Eliza Dushku molestation story

>he laid me down on the bed, wrapped me with his gigantic writhing body, and rubbed all over me. He spoke these words: “You’re not going to sleep on me now sweetie, stop pretending you’re sleeping,” as he rubbed harder and faster against my catatonic body. When he was ‘finished’, he suggested, “I think we should be careful…,” [about telling anyone] he meant. I was 12, he was 36.


Biopic when?

that's disgusting, he should be in jail

>getting upset over dry humping
>getting dry humped by a fucking stunt guy of all people in hollywood too
it's not even funny
how pathetic


>ywn never be Arnold during the filming of True Lies, protecting a 12yo Eliza Dushku from her abuser

It was just part of the stunt.

>I was molested by arnold's stunt man

Wait a second... I thought arnold did all his own stunts.

why couldn't you save her Sup Forums?

You know there was some bullshit PSA about not hurting women in that movie too.

I must confess that gave me a boner

so some dude jerked off on you
other actresses at 12 get ass raped
consider yourself lucky

Sup Forums passed out shitposting on the toilet

was she naked?

Islam has the right idea by separating men and women.

This isn't the whole thing..

>I remember, so clearly 25 years later, how Joel Kramer made me feel special, how he methodically built my and my parents’ trust, for months grooming me; exactly how he lured me to his Miami hotel room with a promise to my parent that he would take me for a swim at the stunt crew’s hotel pool and for my first sushi meal thereafter. I remember vividly how he methodically drew the shades and turned down the lights; how he cranked up the air-conditioning to what felt like freezing levels, where exactly he placed me on one of the two hotel room beds, what movie he put on the television (Coneheads); how he disappeared in the bathroom and emerged, naked, bearing nothing but a small hand towel held flimsy at his mid-section. I remember what I was wearing (my favorite white denim shorts, thankfully, secured enough for me to keep on). I remember how he laid me down on the bed, wrapped me with his gigantic writhing body, and rubbed all over me. He spoke these words: “You’re not going to sleep on me now sweetie, stop pretending you’re sleeping,” as he rubbed harder and faster against my catatonic body. When he was ‘finished’, he suggested, “I think we should be careful…,” [about telling anyone] he meant. I was 12, he was 36.

>Arnold is only today made aware that he failed to protect her

>white denim shorts
Oh so she was asking for it.
Got it.

Well he clearly fucked up by not making her cum first

He outright denied it ever happening

>mfw more of the Hollywood elite are going down

>it didn't happen because I deny it
Fuck off misogynistic piece of white male trash.

>pls revive my career

>freezing levels
Why? heat is the way to go
>what movie he put on the television
for me it was grendizer with commercial breaks for the matrix
>secured enough for me to keep on
I suspect they could have been ripped off had any effort been made

meh daughter in commando was cooler

But was he able to protect HER?

yes, at least until 2013

so, this will probably go to court

>Getting felt up and dry humped while Beldar is singing Tainted Love in the background.

Who the fuck could forget that.

>Months of grooming just so he can have sex with her with clothes on

what happened in 2013?

>how he lured me to his Miami hotel room with a promise to my parent that he would take me for a swim at the stunt crew’s hotel pool and for my first sushi meal thereafter

what sort of fucked-up parent lets their daughter go for a "swim and sushi" with a 36-yr-old man?

sex tape

poor goys desperate for Hollywood megabucks

The kind that wants to be big in jewwood. sometimes there is no pretense, they just pimp out their kids for proxy life and cash

stunt guy? who was he?



>calling a 12 year old girl who was molested pathetic

I saw a webm where she finally stopped hiding her ass
Did she finger it yet

How did she get more attractive as she aged? What sort of wizardry is this


Bullshit she looked better as a kid.

Miss Alice
Probably the most well-known camwhore these days


Somehow I feel like she just made up the part about her shorts staying on.
Makes no sense, but then it feels like a desperate last attempt at sugarcoating what happened.
That way she could say he raped her while not technically violating her with penetration.

>Some literal who stunt man
>Hollywood elite

Ya I'm sure this guy was at the top of the invite list for the pedo lizard people coke parties

There's two possibilities (assuming it happened).
>a. he didn't take her shorts off so that in his mind he could justify the excuse that he didn't really molest her
>b. she mentally blocked that out and convinced herself that her shorts stayed on
Either way, it's hardly a detail that would invalidate her story


Nah, felt more like a personal thing.
And if it did happen, it's most likely option b.
The guy stripped down to nothing. He didn't give a shit about self justification.

