Star Wars: Kenobi (202X) : Help us Obi Wan Kenobi you're our only hope

After Solo and Ep IX crashed and burned, would we finally see a decent Star Wars again

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hopefully it will bring some of the prequel charm with it

Tfw you will never see a star wars movie remotely as kino as this fake trailer

>Would you want to see Obi-Wan's character castrated and ruinned by the mouse?

Star Wars is dead man.

If Disney somehow did manage to accidentally put out a movie hetrosexual white men could like the people responsible would be summarily executed by Tolerant Progressives for crimes against feminism and the film deleted from existance.

Better you get used to it not being a part of your life any more.

*attempts to clench fists, gets 1/2 which is an ok average*

I guess this confirms that Kylo will not die

How long do Disney thing they'll hold the attention of soyboys and SJW's for?

This shit is already boring.

oh god, i can't even comprehend the soy levels we'll be saturated with when the Fett movie comes out...

>>Black Muslim female sidekick
>>does more then kenobi dies and berates him for being “misogynistic”
>>nothing but quips

Do you really wanna see a kenobi movie?

Can't wait for them to make Obiwan a beta cuck that wasn't actually trained by Qui gon jin and was actually trained by a super strong female Jedi that told him everything he knew and Qui Gon never actually gave a shit about him and only took him as his student because the super strong female Jedi ask him too.

If people were dumb enough to watch Episode 8, then they'll be dumb enough to watch more of this Disney slop.

Star Wars fans everyone, give them a round of applause.

last days in the desert was pretty kino, and im well on the fedorable spectrum.

as long as people like you continue to make daily starwars threads here, no there will never be a decent star wars again.

now fuck off and let this dumb shit die.

I am very excited to learn more about Obi-Wans gay marriage and time with his life partner Steve in their cottage in the Jundland wastes.



>implying they won't ruin obi-wan too

Rey's parents are Fetts.

This is what's going to happen. I used to be optimistic at the prospect of Ewan playing Obi Wan again but even if he does, they'll just give him the Jake Skywalker treatment

>Inb4 it will be about his time on tatooine where a female Tusken Raider teaches him how to survive and it will explain how he chased them away from Luke in Ep 4
>Inb4 it will end with a message about racism and Obi Wan admitting he was wrong about being a bigot and hating the tusken raiders and that they are good, misunderstood people
Search your feelings you know it to be true

how the fuck are they going to have Fett and Solo interactions
Han never brought up seeing Boba before in the OT, and it'd be pretty fucking dumb if he did and never said "hey it's that guy again"

>If people were dumb enough to watch Episode 8, then they'll be dumb enough to watch more of this Disney slop.

No, I don't think so. Given how negative the fan reaction was to Episode 8, and how much scorn has already been heaped on the Han Solo standalone film, I think Disney have pushed things too far. Solo is going to bomb and Episode 9 will struggle to match 8's underwhelming sales.

Bachelor Jedi, like Bachelor Farmers

bobi wan kenobi

why are they trying to push that paring so hard. Fett was just some guy that got hired to capture Solo. Neither of them ever once expressed some kind of vendetta or even knowing each other.
why can Boba Fett just have his own movie?

Fuck all ambition
