The Shape of Memes

This shit was fucking corny bruhs.

The ending, in particular, was as cringy as it gets.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cheesy, cliche, crap.

>Pacific Rim
>Crimson Peak

All terrible. Del Toro's fucking lost it.

I liked the OST and the creature had a cool design.

>TFW your mom asked you for movie recommendations and you said this looked interesting without having watched it
>TFW she's mad at you now cuz the chick masturbates or something
Whoops. Sorry ma.

its a whimsical fairy tale with a cold war backdrop

I loved it

Yeah it sucks. It's like a particularly insipid, formulaic Disney animated movie from the '80s but with edgy sex and violence.

she actually has sex with the fish at least twice on the movie

Spoil the ending for me.

fish man gives mute lady gills and they live happily ever after in the ocean

stop lying

Is it worth seeing if the draw was Lovecraft inspired shit?
I don't care about Hellboy or anything and I'm not a fan of romance. Even my mother said it was uninspired, and she watches Hallmark movies.

The worst part is there is a short film called the space between us that has the exact same premise that was made previously to this, With the hellboy movies and pacific rim I think del taco is unabashedly just plagiarizing now

Its actually really good. Are you a pleb?

Del taco is taking the basic disney format and turning it into a great period piece adult fairy tale. You wouldn't know kino if its fin slapped you in the face.

he never had it

Did he turn her neck scars into gills or was she a mermaid already?

If true, what's so cringy about that?

It's a pretty good flick, and the soundtrack has charm. Predictable, but I enjoyed it a lot.

I wasn't really expecting anything more.
Thanks user, I'll check it out.

That's really the ending.

It's nothing like Lovecraft. There is zero mystery or horror. Picture something closer to Twilight.

Most overrated shit director I know. Even Kevin Smith has a better track record lol

>That's really the ending.


>It's nothing like Lovecraft. There is zero mystery or horror. Picture something closer to Twilight.
So fluff? That's too bad.
Is there anything redeeming about it? The setting? Some user said the OST but that's not draw enough for me.

You Must be a fan of rick and morty, the thinking mans childrens cartoon

>Even my mother said it was uninspired, and she watches Hallmark movies.

oh so shes a pleb?

well my mom loved it and shes a fan of sci fi fantasy like Edge of Tomorrow and Face/Off

How would her human body be able to sustain such long periods of deep under water exposure? Is she a mermaid?

>Is she a mermaid?

no not really.... OR IS SHE???
Holy shit there is what a hack

The story of the film is told by the neighbor. He tells the ending the way he likes it.

She dies at the end.

>oh so shes a pleb?
Yeah. I'm working on her.
>well my mom loved it and shes a fan of sci fi fantasy like Edge of Tomorrow and Face/Off
That doesn't inspire confidence since Edge of Tomorrow was shit and Face/Off is a meme movie.

To be fair it's played off kinda like the end of Pan's Labyrinth, where either the girl went to live on in her new fantasy life, or she actually died and the fantasy isn't real, as it's bookmarked by a narrator who doesn't really know how the story ended.

The acting is great all around. For a mute character, the main girl is very expressive and emotional. Michael Shannon is based as always, and the supporting cast is good. Photography is very pretty, as is with every Del Toro movie, really. But yeah, it's basically a romantic movie. Just one where neither the princess nor the "monster" need to change because they accept what they are

That's for you to decide. Either way the purpose of that is to imply that she was never 'meant' to live in the human world.

It was hilarious, we were busting up laughing in the theater when we saw it

That's so sad. I'm crying now.

disgusting, I weant to see the movie with degenerate hipsters like you and they obnoxiously laughed at the tiniest sight gags like her green tounge or the big green dangus scene


You have to remember she died happy. If she never met him she would have probably lived an unfulfilled live.

No fuck this movie. Watch Brazil or City of Lost Children or Amelie if you're interested in the 'setting' since those are what del Taco's ripping off for this bullshit.

Interesting story and main character

Nice soundtrack

Bad guys were 1-dimentional and even the diner guy who rejects gay sex is immediately set up to be racist and homophobic

Corny ending, imo the amphibian should have died with Elisa crying (vocal cords healed) and/or Strickland left alive with healed fingers and then realizing his mistake


She always had gills.

>Bad guys were 1-dimentional and even the diner guy who rejects gay sex is immediately set up to be racist and homophobic

He was following store policy to not let blacks sit on the bar, he told them they could order to go. The gay thing was personal though

I'll check those out. I've been meaning to watch Amelie anyways.
Did del Taco at least do a good job of ripping them off?

I thought it was comfy as shit. Sally Hawkins a qt and that score was beautiful.
>inb4 soyboy

Her gills open at the very beginning. And the song choice after the first time she met him, "something something I thought I was alone" I forget exactly, but im betting she's was mermaid already.

I agree. Felt like he was trying to make another Pan's Labyrinth, but somehow forgot how human beings acted.
It was more fascinating watching his cartoon characters act and react in ways that no human being ever would, like looking into a schizophrenic's mind.

No, I dont mind either of those things, thats normal for that time

However it felt really forced like pushing an agenda to have them enter and being kicked out in that exact moment

The production design and acting was top notch. Michael Shannon, Michael Stulhbarg and Sally Hawkins were knockouts.

So is the fish Abe from Bellboy, right?

Nope. Prepare to be disappointed
>constant insistence from the people in charge of it that it's an animal
>constant conviction that he is definitely not just an animal
>eats his host's housecat on sight and instinctively attacks said host, both massively animalistic behaviors
>by the end of the movie it turns out he's a god and more human than us!

Shape of Water could be Del Taco's worst movie. I liked Crimson Peak better than this garbage.

Hating this movie is indicative of having never experienced love

>Sally Hawkins a qt

t. fishfucker

Wait crimson peak was by the same guy

I remember seeing Pan's labyrinth

Yes, he directed Crimson Peak. I went in blind, so I honestly enjoyed it. A lot of its bad rap came from people expecting a horror movie and getting a gothic romance instead, which happens to be something I'm a sucker for anyway.
Still, it wasn't his best.

I assumed the fish man was supposed to be Dagon

>everyone gets shot
>the fish man simply stands up and waves his fin to immediately heal everyone just because it was necessary for the plot
>he gives the girl gills because yeah he just can
Fish man was a Mary Sue

the contrarian retard is strong in this thread.

My thoughts exactly. This shit didn't even have a comfy atmosphere to save it, hard as it tried.

>no one has posted the Alan Moore comic yet

I neeed to masturbate already!

I meant with people saying it's bad retard.

lol but that's only a contrarian opinion if the movie was good.

tfw the slut cop's relationship with fishman in Neonomicon was more romantic and believable than Shape of Water

Found the soyboy