Cheated on her boyfriend with the guy from Glee

>Cheated on her boyfriend with the guy from Glee.
>Cheated on the Glee guy with the Supergirl girl.
>Now cheated on the Supergirl guy with Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights.

Can she be stopped?

Ill stop her with my dick

eh she'll tire herself out eventually, when she hits that cock quota all girls do

shes a slut

Who was her boyfriend before the Glee guy?

Kara x Barry otp

It's a part of her contract to push unfaithfulness so the young girls watching her believe that her behavior is normal.

>Actually watching (((TV)))

The guy from the Fappening pictures. Just some random, nobody famous.

Can't let you fight this alone.

How did she get hired with these pictures being out there?

which supergirl guy? the nigger?

they nailed her in homeland. a whore for hire.

completely unremarkable except for her body.

Nope, the guy who plays Mon-El.

She can't be trusted around her romantic co-leads.

>tfw it will never be my turn

she isn't even with the nigger on the television show

that shit was dropped early in the 2nd season and she started dating a white dude and people got mad


It's not Disney and she's not well-known enough for general public to care

was Supergirl a virgin before Mon El? how could a human break a Kryptonian hymen?

She looks out of his league. Dude could nail a hotter chick.

Her leaked pics were top tier

Where’s the proof my man?

gee, that sure looks fun haha

Her body and face are literally perfect for me

Would marry/10

I'm with you senpai, lets fight this together

I don't think she cares. She's having fun. Good for her.

She's a celebrity and will likely earn millions of dollar in her career.

this tbqh

>She's a celebrity

B list at best.

someone post them already ffs


her feet?

But what a body.

the only happy actors seem to be the ones who date outside the performers bubble

is this her? wtf she looks like a totally different person

>Now cheated on the Supergirl guy with Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights.

need a source

Haha imagine she is a nympho and demands constant poundings from you.

is it autism?

and she cheated with Amell

h-haha ikr, what torture that would be hah-ha

Once she has a cunt that looks like a yawning hippos mouth she may think about it. Thots gonn thot

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm look how she expose her neck

way to crush my soul



Uhhhh... Guys?
Where's her clothes?