Write a motive to destroy the world

I think it's hard to make an excuse that's fresh while still believable

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Has any ever been believable?

This world is for white men
Destroy it, and rebuild it

Gnosticism, there you go

When a military AI/virus enhanced ape/super robot endangers humans a doctor decides to teaches it as much about humans as possible. So that after humans go extinct the new thing can succeed human traits.
basically copying the girl with all the gifts

The problem with Unbrella Corp is always that they did too much.
They said they want to make bio-weapon but there are no states left to conquer.
At least they pulled it back in the last movie and said that killing all people to rebuild the world for the rich people

>rich people hide in the hive
>the virus broke out from the hive
>the hive got nuked

destroying the world just to watch it burn is childish and bad writing
taking over the world through corruption and brute force is scary and more plausible

>fresh while still believable
I think all the believable reasons have been fully explored. Eg. continued existence of life results only in suffering, destroy the world to remake it as I see fit, by accident, etc. etc.

If you want something fresh, you have to go with something totally off the wall.
we have to destroy the world because the Earth itself is a cosmic alien egg that devours human souls and if it continues to be fed it will hatch and destroy all existing universes.

It was in the fifth movie they said the company has a base to simulate American and Russian environments because they were testing weapons for the two states.
But by that time there were no USA or Russia left to buy the weapons

Because I'm bored

google "Israel Supreme Court pyramid" and notice the massive all-seeing-eye pyramid viewable from every angle of the court's exterior. This Supreme Court was funded and solely overseen by the country's founding family, namely Dorothy Rothschild, whose husband Jimmy oversaw the Knesset (Israel's Congress).

The all-seeing-eye symbol references the end state of the globe, where Jerusalem will be THE global capital, and the Israeli Supreme Court will be the highest court over all governments. This is dictated in the 1962 forecast of Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion, who further stated the United States would become a declined socialist state, and that a global police force will prevent another World War.

This is WHY we see the all-seeing-pyramid imagery in Hollywood productions, including the logo of the Academy Awards, and referenced in countless production company logos, like Annapurna, run by Megan Ellison, daughter of Zionist billionaire Larry Ellison.

The symbol represents the coming hierarchy of the globe, where the enlightened all-seeing capstone is Israel, a Rothschild-run uni-government, and global elites. The rest of the pyramid represents Gentiles, who will eventually become a melting pot, no races, religions, families, ideologies except the Utopia. Entertainment, as your instincts tell you, is becoming SJW'd because this process is accelerating on schedule. LGBTQ is more prevalent, because sex will no longer be used much for procreation, but for pleasure, see Brave New World, and the curious mass acceptance of online pornography is the content bridge.

We will have one further World War in the next several years, the final war in the Middle East, to crumble Iran, North Korea, and Iran, possibly Christian Russia. Then Israel becomes Greater Israel, as forecast: Oded Yinon Plan, Clean Break Doctrine, Kalergi Plan

You can only do it in fiction.
Ex: Earth is being occupied by a predatory alien race which the humans can't control, like a xenomorph or The Thing, leaving no option but nuking in hopes the threat won't reach other civilizations or human colonies

Define destroy the world?

unironically white genocide

The villian wants to be edgy, so he plans on destroying the world

The leader of a cult believes that the world must be destroyed to get to heaven/awake the messias/awake chtulu/rebuild the world

For me it was always just blackmailing. Like "make me your leader" or "give me 1 million dollar" or else he will destroy the world.
Just destroying to watch it burn fits crazy villians, but these kind are never used, because it will give you no suspense in cinemas.

he said movie, not documentary.

Because humanities attachment to the earth is preventing progress, they should be looking to the stars.

OK, with white genocide as the goal.

I think a Agent Smith/ Ra's al Ghul excuse for wiping out the white race would work, what they have accomplished is the very reason they should be destroyed.

Villain speech
>The work and prosperity of the white race has created an imbalance in the natural functioning of the earths ecosystem that grows worse daily. In their struggle to achieve they have cleared forests, spread disease, and hunted animals into extinction. They have created weapons capable of deforming landscapes and making those areas unlivable for years to come. They have done much for them selves and some would say all mankind has followed in their path...or wake. For they have also left a trail of death and pain through the path they have carved. A path that has lead to a place where mankind was never meant to be, a position they are ill equipped to hold. And that is the white race must be eliminated. So that all life may return to balance with the world.

after release, sites like buzzfeed would have articles like
>Why Movie X actually makes a great case for White Genocide

>sites like buzzfeed would have articles like
>Why Movie X actually makes a great case for White Genocide

Honestly, sites like buzz feed would have the same article if I had written something along the lines of "whites being in charge hurts other peoples feelings".

OP if youre writing a book or developing something other than a paper thin plot for a video game then you should just quit because you're scraping the dregs here.

what board should i go to for primo world domination motives

anywhere is fine. But what i'm saying is that if you're a creative and you need help with somethign that would be considered as important as the main plot. Then you should quit because you lack creativity.

Evangelion but live action

Because it turns out that there is a perfect afterlife, one vastly superior to our current lives and open to anyone that dies.

>And in order to open it completely every single person in the world needs to die, making some special snowflakes too afraid/unique to agree to die for it so the plot is a group of people going around murdering them

Id watch it

>why destroy the world
The alternative is worse

I think Wesker's motivation was pretty solid. Destroy all of humanity because they treat the planet like shit and will be the end of all life on earth.

Dark Buddhism is pretty easy and coherent.
1. Life is suffering and enlightenment is some hoodoo bullshit.
2. Therefore the only moral thing to do is destroy all life.

It was what the very special plan for this world hinged on: