How can one man be so based ?

How can one man be so based ?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off kike

>shrill, nasally voice intensifies

someone post his top 10
it's embarrassing

>Ben Shapiro


someone post his sisters milkers already

Is this guy related to George shapiro?

is he trying to reach the Sup Forums audience now that Sup Forums ditched his ass?

Jesus Christ i stopped watching at 1:16, never post this fucking faggot ever again or I might kill myself.

double cringe.

He's like a younger jew clone of sean hannity... I never thought anyone's nasally lisp could annoy me more.

>Top 10 Times Ben Shapiro went BEASTMODE!

>Ben "if i talk rly fast ppl will think my arguments are a-ok" Shapiro

>Ben Shapiro DESTROYS his mom's cooking (exposed)

His arguments are good when he’s debating liberal college children with no experience. For some reason, he refuses to debate any far right wingers. I’m sure it’s just because he doesn’t want to “promote bigots” or some bullshit like that.

Fantanos video is the cringe. Pretending that society is not shaped and influenced by the media (who are increasingly small in number but more and more powerful). Pretending that Hollywood has not drastically shapes the culture and pushed their idealogy I to every corner of this country. That leftist media does not shaped and control countrywide narratives.

Liberal brainlet. Stop posting.

I want to drink his sister's breast milk.


Debating college children is only difficult because they shout/scream/plug their ears/band together with other crybabies to try to get you fired from your job

/pol,... is that you? So sorry I havn't come to visit in a while. How are you?

tfw I look like this faggot

both have shit opinions

When will they ever learn

please tell me you're at least not a manlet

i'm sorry

average, 5'11

>they should have killed finn

ben is /ourguy/

I guess that's what you get for unironically still giving neo-cons a platform in America and not immediately slitting their throats

This sperg should stick to music and stop with the social commentary

post yours

>muh Judeo Christian values


>t. libcuck sociology major


different person

If I was a libtard, why would I defend Ben's arguments about Hollywood's disgusting promotion of anti-social degeneracy?

>unironically believing Marxist cultural theory


Sup Forums ditched him when he went against trump

Sup Forums ditched him ever since he was born a jew

He will never debate pic related even though Hasan has called him out and proved him wrong many time.

>Fantano actually believes that his Youtube videos have the same influence power as an Hollywood movie backed by millions of dollars in marketing and the entire show business.

For fucks sake, anyone that didn't stop taking this video seriously video after this should be spanked and this is coming from someone who can't stand Shapiro.

Im tired of talking to you, you're dumb.

FACT: leftist media runs 99% of shows, movies and need
FACT: they use this to control discourse and push idealogy
FACT: this push has had a dangerous negative effect on society

You can write whatever drivel you want but it won't change reality.

>Mega corporations magically at all levels ignore the bottom line in favor of effecting social change for a laugh

Jewpiro dick riders actually believe this shit. Still mad Trump won eh?

>dangerous negative effec

Don't treat each other like shit is suddenly a negative idea.


>t. brainlet

>Don't treat each other like shit is suddenly a negative idea.

Yes, that's all they do.

I love his videos where he completely rekts college stoner morons. maybe he could pick on someone his own size, but as someone at a very liberal college it really makes me feel good seeing him dismantle some of them.

The facts don't care about your feelings, Ben.

Disgusting kike.

not being able to see facial differences is a sign of autism but feel free to post more of this milk factory pls

I dont know how people can still be arguing against you
Its not a secret anymore, its so obvious blatant and in your face, they even admit it

nice strawman you simpleton
the media does much more than that you disingenuous cunt

Unironically the guy on the left is so unbelievably stupid (he can't seem to grasp the concept of propaganda) and looks so ridiculous that all of the cringe stems from him.

