
Am I supposed to feel sorry for this guy?

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No. You're supposed to feel sorry for your mother, for having an autistic son who makes shitty threads on an anime imageboard about his own ignorant misinterpretations of a director's vision masquerading as witty satire but coming up woefully short, even to his fellow autists.

he was a ring bearer, so yes.


Please regale me with your interpretation of the director's vision for Boromir. And while you're at it maybe you can tell me how you're able to diagnose autism over the internet, or maybe why you think it's okay to make light of mental issues. Please, go on.

He's a good man worn down by war and gnawing self-doubt.

You shouln't feel sorry for him, but you should learn from his mistakes. His tale is a warning for every man

boromir did nothing wrong. middlearth would be better off under godking stewarts gondor

>You shouln't feel sorry for him

>just a man who wants to do right by his family and his nation
>not a descendent of some ancient king, or an elf, or dwarf, or wizard, literally just a guy
>agrees to go on a suicide mission because fuck Sauron
>the long lost heir to the throne of Gondor, the man who is rightfully his king, shits on him and his peoples legacy and sacrifices
>on top of all that, he is being tempted by the constant presence of the one ring, an evil weapon that 99.9% of people would not be able to resist the influence of
>after making a terrible mistake, he realizes his folly, sacrifices himself to save his companions, and redeems himself, showing the future king of Gondor that there is strength to be found in the world of men

He's not a warning, he's a fucking inspiration.

any positives you can come up for him are moot when he succumbs to the power of the ring and puts the fate of it in jeopardy

Watch the extended edition, theatrical version removed basically all of his character development.

Incorrect. A huge aspect of Tolkien's work is that people who oppose evil and its minions fail all the time - the important bit is that they tried.

By your logic, Frodo's entire quest was 'moot' because he succumbed to the rings influence in the end. But that's completely wrong. The struggles and sacrifices he made on the way, simply out of a desire to do the right thing, are a victory in itself.

Read a book, nigger.

>"What is prodigal son?"
do you even Christianity user?

Oh look he needs to resort to racism when arguing. Really makes you think.

So, I guess Bilbo and Gandalf are just as bad as Boromir?

>Oh look he needs to resort to racism when arguing

Well I meant it in the nicest way possible.

And at the end he sacrifices himself to give frodo the time to escape and go on his own. Breaking the fellowship is what allowed it to succeed.
If they didn't have to chase after Merry and Pippin then they wouldn't have gotten involved with rohan, the Hobbits wouldn't have gotten the ents to march on isengard which freed up reinforcements to defend gondor at the crucial moment.
He falters on his oath, and for that he is mortally wounded, but he is a man of character and goes out with dignity.

Not even him but do you know where you are right now?

Boromir was the best character in the entire trilogy, and anyone who disagrees is simply unable to understand what drove him to do the things he did

t. woman

But he's right. He just insulted you so you can reply back to him and feel good about yourself.

Are you a woman?

He had potential but ended up as a comic relief

He was a good man deep down. Weak and flawed but still a man willing to die protecting the helpless. He was a hero and a real human Bean.

Except trying to use the ring's power makes more sense than sending a fucking manlet into Mordor with it.

>reacts appropriatey to conditioning
good goym

this post shows me there is strength to be found on Sup Forums

>multiple times throughout the series where they say the One Ring answers to Sauron alone, literally why he is called the Lord of the fucking Rings

>Except trying to use the ring's power makes more sense
It would if it hadn't been explicitly stated, over and over again, that any attempt to use the ring would only call sauron's forces to your location, and corrupt every choice you make to your ultimate downfall.


ikr, he was the most real and relatable character in the trilogy.

If you mean from his limited perspective, I mean, you could make an argument for it. A *bad* argument when you're surrounded by elf lords and wizards and shit and all of them won't even touch the thing because they're scared shitless it will corrupt them and twist their power to serve Sauron's interests and they're all telling you that it's a really fucking dumb idea to even think about trying that.

From the audience perspective there's literally no excuse because we straight up see what happens when you try that shit during the intro where it talks about the alliance between man and elf to kick Sauron's ass.

>just a man who wants to do right by his family and his nation
a selfish cause if it means the ruin of the entire world

>not a descendent of some ancient king, or an elf, or dwarf, or wizard, literally just a guy

>agrees to go on a suicide mission because fuck Sauron
he goes on the mission for the simple purpose of obtaining the ring by cunning or by force

>the long lost heir to the throne of Gondor, the man who is rightfully his king, shits on him and his peoples legacy and sacrifices
no he doesn't

>on top of all that, he is being tempted by the constant presence of the one ring, an evil weapon that 99.9% of people would not be able to resist the influence of
the ring simply magnifies his own desires

>after making a terrible mistake, he realizes his folly, sacrifices himself to save his companions, and redeems himself, showing the future king of Gondor that there is strength to be found in the world of men
and what would have happened if he managed to get a hold of the ring? he only regrets getting caught

Oh shit I had no idea Boromir was supposed to be omniscient, where was this stated?

Boromir posting.

Please stop arguing with the idiot and or troll please. Let him be retarded, anons

>at the council both Gandalf and Aragorn outright tell him the ring cannot be used against Sauron
>"hurr how was he supposed to know?"

>dat costume design

Go back to capeshit, you underage pleb faggot. Do you imbeciles spill into the rest of the board when GoT is off season?

;_ ;

im not wrong. thanks for playing

Does anyone have the picture of the ring in the snow, but the fellowship in the background has no faces and is really spooky?

>not a descendent of some ancient king, or an elf, or dwarf, or wizard, literally just a guy

He's a Numenorean Man of a line near as pure as Aragorn's. In the book he's like 7' tall and the strongest of the Fellowship.

Damn beyond being a mad little cunt you are also so incapable of seeing beyond your shitty MUH FAMILY HONOR view of Boromir, prob the result of having a father who was always disappointed of you being his offspring, and now that he has passed (or just completely given up on you) you try to be a really family honor type of guy, even though you are just as shitty and incompetent now as you were when he was around. off yourself little man

You fell for the bait, retard.

Everything was fine until they spent a month with that psycho manipulative bitch, Galadriel. She spends the whole time building up his worst fears, playing off of his love for his soldiers, his people and his city; obligations of his family for generations.. At the same time she's sewing doubts bout Boromir in Aragorn's head so now Boromir can't even go to the man he sees as a hero and a brother for reassurance like he has thus far in their mission.
Boromir struggled often with doubt and each time Aragorn convinces him that they're doing what is best and that they will not falter. After Galadriel Aragorn no longer trust Boromir and when the warrior needs reassurance Aragorn pushes him away. Alone, scared, desperate and aware that they don't like him anymore Boromir falters.
Let's not forget that fucking ring only exists because that manipulative bitch wanted to manipulate the gods themselves, because she didn't want to go back to where she'd burned all her bridges. Of all the elves who left against the will of the gods she alone is being punished for her actions in the rebellion.

>"dont maek fun of the autismos plx"

Wow that's great reasoning. Except Boromir had no idea that his actions would (very indirectly) lead to that. He succumbed to the power of the ring and frodo was successful despite him. Boromir was an abject failure of a character. If he'd survived any further than he had then there's no chance that the ring could have been destroyed.

t. Tyshone Le'Darius

Solid projecting you've got going on there