Remember when Superman thought his mom was going to die in an hour...

Remember when Superman thought his mom was going to die in an hour, but instead of looking for her he decided to waste time getting in a fist-fight with Batman?

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You think he should have said "Fuck you Lex" and flown off scanning the city block by block

At which point his mother would have been immediately set on fire since it would hae been obvious to Lex and his henchmen that he wasn't playing ball

Not when he can move faster than what they can think

He knew that Batman's mom had the same name and wanted to take advantage of that fact to get the world's best detective to help him search for her.

Well he goes to Batman's help. Batman says no. At this point he has two options... A: Kill Batman (which, if he wanted to he could have done in seconds) of B: Fly off and try to find his mother before his hour is up.

Instead, he starts throwing Batman around trying to... what?

I love how Batman just happened to already be tracking the same person who just happened to kidnap Martha. I also love how Superman goes to get Batman's help without actually knowing who took his mother (besides random Lex henchmen). It is amazing how many contrivances of the plot lead this story along.

I liked the part when KGBeast hears a huge punchup just outside the room where he's holding martha hostage, he just sits, and chills, and does nothing.

He’s Superman, not the Flash.

>stammers lolita quotes at you

wat do

Too bad about JL establishing hes comparably as fast as the flash, huh.

Remember when Lex Luthor biggest fear was that there was a almighty uncontrollable alien wandering around so to stop him he unleashed an even more powerful and unmanageable alien? What a master plan.

God I hate when stupid people make movies.

I liked the part where the US government had kryptonite, a dead kryptonian, and a mostly functional kryptonian ship locked behind a print/DNA scanner, and had no idea what do with any of them until mark zuckerberg came along.

It illustrates that he's considerably slower than the Flash. If he was as fast as the Flash he would have caught him.

Almost as fast as the flash is like almost as big as the universe.

Why would he do anything? He is tasked with guarding Martha and thats what he is going to do.

Batman starts fighting him, not the other way around. Superman tries to get Batman to listen to him.

negro he was tasked to set the bitch on fire if anyone came for her

Are you guys retarded? If he doesn't know who took his mother, other than them being Lex's guards, of course getting a famed detective would be a good idea. And he wasnt tracking the guy who kidnapped Martha at all. Alfred started trying to track Martha once he heard their conversation on the comms. He even says so.

You guys are so goddamn dumb.

>be superman
>oh no, a regular human is doing things that are totally incapable of harming me
>i must get really mad right now and forget my mom as a flamethrower aimed at her

His fear wasn't the alien walking around (since he had kryptonite), his fear was people treating him like a god. Like this is so fucking easy, he even talks about how god can't be all good and all powerful and yet people are praising Superman as such. He wanst to destroy the image of Superman, so of course releasing a monster more powerful than Superman would do that.

the us govt didnt have kryptonite you retard, they bought a kryptonite weapons contract from Lex. And in real life the government outsources military research projects to private companies all the time.

No, he was asked to set her on fire if SUPERMAN came for them. If he set Martha on fire Batman would just kick his ass and possibly kill him. His only leverage is the threat of potentially hurting her.

>I need to ask this fucker for help
>don't even try to reason with him and get irritated by his parlor tricks
>it isn't until he's about to get kryptonite'd that he goes full MARTHA
simply stablishing that Superman was playing along enough to try and talk to Batman would've save them the teouble

How are you this dumb? First off, the sonics were shown to phase him. Yes he is able to destroy them and move on, which is why he continues to try and convince Batman to help him. He thinks he has that fight easily won so it would be no sweat to let Batman punch him a few times while trying to convince him. He is surprised by the kryptonite though, which is what Bats was counting on.
And they were told to immediately kill Martha should Superman come anywhere near.

but he does try to reason with him, and when that doesnt work he engages in the fith because thats what Batman wants. He doesn't think Batman has a real chance against him at all. He has no knowledge of kryptonite or that Batman has it.

You are really dumb my dude.


This, he's still fast enough to punch everybody in the planet in the nose and be back before Lex even knows he's gone.

And what the fuck do you think Superman would have done if he killed Martha? Same fucking thing Batman would have done.

KGBeast was dead as soon as Batman broke in to the warehouse His best bet was to light the bitch on fire and killed himself. At least then he would have done his job.

When superman finally gets a chance he pushes batman away from him. Instead of "I need your help, lex luthor kidnapped someone" It's fucking awful.

his speed creates sonic booms unlike The Flash. His speed is inherently destructive because he doesnt have speedforce, so if he went at full speed towards his mother he would either kill her and everyone around her, or have to slow down enough for them to know he is there--and then they'd kill Martha.

You guys are also dumb.

Just hold up a sign that says, "To whoever's watching, I'm going to knock out Lex now, and if you tell whoever to kill my mother, I will pull your body apart muscle by muscle, guy standing over there watching."

This isn't how it works, sweetie. It only causes disruptions if they want it to, like for a tornado.

But KGB knew, or at least trusted Lex enough, that he was going to unleash Doomsday. So if Superman hadnt killed Batman and tried to save Martha, and if they killed her, he would have then had to deal with a giant monster kryptonian zombie AND Batman trying to take him down. Plenty of opportunity for KGBeast to escape.

I don't blame him for playing along with Lex, but I don't blame him for being such a pissy bitch he had to fuck around with Bruce first instead of trying to talk with him and explain the situation or try and get help, despite having many opportunities to do so and Lex didn't have anyone or anything monitoring him at the time to stop that.

>He can move almost if not as fast as The Flash.
>Can’t simply go at superspeed and leave Batman disarmed then proceed to lift him up 2000ft in the air and talk to him. If Batman tried anything he would fall to his death, so no kryptonite for him.

Superman acted retarded as fuck during the fight. He could have ended the fight peacefully in 10 seconds if he wanted or killed Batman with his heat vision in less than 5 seconds. This whole Batman with preptime bullshit is something that comes off incredibly retarded when facing people like Superman.

What? The very first thing he tries to do is explain to Batman what is happening. Then Batman hits him with the sonics, and he tries again to explain. Batman yells in his face like a mainiac "I UNDERSTAND" very obviously showing he doesn't want to hear whatever Superman is selling. Also, if you remember, Superman had been told by the citizens of Gotham that Batman, in his current mode, only understands power, so that is how Superman tries to engage with him.

>Hmm, trying to talk to him calmly isnt working
>Everyone told me he listens to acts of power, and last time I destroyed his car it got him to stop pursuing the guards
>well, I guess I'll play his game and show him how powerful I am and let him try and fight me until he listens

How are you so dumb

You're pretty dumb dude, and you forget the part where Lex gave them orders to kill Martha should anything happen to him. Also how would they even see the sign?

Everytime he used his super speed in MoS it caused sonic booms.

You continue to be dumb.

Somebody must be watching, how would they know?

He was humoring Batman up until the kryptonite comes out, which he didnt know about.

Also Batman has a Batplane, a grapple gun, and preptime. He could easily survive being dropped from that height. Either caught by his batplane, using re-enforced grapplers meant to be used with that suit, or any number of things.

You are dumb and not very creative.

Right... so that’s why Batman had such a time constrain saving Martha. Superman could have burst down in to the room Martha was in, snapped the necks of everyone inside and carried his mom to safety.

Hell, in the beginning of the movie he superspeed someone through a fucking wall with Louis next to her. He could have done that with KGBeast.

I could see that but it wasn’t my point. My point was that once someone was inside the warehouse. KGB had no reason not to kill Martha since obviously Superman isn’t playing ball and sending someone to save Martha, regardless of it being Batman or some other third party.

But I can see how in the whole Doomsday confusion he might be able to escape.

Watching what, Lex? It could be as simple as a heart rate/vitals monitor or a third party that has no idea what exactly is going on but is told to send a message should x or y happen to Lex.

You continue to be very dumb.

>Humoring Batman
>When his Mother’s life is in danger and just previously Louis’ life was threatened.

Yeah, seems like Superman is all over the place in priorities and motivations in the movie.

Also, 2000ft was just a number. He could have taken him over the water away from everything. Shit, he could have flown him to fucking Kansas and have a nice chat with him like he did when he picked up Loius in JL.

>He wanst to destroy the image of Superman, so of course releasing a monster more powerful than Superman would do that.
>if I make you a martyr I win

Cud be but ain't. Any transmitter Superman would spot and know if it's watching a heartbeat or just listening to Lex speak, and he could counter accordingly and trivially.

You don't have to play those silly games when you can do what Superman can do.

>very first

OK, that's not what I said, I said "WHEN HE GETS A CHANCE" Cause eventually it's not noisy as fuck. Trying to talk to him calmly can't work when batman keeps making loud noises. You're telling me superman gave up on trying to talk to batman cause of loud noises? So if you and me were in a garage and the door kept going up and down, and you needed to say something you'd push me away from you?

Watch it again numbnuts. He has a chance to say something, AND HE THREATENS HIM, he doesn't ask him for help.

What does Batman have to do with what I said at all? Im honestly wondering why you brought that up. I think its because you're dumb.
>Superman could have burst down in to the room Martha was in, snapped the necks of everyone inside and carried his mom to safety.

He didnt know where she was, and to go fast enough to search the whole city would cause the sonic booms I was talking about. And once again, the second he snaps one guy's neck everyone else is trying to kill Martha.

>Hell, in the beginning of the movie he superspeed someone through a fucking wall with Louis next to her. He could have done that with KGBeast.

How are you this dumb? If he even entered the same room as KGBeast, he would have killed Martha. And the speed at which he moved with the warlord was not nearly fast enough to create a sonic boom or search the whole city, and those walls were shitty walls made dirt and earth--not nearly the samething as concrete.
> KGB had no reason not to kill Martha since obviously Superman isn’t playing ball and sending someone to save Martha, regardless of it being Batman or some other third party.

Try, for one second, to not be dumb and to put yourself in KGB's shoes. He has not been told to kill Martha yet by whatever mechanism Luthor was going to tell him to do so. Obviously Superman isnt there because if Superman was, there would be a lot more destruction and he probably would have been told to kill Martha by Lex. So if its not Superman then either 2 things are going to happen. This other guy is going to get stopped by his goons, or he is so skilled that he will overcome the goons, in which case KGB's only bargaining chip is Martha.

Now stop being dumb plz.

>Cud be but ain't.

LOL, literallt your headcannon.

>Any transmitter Superman would spot and know if it's watching a heartbeat or just listening to Lex speak, and he could counter accordingly and trivially.

No he wouldn't. This Superman has never been shown to track such things or see signals like that. You're really dumb my dude.

Superman's best chance at saving his mother IS to convince Batman to help him though.

>He could have taken him over the water away from everything. Shit, he could have flown him to fucking Kansas and have a nice chat

And Batman would have some kind of back up for that, AND he would still have all three of his kryptonite canisters. The second Superman tries to pick him up, pop a kryptonite on him.

You continue to be dumb and uncreative.

>B-but my Batman’s counter

See this is why every Batman vs Superman discussion is fucking cancer. It always boils down to Batman having a counter. Tell me then, what the fuck can Superman do against Batman if anything he would try would fail?

The point wasnt to make him a martry, it was to show that power isn't innocent. That Superman like powers, and figures like Superman, aren't good. Thus destroying this idea of Superman as the all good, all powerful god alien hero man.

Like this isnt rocket science, you can see similar debates happening RIGHT NOW over guns. You can show a lot of instances of guns being used for good (like Superman using his powers for good) but then you can show all the times guns kills people, either accidentally or through negative intentions (the destruction of Metropolis, Doomsday) and then you have tons of people saying ALL GUNS SHOULD BE BANNED.

You are dumb.

BvS is the ultimate soyboy filter

You continue to be dumb. Your post makes 0 sense. Read my whole post, Im not arguing about the noises. Here, I'll repost it so you can actually read it and not just froth with rage.

"What? The very first thing he tries to do is explain to Batman what is happening. Then Batman hits him with the sonics, and he tries again to explain. Batman yells in his face like a mainiac "I UNDERSTAND" very obviously showing he doesn't want to hear whatever Superman is selling. Also, if you remember, Superman had been told by the citizens of Gotham that Batman, in his current mode, only understands power, so that is how Superman tries to engage with him."

Now read the entire thing. And now rewatch the clip you linked (lol). The first and second thing Superman tries to do is reason with him.

If you actually read my post you would see the point where he was told Batman only understanads power, so he plays Batmans game and displays power. He tells Batman he could have killed him at any point, which is true, but not really a threat. Just saying "this fight is pointless, you cant win."

Please stop being dumb, it pains me to see you struggle to think

Try talking to him, which he does. Batman refuses to listen, and they go a few rounds. Eventually Superman realizes Batman really does want to kill him so his last action is to beg him to help, which works.

I mean if he really wanted to just kill Batman he could laser blast him from miles away, which Superman even points out in the fight (that he could have killed Batman at any moment). But he doesnt want to kill Batman, he wants to convince him to help him.

I keep forgetting that autistic man children defend this movie. It's bad and no ass pull justification makes it good. If you think after 30 seconds of loud noises giving up on trying to ask for help and fighting someone is a normal response then please talk about that with your social services representative or care provider. Throwing a tantrum or starting a fight cause you missed a chance to say something is not normal behavior, even though they do it in a movie.

