but I won't defend that stupid movie at all.

Any individual entry from the shrek franchise tramples the entire star wars franchise into the dirt on every single level. Fact.

Just the Reylo scenes are good, the holdo sacrifice ando some parts of ahch-to, bit the rest of the movie I just want to die. When this movie comes out in good quality I will edit and take off that's resistance arc shit.

>Despite what you may believe, it gives me no pleasure.
>As she strained to resist the probe, he pushed into her,

PENIS metaphor

I have a lopsided face too, just not as pronnouced as him, i look like shit in photos, but okay in the mirror lol.

Dude actually looks good in press photos and stuff, but weird in TLJ.

How to make babies

That's the closest to canon smut we're going to get.

You think Rey will ever let him live that down once they are married?

>stronk independent womyn
>needing a man

You forget TLJ, it's a giant smutty Reylo fic

They will do rape roleplay in bed as Rey is into freaky shit.

is this the actress that plays daenerys on game of thrones?

All women need men just like all men need women

Nah, it's not Rey, it's Daisy. That whore likes that kind of shit.

>Rey your parents are nobody and sold your for some pennies

Is Rey a Fett ?

It's extremely sexual, not even comparing Poe's interrogation and how he captured her. Seeing it for the first time at the cinema was gloriously uncomfortable.

Same here, with TFA too.

True. The novel is gonna be so steamy.

>all those Finpoe and some Finnrey fags absolutely shitting on John's Finnrose post and Rose

Embarrassing desu.

I like how they're acting like it's all Rose's fault too like Finn is such a great character. He was always comic relief garbage and Rose actually outshone him, I guess that's why they're asshurt. Apparently Rian actually commented on the post with a handsup or something like he approved.

How do you do rape roleplay as husband and wife? Like I get you can tie your partner up and use safe words and stuff, but it seems difficult to actually recreate the same feeling.

I've heard of one case were the guy gets his girlfriend to dress up in 80s housewife clothing, and he comes home and surprises her while dressed up as Red Army officer and they pretend it's a Red Dawn type situation. Like that?

Are you chinese or is that just the rip that you got? If the former I'd actually be curious if there was any reylo in the small fanbase there at all.


>daisy tried to get adam fired over bad prank blind item
>daisy cried about rian's reylo script
>daisy cried about colin's script
>suddenly colin out due to creative differences
>jj back in even though he didnt want to come back, daisy relieved
>wants out of the franchise
>DR: Hey bestie. We got so close on set huh? AD: Haha that's a lie but we'll print it anyway.
>AD: "forced dinners"
>adam and daisy cancel press events when it's just the two of them and mark
>adam noticeably tense, closed off around her
>daisy openly shits on tlj in promotional interviews
>has talked about how she really feels like she's embodying rey in her struggles
>"I could not keep up with Adam."
>says rian wrote rey more like her than she initially thought because of a certain thing (rejecting kylo/adam, most likely)
>mocks finnrose, brutally shuts down reylo, calls kylo scum, complains about the lack of finnrey adventures in tlj, brags about the bond and chemistry between her and john as if to vague the people praising her and adam's chemistry in tlj
>her best moments are when she has to be angry or vulnerable in scenes with adam
>mfw it suddenly makes sense why
what the fuck happened between daisy and adam? did he wacked her too hard with the saber?

Yes. Kylo pretends he's the big bad guy and Rey has the hots for him but pretends she doesn't. Then Kylo rapes her while Rey cries for her sweet husband Ben to help her while she orgasms on Kylo's big red lightsaber

Its the ETRG rip, its the best quality so far, chinese source.

I think it's half that he's utterly outshining her in a movie all about her character, and half that their personalities are entirely different. Daisy seems like a typical silly 20-something year old girl, Adam seems much more intelligent and introspective.
And yes, he probably utterly owned her in lightsaber training, I wouldn't be surprised if they had to edit the Throne room fight to make them come off equally.

somebody posted in the previous thread that #Reylo is the nr 1 hashtag on weibo...

I think you are reading way too much into it, like everyone else really.

But it's flipped and has subtitles? Damn it.

