This is wrong according to Sup Forums

>this is wrong according to Sup Forums

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What's your endgame, OP?

She is literally a professional LIFE SAVER

That with perfect angles, lighting and make-up, and you still can't stop her looking like she has fetal alcohol syndrome.

how omega are you, OP?


What are your thoughts on her bare feet?

Her soft tender arches?

She is cute tbqh.

Perfect organism

you dont know what FAS is mate, she has a high nosal bridge, no folds on her eyes, she aint got the alcohol downs

>Perfect organism

newfag spoted

Your social studies/racial studies/gender studies perogative is wrong

You smell like the social networks

wow you just literally had to change her whole face

>being this face-blind

She is objectively a 6/10
There are over 100 better looking actresses working today and to top it off she's an awful fucking actress
Don't understand the appeal

I'd go on a date with her. You know, if she asked me out, and picked me up, and paid for dinner, and didn't mind if I was on my phone the whole time, and maybe, maybe, Id kiss her as she walks me back to the door. Depends if she's cool with me farting around her and all my racist humor.

Daisy is C U T E ! ! ! ! !

What the fuck is wrong with her head?

so cringe

Shit acting desu

She has marred her cute feet with a disgusting whore tattoo

I legit love Daisy now.

I want to lick her pink nipples, my dude

based daisyfu


>Xenomorph has omnivore teeth

>I want to lick her pink nipples, my dude

Have at it.



not wrong, just ugly af

Xenomorph BORN OF HUMAN has omnivore teeth

She seems like such a kind person. I wish I could marry her and have tons of kids.

Wtf I love her acting now

she was studying history the only pretty /based/ thing of her

>not even make-up makes her look good
She should have been born a boy

>implying a barren woman can be attractive

I predict this will remain the best performance of her career.


If she's wrong then I don't wanna be right :3

shes cute, why does everyone hate her?

She was more stiff and lifeless in TLJ than this webm

Ok I take everything back, Daisy Ridley is the shit!


>hitler wanted to get rid of this

Guys! I found a new pic of Daisy Ridley.

Wait what, is this how snoke dies?
Hahahahahaha, this is hilariously bad, omgbwhahahahahaha