Does anyone remember the diner scene in this movie...

Does anyone remember the diner scene in this movie? there’s this weird moving person behind Emma Robert’s head when the guy is revealing his daughter to her and then it moves to reveal two really weird looking people in the corner

Did anyone else at all find that insanely unsettling? It’s one of the scariest things I’ve seen in a movie in a VERY long time and I’m trying to find a still of it but can’t.

what the fuck are you talking about, nothing like that happened
there was the black waitress in blur on the top left of the screen but that is it

Hmmm... sounds creepy. I would have to do some digging to find out. But in the mean time enjoy some Emma cuteness.

Lol sounds like you're experiencing the hyper-intrusive telechromatic offset that's been plaguing media players lately. Do you use VLC?

no because this movie features the two absolute worst Sup Forums waifus

This movie seems to get compared to "The Witch" quite a bit and some people found it genuinely scary. The trailor doesn't do the Blackcoat's Daughter justice desu.
I can't find the scene you're referring to, OP.

The Devil is a pussy in this movie though; that exorcism took like half a minute

It’s a really strange shot when Emma is in the diner, right before and after the man shows her a photo of his daughter. I remember sitting there and thinking it was really weird to have the waitress moving up and down like that in the shot, and then it pulls back to reveal a very pale little boy? You can see his face clearly in some of the rest of the scenes later but it’s obscured the first time. There’s even a musical cue in the score when it happens. Just rewatch the scene.

>tame exorcism in film
>bad thing
yeah it was refreshing to see something so reserved, plus how the demon just kinda casually backs away
almost looked cute like a where the wild things are character

Mixed feelings about the casting. This is the kind of story that usually works either as a novel or when the characters are a child and a twenty something or maybe a twenty something and an old woman.

Honestly, is a bit cheap hiding your twist in the fact that the same character less than 10 years apart doesn't look anything like herself

>sounds like you're experiencing the hyper-intrusive telechromatic offset that's been plaguing media players lately

The only good thing about this shit flick was this qt here.

geometrically she is probably the best looking, but for some reason i like the others better
but then i like her character in the movie too

She looked sexy in the film but it's too bad she doesn't look as attractive in natural blonde.

>dem disgusting zombie legs on roberts

mmmmmmm imagine a threesome with these fine ladies

make webm, watched the movie ages ago cba to spend my internet on getting it again

I would totally

I feel like they wrote it with Emma Watson in mind since she looks much more like an older Kiernan but they fucked up and got the wrong Emma.

She looks much better with dark hair.

Worst movie of 2017 and the moment I knew RLM were true hack frauds. After this and Disaster Artist, A24's perfect run is over.

>I feel like they wrote it with Emma Watson in mind since she looks much more like an older Kiernan but they fucked up and got the wrong Emma.
They couldn't mix up any Emmas if the character you're talking about is Kat performed by Shipka.
And even if Watson were to some how get a role in such a movie it would require her to suck off more jew cock.

Sleep it off, Jessi

>she doesn't look as attractive in natural blonde.

I disagree

What does the title mean?


Keep hearing about this, is it worth a download?
