This is a good movie. Only bookfags disagree

This is a good movie. Only bookfags disagree.

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It's mostly the opposite since bookfags are the only ones who can understand it

>movie that is virtually inaccessible if you haven't read the book
>movie that is also a complete and utter butchering of the book

Never read the book and I can understand it just fine

Only bookfags hate it because they stick to the pleb "but muh book is better" mindset

i like the book and the lynch movie. the scifi miniseries is pretty shitty though.

>only people who read the better version disagree

It's almost like you have no idea what you are talking about.

patrician answer


Bookfag here, I enjoyed it. I didn't mind different approach and some changes, it's not like the movie could present some philosphical aspects and internal monologues without turning it into a borefest anyway. Only thing that irked me was turning evil and cunning Harkonnens into fat, stupid and disguisting slobs. I get it that this is the best way to portray Rabban Beast, but there is literally no reason to do the same thing to old baron.

You'd think you're being more subtle than "Godfather is trash" babbies, but you're really not. It's bad as a book ecranisation, it's bad as a book reinterpretation, it's bad as a standalone thing. The only thing that can help it is Villanolan shooting a fedora version, which is likely to happen at this point so stand by for news.

Soundtrack was great though

like it as a visualization of the book, even though it doesn't 100% fellows all the story details and doesn't dip too deep into ecology/philosophy
Baron is disgusting slob even in the books

This one is better.

I liked the movie but it's really not very good
Worth checking out i guess though

Another bookfag reporting in. Read the series multiple times and I enjoy the film a lot, watched it several times as well.

best dune. anyone have any good WebMs of this?

it's an objectively bad movie with a few good features

I'd eat up Lynch's shit if I had the chance, but even I won't pretend this was good

the baron scenes were kino

shuda biin jodorowski :(

Had anyone ever considered giving Lucas a shot at the Dune movies?

It wouldn't have been a good DUNE movie

miniseries just needed a better budget. at points it legit looked like a highschool play.

Never read the book but I watched this a couple of months ago....It was decent, but the second half of it dragged in parts.

>he hasn't read the most famous sci fi novel ever written

>he thinks Dune is the most famous sci fi novel ever written

What next? Are you going to say it's top tier?

>the most famous

I don't know about that. SF in general doesn't have a single seminal work the way fantasy does with LotR, for example.

I understood it fine before reading the book and i still like it after reading the book so it would be nice if you can enlighten us as to what you specifically mean.

it's a yes to both

sci fi doesn't really have many good books

>Doesn't know about "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" kys

It was on my to-do list...the movie turned me off a little bit to be honest. But I'm willing to give it a shot - I know I shouldn't really put to much stock in the film when it comes to judging the book.

the film is famous for being hated by fans of the book

> muh edgy Harlan Edge-ison

you must be joking

Just about every fan of a book likes to shit on the movie adaptation. It can't be helped to some degree because everyone has their own vision of the book and a movie will just about always violate that.

Personally, if I have the choice between movie and book, and there is reason to believe they were both well done, I'd rather opt for the movie if it can raise all the questions the book can and take you on some kind of enjoyable journey in 2 hours as opposed to the many more a book might take. I think Dune looks like a case where both media warrant consumption.

On the contrary, I don't think that many Dune book fans hate this movie. Even Frank Herbert liked the movie. Hell, Dune fans just loved seeing some Dune visuals come to the screen. It was a different time.

I love the aesthetics and the cast, but the story's been butchered to hell. As long as I treat it as a retelling, it feels right.

Miniseries is way better in that regard but the budget was really bad.

Book is still the best, but I can't look at the book stuff without thinking Lynch's aesthetic.

the mistake people keep on making is trying to make Dune as a single movie. that was probably my biggest problem with Lynch's flick, it had to cut a lot of the interesting shit out just so it could fit in all the crucial plot points plus scenes where a fat man flies around in circles while giggling

Dunno, I played dune 2 a lot.

was he right?

This one was much better than the books. No chinese Ipanema is gonna get me to read the mangays amirtie frens?

>Never read the book and I can understand it just fine

Bookfag here that agrees.

I would say that the movie has slightly better Atriedes, but the Harkonens in the miniseries are miles better than the movie versions.

you're missing out on understanding fairly major elements of the story, even if you understand how they're going from A to B

this is an inarguable fact, huge parts of the book are just simply not in the movie, even though they have a bearing on the story told