Is she gonna be alright?


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Why is it acceptable for celebrities to talk like trash these days?


>My Head Was So Fucked...

No wonder by the massive dicks of Driver and Boyega.

Is it true she can’t have sex?

>October 31 2017

If she's seen Star Wars then she knows how terrible her character is and how she's helped forever ruin the saga.

no but she's infertile
i bet her gyno throws up every time he has to take a look under the hood

Poor girl. After months of sucking jew cock she finally gets the part, and it turns out it's a lot of work for an overall mediocre couple of movies.

she can suck MY cock

Not true. Endometriosis doesn't make you infertile. There's a chance it will but it's not a guarantee. My cousin has it and had a baby 2 years ago.

No wonder, Adam rejects her on a daily basis.

She knows once episode 9 is released her career is over. I bet she also realizes the movies are nothing special and will be remembered for being just as shit as the prequels.

well she was literally a bartender in london before these movies. I really wish these actors and actresses who shit on their roles get some perspective on life and not be miserable condescending cunts about it

They're resilient kind...

Really don’t think I’ve ever spilled as much cum to anyone else than I have to her

Kathleen Kennedy should be hanged tight. The most casual casting ever made. Bitch can't even act out of a paper bag, yeah, let's make her the lead in a billions $ franchise because she looks like young Keira kinghtley.

Just watch this


Fucking Mary Sue knows exactly what to do

Does anyone else here desperately want to suck her asshole and pussy? Despite all the shit she gets

I guess when she her friends talk about having babies, she CAN'T say #metoo to having a kid.

>caring about celebrities



Boo hoo I'm rich, in Hollywood and nobody's molested me yet.

I actually had sex with her when she was 18. Ive posted the story on here before, but long story short it was a one night stand and i met her on the town with some mates one night. She was stiff and hardly moved when I fucked her. Didnt think anything of her again until I heard she was acting in hollywood movies. Wouldnt fuck her again.

Femisluts WILL defend this!

>She was stiff and hardly moved when I fucked her
meybe she was like that because you are a shit fucker mate

who cares. hope she has a mental breakdown and kills herself desu.

Vulgar slut.
Why do women have to curse?

>but long story short
Tommy ?=

once they become famous they lose touch with the common people and start to view themselves as above everyone else

good. She should have never been in Star Wars to begin with. She destroyed Star Wars from frame 1

quite based desu senpai


Please describe what her vulva looks like, thank you sir.

Endometriosis usually causes miscarriage by way of ectopic pregnancy, that is, assuming the egg is fertilized in the first place

It's because she was passed out from being drugged retard.

>"Leave First CPRkino to me"

the thing is he is spiting blood, so he is pretty dead no reanimation will help him either kek