Lol, its not about the noises. Try reading the post instead of frothing out the mouth.

I think you have autism, because unlike you, Superman was able to understand Batman yelling "I UNDERSTAND" as "I'm going to listen to you." Which you can't seem to grasp.

Being dumb must be really hard for you, and I'm sorry you have such a hang up on loud noises and can't understand a human being when they aren't saying exactly what they are thinking.

>get argument BTFO
>b-but the noises!!! ur autistic!!

lmao, give it up dude.

I saw Justice League last night. BvS is still the worst, but not by much.
Showing the impact of Superman no longer being around by having some guy kick a box of oranges 5 minutes into the movie really set the tone.

>Two grown men fighting makes more sense than talking it out
>"You're dumb, how dare you say I lack social skills!"

So, he planned that Superman died as a hero to stop an alien that I unleashed would put Superman in a bad light.
Since you are making the guns argument it's like you are pointing a gun to a civilian, I shoot you and you shoot me, we both die, the civilian is safe and suddenly people will think that I'm the bad guy while you're the good one.
You're either insane or Snyder.

remember when batman (who has a staunch rule about using guns and killing people) uses guns to kill people?

yes, that was before the first batman movie.

Remember when Martha was Martian Manhunter, he gave birth to Bruce, then faked her own death, changing his phisical form as a Kansas farmer, became Martha Kent, a woman who he killed, adopted Superman, then proceed to be the key in an alliance between Superman and Batman, what a master plan
>written by Zack Snyder

t. soyboy

BvS fans have suffered enough, let them Stockholm themselves into liking their incomprehensible movie in peace. We’ve moved on to Star Wars

>whenever someone wants to talk something out, the other person is always going to listen 100% everytime

One of those guys tries to talk it out and the other is in a rage and refuses to listen.

Its like you've never had to deal with a little brother or significant other that was freaking out over whatever and had to pin them down to get them to listen to you/calm down.

I'm sorry you're autistic and can't understand that Batman wasn't going to be simply talked out of his 2 year long mission that he pinned his whole career on.

And I'm sorry you are dumb, it has to be hard for you.

How are you this dumb? I'm honestly curious?

His plan didn't involve Superman dying a hero. In Lex's plan, Superman either is killed by Batman, thus dispelling the idea that he is an all powerful mega god, or he kills Batman (thus dispelling that is an all good mega god) and is then killed by Doomsday with a tarnished reputation.

If he somehow didnt kill Batman but got killed by Doomsday, then he would have died. But he wouldnt have been able to stop Doomsday, and Lex would come in this kryptonite weapons and stop Doomsday himself.

He just wanted to prove to the world that Superman was either not all powerful or all good and he did. He proved he wasn't all powerful. Had Superman not had the help of Batman and WW to kill Doomsday, Superman would have died to Doomsday and not as a hero. He wouldn't have stopped him.

I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. Well, I actually do, its because you're dumb.

Batman has killed people in every movie he has been in except the Adam West one and the B&W serials.

The US government hires out contractors to handle their OWN information and materials. When they buy a new technology from a contractor, it becomes theirs, that's how it works. You don't actually know what you're talking about, but that's not surprising, you like DCEU

>I don't have an argument, but you're all wrong!


Zack, it's time to stop posting

>When they buy a new technology from a contractor, it becomes theirs, that's how it works.

Sure, but the contract had just been signed for Lex to MANUFACTURE more weapons and harvest more kryptonite. He hadn't made most of the weapons yet dummy.

That is why I said they bought a weapon CONTRACT, because the whole point was that he would get govt permission to then bring in MORE kryptonite.

Learn to read so you can stop being dumb, please.

I'm glad to see you really don't have an argument so you got to resort to bad memes.

>Lex would come in this kryptonite weapons and stop Doomsday himself.

What kryptonite weapon? Batman stole the smuggled kryptonite well before Lex decided to create Doomsday.

not saying you're wrong but im pretty sure you're wrong

lex was never planning on killing doomsday

Jesus christ, you are so dumb its physically hurting me.

Batman stole a single chunk of kryptonite that Lex WANTED him to steal (and yes, this is revealed in the movie)

Lex had more kryptonite. He had gotten permission from the US govt to import loads of it, and he had the chunk from when he showed the senator, AND he had a bunch of test kryptonite weapons (which were the basis of the contract he secured).

Please go to college or something, you really need to learn to think.

Pretty obvious that between his kryptonite weapons that once Doomsday killed Superman he would kill Doomsday himself, since there is no benefit of keeping him around.