And I can't stand the human rat that is Shapiro.


he has a higher IQ than u by the way

>Mr. Shapiro grew up in Los Angeles in a Jewish family of Reagan Republicans. His parents both worked in Hollywood, his mother as an executive of a TV company and his father as a composer. They lived in a small house, his parents in one bedroom and he and his three sisters in the other. They had political discussions around the dinner table. He was patriotic. He dressed up as John Adams every year for Halloween from the age of 5. He had a favorite musical: 1776.

>They lived in a small house, his parents in one bedroom and he and his three sisters in the other.

Oh my.

>2 minutes in
>The faggot on the left doesn't understand what propaganda is

You know, before going to the trouble of even making that video, why not google the word?

You have no power here jew.

This guy is a literal moron. Isn't he related to Cenk or something?

Can't lie, he's handsome as fuck though.

You now realize Ben has seen his sister's big succulent udders and you haven't.

Apparently. Hollywood and leftists fucking hate the idea, that's for sure.

>the media does much more than that you disingenuous cunt

That is a nicewhataboutism. I bet call CNN a propaganda new sites. While Breitbart tells the "Truth." Well it's the truth till they tell YOU something you don't like.

>It was particularly painful for me. I skipped two grades. By the time I hit sophomore year of high school, I was half a foot shorter and 40 pounds lighter than the other kids. The other kids had been in classes together for years; I was a newcomer. That meant being physically shoved into trash cans and lockers. On one overnight trip, some of my classmates handcuffed me to a metal-framed bed and then hit me repeatedly on the rear with a belt. I pretended to sleep through it, and rather unconvincingly.


This is why he is so angry at tall goy chads all the time.

>tfw arguing with a Jew and he smarmily reminds you that he has a superior IQ

>Shoot him. Shoot his family. Put them in a mass grave and get a sweet Hugo Boss jacket for your efforts

Truly Le Wrong Generation.

I've read these exact posts before, why are you copy+pasting old threads?

He should REALLY stick to music.
>gave the OOZa 6
Actually he should just kill himself.


Oh look, more faggot twitter buzzwords. It's funny because it's not an amalgamation of strawmanning and ad hominem.

Even funnier, the faggot then immediately launches into "but what about Kikebart!"


are you white?

>On one overnight trip, some of my classmates handcuffed me to a metal-framed bed and then hit me repeatedly on the rear with a belt. I pretended to sleep through it, and rather unconvincingly.

Holy shit

Why are filthy goyim so cruel?

Yes, are you? Be honestly I know most of you Sup Forums people aren't white.

Then why do they promote treating white people like shit? Why do they promote evisceration of the most productive, curious and kind race on earth? Is it good as well to be 'kind' to those trying to kill you? Rest assured there are several cultures which are trying to do exactly that.

>Then why do they promote treating white people like shit?
How is treating white people like everybody else like shit? Oh no, you have to be treated equel now. Whatever will you do?


if you're white i dont know how you can be so blind to the hatred of whites in media. Like no amount of examples or explanation can even make you consider that whites are being messed with

>Like no amount of examples or explanation can even make
Probably because you don't really have one.

Shapiro's a weasel. A safe conservative the establishment props up to keep Sup Forums and the alt-right in check and to give young conservatives a face. He didn't do anything to help Trump win, but now he's only so eager to tell you how much he wants to co-opt him to his side. He has the same biases and inability to find flaws in his own logic that leftists do.

>How is treating white people like everybody else like shit?
stop, stop being so disingenuous, please stop lying

arabs commit terrorist attacks and the next day headlines are about how its white peoples fault and what white people can do to stop it
Arabs rape our children and you are racist for bringing it up
The new wave of africans are committing loads of rape but the media wont mention it, but will imply there is a rape problem and its white mens fault

In historical eduction they but blacks and arabs in white peoples history were they never existed

yeah that's so hilarious asshole

I'm not even white but you must be blind. One of the most popular sites among young people published this article

Sure, it's supposed to be light-hearted and funny but can you honestly imagine any mainstream site publishing the same article about Mexicans or Blacks or Chinese?