I'm surprised tbf. While Driver's considered odd-looking in the west I figured Asians would just think he's flat out ugly. Nice to hear though

The more I learn about Daisy and Adam individually the worse I feel for Adam. It's like having to deal with Lena Dunhman, but instead of Daisy being hideous she's just a dumb insufferable slag and he has to carry her in literally every scene and deal with her coke addiction on-set too when he just wants to do his job and this 20-something starlet is being neurotic as fuck and trying to play with his hair all the time.

No, asians like Adam.

>to play with his hair all the time.

Oh boy, better JJ not kill kylo and make Rey in the end with her resistance friends (aka Rey needs no romantic relationship) or the box office in China will be even worst

She has literally said she was really neurotic and Adam outed her for playing with his hair everyday. She even looks coked out in the pictures where they showed up together in Ireland.

>that was josh gadd (broadway, every kid knows his voice, etc)
>she also cried when she found out JJ was returning, shes emotional
>see above
>see above
>was misquoted, debunked it herself
>your making up shit
>in the force awakens
>no evidence of this except your ass
>adam is introverted, shy
>daisy was talking about her performance, did the same after TFA
>....okay ?
>He is bigger and stronger, better actor too, thats why asked him for advice on orient
>she mocked nobody, she said she can't see Reylo happening with Kylo as he is at the end of 8, yes john and her are good friends and were having fun in TFA.
>because adam is a good leading man
>what makes sense ?

Lay of the booze fella.

Imagine her on set nonstop flirting with him and he gets annoyed internally. Oh boy, this guy can't catch a break.

Agree pretty much. In that interview, Daisy says something like she hasn't seen Adam in awhile because "you don't go to the same cool things I do" like teenager/20-something stuff probably. She seems like a normie/slag young adult slut and he's 30-something serious actor. She obviously has his number though because in another interview she said she called him for advice before she auditioned and he told her it was good she auditioned. I have a feeling she tries to get him to do stuff with her but he won't kek

It also makes a lot of sense why she's close with John because he's a super obnoxious niggerbong like her.

The poster flipped it in VLC, people look weird flipped in photos because the brain can't recognize the face, he looks even more so, because his face is weird.

Thanks for replying to every point that retard said, I wanted to do it myself but I'm too lazy

she is so thirsty

He owns her in everything and she clearly knows it.

I do think she has an admiration for him and maybe even feels a bit insecure about it. That's why she asks him for advice and probably tries to get closer to him but he's not interested in the vapid shit she wants to do or her so the only way she can get him to respond in her calls if it's about acting kek

That's DAISY's song. Adam rejected her after all her efforts (seduction and sexual advances)

Just look at the last image. That expression says it all.


Noice, I'll grab it then.

Hahaha, that's hilarious but sounds exactly right. Thank god Daisy is adequate as Rey, pretty enough and can at least do emotional/crying scenes.

It was cute how she said she didn't want to offend Adam. He's her senpai, that she occasionally gets tsundere for because she's so frustrated he won't notice her as much as she wants him to.

how cute that she loves seeing him everyday and do his hair. she'll do anything to get noticed by her senpai

I wish girls laughed at my "yep i agree" joke ( ? ) like Daisy does for Adam.

I can't even imagine what this dude is like when hes actually trying to seduce a girl


what the fuck this shouldn't be in a book of a kids film. Why exactly do Disney want to start a lot of 12 year old girls on rape fantasies?

AdamXDaisy shippers back in force like cancer.

Pretty sure that interview was made up by Vmag with their consent. Disney ordered it to promote some Reylo.

Daisy has a SW boyfriend already.

He's been married and has been with his wife for awhile, so I imagine the "forbidden fruit" aspect does things for women as well. Some people always want what they can't have.

John is gay and the only person who can stand Daisy because he's an obnoxious loud dumb bong just like her.

Yes, the thread is rapidly going full cancer. Gonna sit this one out.

>dating a female

Umm... no sweetie.

You'd think Chinagate would have run them off for good. I think most are not actually shipping it though, just commenting on their relationship (non-romantic) and Adam.

you can be kind of in thrall of someone and not be in love with them. I think I would probably be all giddy and gooey like that if I was sitting next to fuckin Mike Stoklasa

Too bad that John is a christian no sex before marriage guy

Daisy is obviously hetero for Adam

I agree, I'm just saying a lot of people like to go after married or taken men for some reason.

and let's not pretend Adam and Daisy haven't known each other for years. They might not be close, but it's not like she's meeting some childhood crush for the first time or something.