Really boils my pasta.

lets be real, 95% of people who get big in hollywood are liberals being helped out by other liberals. the chance of this guy thinking that if we dont' fuck trans, we're transphopic is extremely high.

Damn... The one time Arnold didn't do his own stunt he missed out on all the action

when are we going to confront the issue of jews sexually molesting underage goyim? pls no bully

I cum from a land down under

I believe him. Dushku's career is over, Joss Whedon tossed her aside after she got too old and he replaced her with Chloe Wang. She's doing this to try and reclaim some fame.

We've been confronting that issue since Weinstein got busted. Wikipedia's even calling it the Weinstein effect. It has its own article and everything.

Sad thing is they probably knew what was going on, but it was too cool to tell their friends at the club that their daughter was in a movie with Schwarzenegger, so they didn't do anything to stop it.

>"I remember what I was wearing (my favorite white denim shorts, thankfully, secured enough for me to keep on)."
>"I never took off her clothes."

>word "jew" doesn't even appear in article
what a surprise

Always take the news with heaping handfuls of salt.


well, at least the guy is not gay
is he jewish???

How come there is so much of this shit in hollywood?



Hollywood has a serious (((Men))) problem.

i laughed

No problem. Don't expect too much though, she has a perfect body but her videos are mind-numbingly boring

Little girls want to be famous actresses. Their parents want money and fame.
Old kikes want to fuck little girls and happen to hold the keys to Hollywood money and fame, and until recently had the clout to get away with it.

That's most camwhore feeds. That shit is hours of them just sitting around and waiting for tips, interspersed with very occasional masturbation.

>arnold's stuntman gets primo loli
>arnold gets runty middle aged mexican cleaning woman

what did they mean by this?

Oh I don't watch camwhore shows live, I only watch videos of them on porn sites so I skip all the stuff with them sitting around if it's in the video
I'm saying the actual masturbation is boring as hell

Kati3Kat would like a word with you.

Can’t imagine the feeling, sitting in a hotel room waiting for a your daughter to get dropped back off from her molester date

Her parents sold her like a pig to slaughter.

Crecent Moon Face Ahoy! She had to tip her head forward so her giant chin wouldn't be obvious. Why are women so deceitful?

>blurry ass photo
>face mask of makeup

Criminally negligent mother.

Why are you such a delicate made-of-glass whiny crybaby pussy?

>delicate made-of-glass whiny crybaby pussy
Just call people faggot, that's shorter.

wait what? not even penetration? idk about this

Dude, it's a made-up story. How could it possibly be believable that her parents kept quiet if she had said full-on sex happened?

Nah. When one of your friends won't go out to the bar with you, or wants to go home early, he's being a faggot. When someone posts something like "why are women so deceitful?" online when talking about how a woman holds her head in a photo, he's being a delicate made-of-glass whiny crybaby pussy.

I remember watching the damn movie in theaters and wanting to do the same thing

What is a Stage Mom.

Muslims are the biggest rapists on the planet, you fucking retard.

Imagine being Dushku in that room and having to be all like "damn, James Kramer, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your scarred body and horrific mutilated Jew dick. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is eat another raw salmon in her dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Dushku and not only lay on that bed while James Kramer flaunts his disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing his skidmarks and leathery skin, and just lay there, rub after rub, hour after hour, while he tugged at your shorts. Not only having to tolerate his damaged cock meat but his haughty attitude on set as everyone tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMES KRAMER LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to lay there and watch his Jewish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been eating nothing but a healthy diet of Big Macs and slushies and later alleged healthy raw fish for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Albania. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his dimpled stomach as he sucks it in while wriggling suggestively on top of you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to lay there and revel in his "statuesque (for that is what he calls himself)" manliness, the manliness he worked so hard for with personal stunt coordinators in the previous months. And he cranks the air conditioner for another notch, and you know you could kill every fucking conehead in this room before the hotel security could put you down, but you lie there and endure, because you're fucking Dushku. You're not going to lose your future Z celebrity career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

4-5 guys casually going for a swim with a 12 year old?

I'll bet that bikini she was wearing wasn't secure enough to stay on.

>"That's a pretty good memory. She could ruin my career."

There we go. That's what I was waiting for.

she's not very hot, she should be thankful for getting some male attention

>his gigantic writhing body
>harder and faster against my catatonic body

Why is she writing this like its an erotic novel


Your a faggot.

shit story didnt even get hard

shit story didnt even get hard

Some people would do anything for money, they don't care if their child gets raped, abused or whatever.
There are some fucked up moms who willingly put their kids in the arms of predators like Weinstein, Kramer or whoever the fuck is in charge. Just to get a little fame and some cash