Why was it so perfect, bros?

Why was it so perfect, bros?

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It hit the spot

It is pretty fucking awesome, but I'm gonna have to pick a different Schwarzy movie.

I just found out yesterday that this is based on a Stephen King novel.

How has Stephen King made so fucking much stuff? The man shits out classics like it's nothing.

You're a third right. He makes mediocre books that get made into some classic movies.

this german film is older than the king novel


Here is Subzero, now, plain zero.

Where's Buzzsaw?

>Arnie + Yaphet Kotto


azimov was more prolific than king tho.

The second act (bar the Damon Killian scenes) is kind of weak.
The whole trying to contact the resistance plot was way better in Total Recall.
Great movie still. The build up to the start of the TV show is incredible and timeless.


the time and political climate

allowed it to be pure thought to movie

>The whole mall scene
>fucks a phone booth so hard it breaks off of the ground
>hidden kino comedy and devilish puns

The only maajor flaw was some weak third-act pacing.

He had to split.

>comfy 80s aesthetic and soundtrack
>super hot Maria Conchita Alonso
>the greatest number of Arnie one-liners in a single movie

Literally exposing the fake news media decades ago.

Using Photoshop and video editing to promote narratives.

It had fake news just like in real life


He looks so good in this film. Absolute peak physique. Literally no soy in this man's diet.

I enjoyed how this movie was relatively tongue-in-cheek with the black girl responding to Schwarzenegger's shenanigans like a normal person would.

>These guys eat too much red meat!

What is the kinoestest Arnie movie?


Undoubtedly Predator


Nah mayne arnie peak was in his last legit olympia, not the meme one.

for me it's conan
the best arnold movie

>schwarzenegger will die in our lifetime and we'll never see another actor as cool as him

He looked too goofy back then.


>when you realize Mick Fleetwood is playing himself

love the main theme. Even today, I catch myself humming it now and then

no soy?

Not sure this is the best thread for this question, but... is Arnold a good actor?

Entertaining for sure.

He's a superb movie star, one of the very greatest. He's more like John Wayne or Marilyn Monroe, it's all about this particular magnetic individual whom the camera just loves rather than any acting.


Can we talk about how Commando's soundtrack is the absolute worst fucking thing in cinema?

>dude let's put the same 20-second loop of steel cymbals throughout the entire movie lmao

Holy fuck. I would like Commando so, so much more if it wasn't for that atrocious fucking music.

Never post again

It's a pretty horrendous score, I'll give you that.

Ice puns alone can drag Batman and Robin into 4-5/10 zone

>anything post-governator +5

The 6th day is underrated.

It's like Paul McCartney solo albums. You know it's not that good, but you can't be too hard on the man when his legacy is so lovable

damn completely forgot about Escape
now that was shit

It was way fucking better than The Last Stand.

Wasn't Arno in the expendables 2?

>no Hercules in New York

Pretty sure he was in all of them, though he only had a cameo in the first one.

Collateral damage was good imo.

>watched Jingle All the Way for the first time on New Years day
>many keks were had
"I'm not a pourveart I just wanted a toorbo man dorl"

He didn't make the cut

>that opera singing intro
Who was the best Hunter and why was it dynamo?

>better than Terminator 2

One day, people will look at pics like this one and wonder who this Arnold guy is. Is it already the case? At what point do newer generation stop looking back?

>this reddit post

Terminator 2 is a flashy plot rehash of Terminator (the superior Terminator) + kid drama to throw brainlets off.

Predator and Total Recall are both superior to Terminator 2

Harold Faltermeyer was an a e s t h e t i c god of a composer.

By the way, True Lies is a remake of "La Totale", could be up your alley if you find frogs palatable.

found the fucking retard

Running Man is one of those weird movies that was really shitty when it came out but has somehow become gradually better and better as the real world is catching up with its world. All the plot elements that seemed like goofy dumb bullshit then feel prescient and prophetic now. With the degeneration of TV programming into cheaply made, unscripted, exploitative schlock, something like "Climbing for Dollars" doesn't seem far fetched at all.

this is the masterrace of the two movies

How the fuck was Arnold in so much kino?

Reddit kid please go.

Cause it was his dream and he chased it.

In the source material, Ben Richards was a black man.
Now, white Sup Forums cries about black actors playing white roles because they know nothing of history.

Like Einstein is the smart guy, Arnold will be remembered for hundreds of years for being the epitome of human physique

>love the main theme. Even today, I catch myself humming it now and then
I think it and Aquatic Ambience from Donkey Kong Country have similar elements

Look like this.

I mean, you may not like it, but this is what perfection looks like.


it's very different than the novel though.

it's kino.

Lower Kindergarten Cop to 7
Lower Last Action Hero to 8
Raise Batman to 4

Good list otherwise

>In the source material, Ben Richards was a black man.

fake news


Bullshit. The antagonist (Killian something?) is a black guy, not Richards.

>you will never have pecs so big your nipples point down
why even live

Name your top 5 Arnie films
>Last Action Hero
>Terminator 2
>Total Recall
>Honorable Mention: The Last Stand. It's hands down the best movie since his comeback.

His two newest ones, Aftermath and Killing Gunther, are pretty good too. He was really good in Aftermath, better than he was in Maggie. He wasn't in Killing Gunther until like the last 20 minutes, but it was alright (I feel like it will be really hit and miss with a lot of people though). You can tell he was having fun hamming it up.

>locking your knees in something that applies pressure on you

Anyone else see the eyes in the top left of the thumbnail?


>not T1
>no Pumping Iron


No mate youre just schizophrenic

1. True Lies
2. Predator
3. Terminator
4. Pumping Iron
5. Total Recall

Total Recall was based on a Phillip K. Dick short story


Based Dick, I guess his movie adaptations are on par with King's at least in terms of numbers.

they see you too especially when you're sleeping

>Total Recall was based on a Phillip K. Short dick story


the song when Reese and Sarah escape the police station in T1 is still the GOAT

Terminator shooting will begin in march 2018. are you ready for it bois??
linda hamilton is back too. i schmell keenö

greatest X-Maskino

There isnt enough Arnold movies.


Arnie tried to warn us.


>I forgot about Pumping Iron
>it was literally the first movie in the image I was replying to
I would probably swap Total Recall out for Pumping Iron. I stand by my choice of T2 over T1. T2 is probably my favorite movie of all time.

terminator 2 is pretty awesome but total recall and predator are definitely better movies, they take the 80s action genre and turn it into something so much more


Lmao fuck off. T1 is superior in every way.


>"toxic masculinity" means no more quality high budget action flicks with muscle men