The season where you dropped a show

Season 5

The one where they stopped showing titties

>season 1
nice, self-contained story
>season 2
decent but unnecessary and ended on a logical end point
>season 3
felt like they were dragging the show out but wasn't a total waste of time and would have again been a good place to end
>season 4 and later
jesus christ, just stop. at least that muse chick was hot af

I dropped this show after the first episode. Can't stand these shows where 90% of the runtime is sex scenes.

Season 4 was the last good one but everything post-Three did just feel like fan-fiction

Season 1 had some heart-felt moments and it seemed like even thought he was kind of a mess, Hank really loved his family. Starting with season 2 the show started to focus more on getting Hank into zany situations.


Season 5

Should have been dropped after season 2

Season 9
but 12 pulled me back and picking it up again, I'm glad they climbed out of the shithole that was 9

I never could figure out what the fuck the jailbait’s problem was.

shes just a psycho whore

Towards the end of season 4 for obvious reasons

Did she ever get what was coming to her? I stopped watching the series around the time she stole the main guy’s transcript and passed it off as her own work.

Why would anyone drop a show?
I mean you can drop it at the very beginning if you don't like the first episodes but dropping it after watching several seasons? Wouldn't you be intrigued to see how it will end?

Not really. She gets it published and becomes famous for awhile but then, If I'm recalling correctly, it's finally revealed to the public to be Hank's work but only because she outs him for statutory rape and he ends up with a slap on the wrist. She kinda disappears from the show.

Ugggh.... I now remember why I stopped watching.

Wasn't the case about Hank being a pedo and not a rapist? If he was accused for rape nobody would have want to be around him anymore.

After season two ended I gave up on it for years. It was just so slow and grinding with little payoff for characters I didn't care about. Finally came back to it and finished it this year and I'm glad I did. Definitely wouldn't call it the greatest of all time though

You look like you could be one of them

Walking Dead. stopped at season 6 or 7.
