So this was pretty good

So this was pretty good.

Why is it being completely overlooked for awards?

What did Kathryn Bigelow do to piss "them" off?

Other urls found in this thread:

because, just like zero dark thirty, it presents a harshly realistic look at a hot button issue in society in a nuanced way that doesn’t pander to a certain audience and actually requires some thought

audiences are truly getting dumber, one of the only consistent complaints of this movie was basically that it didn’t have a blatant good vs evil message where all white people were evil one-dimensional monsters and black people were all innocent and did nothing wrong

The film was relatively even-handed, which is utterly unacceptable given that every single person in the country currently feels that their morally absolutist social views are unfairly under siege.

I found this movie to be quite good. Well worth a viewing. It's an extremely uncomfortable watch. I'm not amerifag though, I'm from an ex-commie country that was known for the brutality of it's secret police. This movie isn't just about fucked up race relations, it's about how authority can turn broken, fucked up people into monsters. Highly recommend.

Get Out, Dunkirk, and Detroit were three of my favorite 2017 movies.

I don't know why, but Hollywood really hates Bigelow. It's weird how you have all this progressive bullshit going on and the first woman to win a director's oscar is never remembered.

Poor Bigelow.

I think her biggest mistake was not having the white characters also have fangs. The Studio and producers were pretty angry about that.

The irony of the movie is if someone watches it and comes away insisting it has a black victim narrative, they are genuinely racist because they've chosen to see the movie in a way it is not presented solely out of their hate for black people.

Like, "racist" has been overused to the point of losing its power, but this is one of the few movies that can actually successfully identify racists.

Good one, but next time try to change your IPs

Probably just a glitch, this site has notoriously bad coding.

Wow the exact same thread as yesterday

Nah, it's glitched.

>it's a shill thread

Nah, it's glitched.


bigelow is a shabbos goy, op

Fucking weird glitches on this site today.

Remember that black lives really matter guys plz

Because katheryn bigelow doesn’t try to coast by on being a woman, so she’s not the kind of female director that Hollywood wants to promote at the moment

Jesus fucking Christ. But seriously, Detroit is a horrible fucking mess. They could pick any version of the events in the hotel, since it's not entirely known how it all went down, yet they still picked a sequence of events that didn't make any sense. Are they implying that those dumb niggers couldn't say "It's a fake gun and Carl was firing at you!" And would rather die one by one?
How the fuck that slut, that wan't even in the room when they were shooting was the one to tell the police?

Who are some other female directors like that? Mary Harron?

According to this, they did not mention the starter pistol until much later. So that was just being accurate to real events.

And that's one of the reasons why this movie is not pandering schlock. Because it shows that the blacks were at fault as well.

I agree.

Based Bigelow doesn't care what anyone thinks of her.

Nah, it's glitched.

Bigelow doesn't make films, she makes propaganda. She's a shameless bitch and I hope she's violently raped.

Posts like this are why the #metoo movement exists.

Women pretending to be raped for attention (read: Munchausen syndrome) is why #metoo exists


I'm having déjà vu

Yes but while they were all in the hotel at the initial line up, not outside of it, when the killing had already accrued. The problem was that no one knew where the toy it, and IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO wasn't cutting for them, absolutely not how it happens in the movie, where they play "who snitches first is a faggot" for 30 minutes.

stop making these threads, all they do is attract Sup Forums

If they draw Sup Forums away from other threads it's a worthy sacrifice. Fight on, Kathryn. You are a brave woman.

To be fair only a few people were in the same room as Carl when he did it so most of them didn't actually know what he had done.

What I'd really like to know is how this toy gun was never found. All I can think of is one of the officers did find it but then disposed of it because it would make them look worse.

Nah, it's glitched.