Sorry you need everything spelled out for you. Gotta suck being as dumb as you.

He has. He kills in both Burton movies, he implicitly kills in the Clooney movies, and he kills loads of people in the Nolan movies.

Why do we assume KGB has any idea about a space death monster plan B?

>I got no evidence, but you're wrong!!

The absolute state of soyboys!

>Lex had more kryptonite

This is headcanon on your part. We had no reason to assume that Lex had enough kryptonite to weaponize. The chunk he showed to the senator was tiny, just enough to test on Zod's corpse and get his fingerprints.

>The number of unique posters
>the recurring terms

Jesus Christ, there's one dude who defends this garbage movie as a full time job

>We had no reason to assume that Lex had enough kryptonite to weaponize

We have every reason to believe that. He finds a field of it. He gets a contract from the US government to import loads of it to make weapons--the basis of said contract being based on experimentaly weapons he explicitly mentions he has.

You keep getting dumber.

i haven't seen the burton films yet but im certain batman never killed anyone in the nolan films, he even makes a point of it... hell the whole first film was about him coming to terms with killing his familys killer or letting him go

Obviously by calling everyone dumb, I'm not trying to hide my identity. In fact, you are extra dumb for assuming I wasn't trying to give away that I am indeed the same person by using the same insult.

this is next level delusional

> but im certain batman never killed anyone in the nolan films

LMAO the very first thing he does is blow up a monastary and he very EXPLICITLY chooses to kill Dent at the end of TDK

You are really, really dumb.

>He finds a field of it.
And when does this happen in the film?

I have the directors cut downloaded. Give me a timestamp and I'll concede this point.

he's a retard. most bvs fags are

its pretty cheap to count indirect and collateral deaths as kills desu

Lol, its amazing how when you are backed into a corner you just resort to insults.

He explicitly tells the senators he wants to import more kytponite, which he gets permisison to do, and finds fields of it. Plus there is literally a whole B plot surrounding Lex have experimental weapons.

I'm sorry you are dumb.

are you guys this dumb?

"Among the fishes, a whale." So among the tiny bits of kryptonie they found a huge chunk of it.

And you can even see it:

The big chunk they take is ripped off of a bigger deposit.

I'm really sorry you guys are this dumb. Your parents mush be reallt ashamed.

No it isn't. He blows up the whole monistary in the same way he blows up the trucks in BvS. Sure he wasn't aiming for the people thesmelves, but he fucking knew they would die if he blew it up.

You're trying really hard to save face and it makes you look retarded.


the "whale" IS the chunk of rock that they retrieve from the ocean and there is no indication that the area they retrieved it from holds any other larger deposits. He wanted the perit to bring "the whale" to the usa and nothing more.

there are no plans or resources to create a kryptonian arsenal

>So among the tiny bits of kryptonie they found a huge chunk of it.
Yes. The chunk that Batman proceeded to steal.

>The big chunk they take is ripped off of a bigger deposit.
This is you making shit up. The chunk is sitting on top of a rock covered in coral/plant life. The kryptonite looks decidedly different from the surrounding seabed. The locals did not find an entire field, they found one chunk which they then sold to some LexCorp dude, who then proceeded to inform Lex of the find.

And even if he did find a huge amount of kryptonite in one location, then the problem still arises when he needs an import license for this radioactive mineral, which is what he goes to the senator for.

If he found a ton of kryptonite in Metropolis, where the other half of the world engine was, that would be different. But the film never states this.

>humoring batman
>"My mom is being tortured and apparently I can't find her despite my super senses, so I guess I'll amusedly let a middle aged man in a batsuit shoot machine guns at me"

> The chunk is sitting on top of a rock covered in coral/plant life.

No, they literally rip the chunk off from the larger bit of kryptonite. You can even see the bits of rock and dust that come up as a result of it being broken off from the rest.

>The locals did not find an entire field, they found one chunk which they then sold to some LexCorp dude, who then proceeded to inform Lex of the find.

Also wrong, the locals didnt find shit. They were instructed by the Lexcorp guy to go out there and get that chunk.

Yes the whale is the chunk, but the "tiny fishes" implies ther are other small bits of kryptonite around it. The chunk is part of a larger deposit which you can plainly see when they rip that chunk off it.

>there are no plans or resources to create a kryptonian arsenal

Yes there was. That is why the other senator gives him the access to Zod, because he gives him the import licesene so that he can make the weapons for the US govt. He even talks about making an arsenal.

To say "there are no plans" is absolutely retarded when they explicitly talk about it. I didn't think you could get dumber, but here we are.