Good Time

So Good Time was the best movie to come out in 2017 right?

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Ben Shapiro /ourjew/ trashed it in his last podcast. didn't even say why. just said it was garbage so i guess its terrible

its on recently on Netflix, I'd recommend giving it a go. Non-stop from minute 1 and R-Patz is great in it. Only 1 hour 40 so not a huge commitment either

Ben Shapiro has terrible, normie taste. Good Time is top 3 movie of the year. Hard for it compete with large budget kinos like Dunkirk and 2049, but Good Time is 3rd on my list (haven’t seen Phantom Thread yet though).

The brainlet containment thread is leaking.

Ben Shapiro is a fucking moron.

need some ragebait to get me angry for the day


he really really hates it


>ben shapiro has terrible, normie taste
I agree

with the rest of your post you're not making a very good case for the movie though

Good time was cool. 8/10 did enjoy

Why would anyone listen to Ben Shapiro for film criticism

I thoroughly enjoyed it, did exactly what the title says. Consistent tension throughout with comedic elements plus Pattinson does a solid job.

Also because Captain Now was in it, it gets raised a point.

Imagine being a Ben Shapiro fan. You’d likely be a Boomer and neocon, and Ben would likely be your link to pop culture critique.

Imagine taking his recommendations on movies. Meh, Boomers wouldn’t have understood Good Time anyways.



I didn’t make a case at all for the movie. You’re likely referring to my praise of Dunkirk and 2049, as if those are bad movies, or normie movies. An actual normie list would put Wonder Woman or Get Out at the top.

As far as Good Time goes, I’ll briefly make my case. The film has a unique premise: scumbag, bumbling criminal wants to protect (or exploit?) his mentally-handicap brother, and everything goes wrong. It’s fast-paced, realistic, has great acting, great cinematography, and keeps you engaged the entire runtime.

What is your argument against it, and then we can go from there.

>Jews hate this film because the black girl gets bleached instead of the other way around
Typical kikes with their bbc fetish

>shitty meme scene for Sup Forums credit
>two trust fund jew yorker brothers who have connections to casey neisat directing (one of which makes it blatantly obvious that he browses Sup Forums)
>dude cassavetes lmao
robert pattinson is the only good thing about it

>violent white male sexually assaulting teenage girl of color
>best movie
ummm, that's problematic as f*ck sweetie

What made you think of Cassavetes in Good Time?

having seen the other brothers films, they really like to use those extreme close-ups with the camera going in and out of focus, it happens several times throughout the film and doesn't fit in at all everytime it happens. just the general rough and aimless feeling of the film at times. the previous two films they made were very much cassavetes influenced (daddy longlegs tries really hard to emulate him) so the feeling is still there.

Oh, you were talking about the directorial style. Yeah, I can see that at times. The "lazy" camera especially. Some moments reminded me of The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, which unlike most Cassavetes movies is more focused on action and movement, and really allows the camera to float. I'm reminded of the scene with Gazzara in his club with the black chick on the floor, and the camera moves lazily over his shoulder and lets his back hide most of the screen to focus on the lady's face, bathed in pink hues. I think the brothers were channeling that in Heaven Knows What too, when the heroin chick is in the old catlady hippie's house shooting h, but it wasn't in a cheap way. I haven't seen any other Safdie movies so I'll take your word for it.
Good Time is much less centered on character dynamics than any Cassavetes though, and instead uses action to hastily move one scene to the next. For example the brothers' relationship isn't given much dialogue to flesh it out, but it's developed tacitly through action and the way they trust each other, and the lengths they go for one another. The ending would have a much different payoff if another method was used.
I was asking because I was wondering if that's what you were talking about.

I thought it was cool but I kept waiting for the big hook and it never came. It was just a series of events that ultimately led to nothing and meant nothing. It couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Very aesthetic and pattinsons great and has cool moments but just too shallow overall

good time is Sup Forums: the movie
each Sup Forums reference took me out little by little

What other Sup Forums references are there other than Pepe? I don't remember anyone saying 'desu' or 'waifu'

>ends abruptly when it had just found a rhythm
was it budget cuts? literally incomplete in all ways

Did anyone else have tears in their eyes at the end when /ourguy/ finally got help?

you might think some of these are a stretch but as far as i'm concerned they draw from the Sup Forums zeitgeist with a sprinkle of plausible deniability
>pepe acid
>we wuz egyptions on the tv in the black lady's house
>bondman is jewish
>pattinson to nose-guy: one thing you cannot do is JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP
>black thug masks to commit a crime
>some autism guy moments in the beginning
>sam hyde hair