I can point to several instances of legally mandated insitutional discrimination against whites, you won't be able to do the same vice versa.

Not is it even a case of even being treated equal, consider how whites are treated in other nations, consider how they are treated when minorities take control - they have no interest in equality whatsoever it's purely narrative costume.

Whites have never treated others badly so dont give that disingenuous crap. Look at our historical record; relatively small participation in slavery then ended it and went to great economic and political cost to end it elsewhere, an empire built on enlightenment principles of raising up dark people and bringing medicine, infrastructure and politics; a wealth of science, philosophy and art shared globally. Then in modern times allowing these people access to the west and providing huge systems of social support and accommodation for them. Dont give me any shit about now. Being treated equally, its bullshit and disgusting, no-one buys it.

Its the funniest thing I read today

again lying
how can you not be on Sup Forums and see a million of the infographics
but you, you instantly put them out of your brain even though you have probably seen hundreds of examples
If i was to show you some now, you would say you had never seen any in your next argument

That's the behaviour of a psychopath or someone ideologically possessed

Just had the Golden Globes. Literally multiple jokes about "white men" being rapists, from a Jew, when the rapists themselves are Jews, followed by a nip cunt making a joke about how Whites are stupid.

You can even find people unironically using the term White Privilege.

Yes like those white farmers is south africa finally being treated equally. Cannot WAIT for the based blacks to kill all the white people for the sin of being the most beneficent race the human race has!

>Sup Forums infographs
I'm on your side but you're a dumbass.

is he for real? can he seriously not look at the average score instead of the tomatometer? or even just go to metecritic for a more accurate score

also this 20% curve doesn't work because Wonder Woman would break the scale and be the greatest film ever made while Suicide would be above 30% when it's absolute trash

if the information is in an image its not true?
im just talking about those images that have examples of news and media bullshit

>also this 20% curve doesn't work because Wonder Woman would break the scale and be the greatest film ever made

It has an Israeli in it so of course it is

This annoys me
People really need to understand jews arent white

then you're objectively a bad person

Clearly the same faggot pretending, most infographics are sourced and its entirely your fault if your fucking substandard brain is too lazy to check them.

>only liked Kylo Ren and Reylo scenes

Pretty solid interview desu

Some are OK but some are obviously made with an agenda other than telling the truth. But pic related is just blatant. This is simple stuff that should be enough to show the hipocracy of the obviously liberal leaning mainstream media.
Actually you know what pisses me off? That it's somehow a controversial statement to claim that the media has a liberal bias. If you mention that you get shouted down to GO WATCH FAUX NEWS, that's one channel that isn't even conservative all of the time. They report the new about 70% the same as other news sources but it's used as a punching bag, one channel. Out of dozens of cable channels and newspapers and powerful website.

>I can point to several instances of legally mandated insitutional discrimination against whites, you won't be able to do the same vice versa.
Minorities get more time for lower levels of crime than white people. I can go on.
>t is it even a case of even being treated equal, consider how whites are treated in other nations,
Your argument is that white people are treated like minorities when they are in places they are minorities... Shocking.

G I wonder who could be behind this post

There's not a single Sup Forums infograph that isn't filled with lies.

Another, but don't tell Fantano about it because it doesn't exist. What an unfunny faggot.

>tfw wanna attack kike shapiro but liberal retards are constantly forcing me to defend him

>Clearly the same faggot pretending, most infographics are sourced and its entirely your fault if your fucking substandard brain is too lazy to check them.
>Sup Forumsinfographs with blogs as sources are fact
This is why you'll never be taken seriously. You guys do more to harm white people than help them but you're too stupid and hopped up on memes to realize.

>white people are treated like minorities
whites in africa are killed, tortured and raped
blacks in america are treated like angels that can do no wrong

>Minorities get more time for lower levels of crime than white people
on their 10th offence? Whilst committing 2 crimes at once? Like breaking and entering whilst high on drugs