Do you love them?

Do you love them?

Not really. They're probably insufferable to hang out with IRL.

They do a good show though.


They fucking did IT no justice whatsoever in their review last year. Wtf was that? Mike needs to cop himself on a small bit. He'd never make a horror movie that cool

I do, but I also fear them.

Yeah I also like getting my eardrums blown out when something "scary" happens, to let me know i should be scared of course.

Hey Rian

Their output is really slow, I guess cause they use sets and stuff, and consequently they only tend to review the biggest most obvious tent pole movies of any given month.

I do tend to enjoy them when they talk about lesser known films, or even stuff they personally like from a while ago and would prefer more of that to "latest marvel film was okay marvel films are tired and boring but I enjoyed it I cant wait to superhero films are over I mean it was actually pretty good tho". Especially when everyone else is doing the exact same.

This is one of the most retarded things that are floating around on Sup Forums, people give such poewr of influence to these guys it's fucking ridiculous.

they pay no attention to good films except slowly reviewing obvious classics for re:view

they didn't even talk about the 2nd best movie this year, good time, and jay only briefly talked about the best, the killing of a sacred deer, for their 2017 round-up video

i get that half in the bag is generally meant to be a blockbuster/topical movie review show but that generally results in them reviewing 50% capeshit and saying the same things over and over. hollywood's fault but also theirs for not being more interesting when they obviously could be

They shit on their audience too much for me to care about them. Fuck them.

IS OP a giant faggit?

They're my only friends

No, love is a rather strong word you know. I think their movie reviews are decent and mostly spot on (even if they committed the unforgivable crime of not entirely condemning TLJ), however I don't think I would weep if they suddenly died or anything. They're just above-average youtube personalities.

They seem truthful and don't feign enthusiasm, so that's a plus

They're the reason Reddit dislike the prequels but nothing else. I've also noticed recently, like many, they're beginning to give the prequels a break and I think history will remember and respect the Prequels far more fondly than at release or even now.

Overall they are insightful and entertaining

I love them enough to give them $15 every month.

They've said that they only talk about blockbusters because that's what gets them clicks. This is their full time job, they have to make money.

No because they started going to shit around 2014, though the real nails in the coffin happened around late 2015/early 2016

1. Poor Half in the Bag TFA review where they gush over the movie undeservably.
2. Space Cop gets released and is pure shit, showing they don't still don't have any actual film making talent as they're in their 40s and are still making the same shit they were when they were teenagers, which is why they use irony as a veneer to hide their insecurities.
3. Plinkett TFA review spent over half the review backtracking to the prequels, and when it got to reviewing TFA, Mike obviously didn't have any interest and completely half assed it.

Are any of them in relationships? I like them but surely at their age some should be married by now?

Mike is still with jessi, rich is engaged to something that may or may not be a woman.

Rich being Rich, he's lucky he's landed something at least vaguely resembling a woman

Yeah, considering the movies were panned and had plenty of reasonable dislike way before any of the Plinkett shit.
For some reason, RLM fans think they are really popular.



Why is Mike going to Sundance alone this year? Why isn't Jay allowed to attend?

Jesse looks like that now?!

No. Hate them more for each day passing even. They turned shit like 2 years ago.

Fucking God that is some horrific shit.

Imagine the offspring.

why does Mike hate ape kino?


i love mike and rich. jay i can do without.


The prequels were cautiously liked still before Mike made the Plinkett review. Wich led to to the floodgates of hate to burst out and changed the status quo.

Check the dates if you don't believe it, even the simpsons aped Mike on their George Lucas episode only a few years after Mike changed the tides.

Don't speak of things you don't understand.

I love Jay. I wish they didn't feel obligated to make every Half in the Bag about shit blockbusters. The two 2017 catch-up videos were great because they got to talk about some interesting movies. I just want more Jay recommendations.


Except I'm not, and no they weren't the phantom fucking menace was hated the night it fucking came out. SDtop acting like no one had anything bad to say about the prequels before the Plinkett review you dumb fuck. Plenty of people have no idea what RLM even is.

Your an exact example of the morons I'm talking about. How you can be this stupid and obvious is beyond me.

This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Prequels were shit and hated on from the day they came out. People made fun of Ebert the hack when he gave a good score to revenge of the shit I mean sith haha I see what you did there Lucas.

What's your problem with Jay? He isn't fat like you? Out of the two of them Jay is much more capable or articulating why he liked or didn't like something.

He was given an invitation that specified he could bring someone along but he's not doing so to punish Jay, on the patreon Log it hasn't been specified why but it seems to be tied with anal misconduct on Jay's part.

The two catchup episodes were bad. Those are the ones that expose how fucking retarded they are and how horrible their taste is. Hipster trash.

he's just kinda there. nothing about him really sticks out and he's not exceptionally funny. nice projection, though.

>disney cumguzzler

And he liked Prometheus lol retarded nerd thinking he is cool. Worst nerd there is. Kid is a fucking fag.


Rich's laugh is fucking insufferable

He's a cool guy but god damn it makes me want to punch him in the face

Disney is trash. So too is the Ryan gosling shit.

What sticks out about Mike?
Mike is exceptionally funny to you?

>He's just kind of there

Talking..about movies..which is...the whole point? Your reasons are weird, but okay.

So did Mike. Mike also loves Jurassic fucking World and got all bent out of shape that Jay was questioning the inane plot.

I'm not saying that everybody has seen the Plinket Review. What i'm saying is that Mike was the originator point that was the catalyst of change on the prequel narrative. He was the first one that dared to speak up and from there other tastemakers openes their eyes and followed up on his example, making the truth spread around and now we are today were we are all thanks of the rippling effect that Mike's original video had. You may not like it but this is an easily traceable fact.

Go ahead name a single piece of mainstream media that dared to mock let alone openly criticize the prequels before Mike's Plinket review.

It was funny for a while, but some episodes he just doesn't stop, and it's over the dumbest thing. I really wanted to tell people who say it's just for show to shut up, that that makes no sense, but now I'm starting to believe it.

Also they honestly bully him too much sometimes. I realize if he really was pissed about it he'd just leave the show or whatever but he's the butt of too many jokes. Mike always has to find a way to belittle him. It gets old.

That's Jay's sister.

Here is Jay with his parents and siblings.

it's a movie review show that doubles as a comedy. if you can't see that you're an idiot.
jay is a meh person in a comedy. i've got nothing against him, he just doesn't stick out like mike does with his zingers and rich does with his laugh and crank calls.

No, but their shows are pretty good.

They are both fucking retards you are right. Jay is just also a fucking fag.

Their taste in movies suck for most part and they are also hacks many times who will say shit about movies no one would who actually saw them. Sometimes I think they don't go and see it and just make shit up and read what others have said.

No he wasn't.

Not in my country or among my friends and family or talking to star wars fans. Mike wasnt even the first to do it in movies tv not even on YouTube.

I mean cool for you discovering his fun reviews but you are wrong.

Not that I don't believe it but is there any proof they're still together? Also is she the one Mike cucked Jay with?

Wrong, this is Jay with his dad.


do you think he fucked them now that he unJUSTed himself?

Does this pic imply some of them are lying about their height or that Mike is really just 1 inch taller? Because the latter is clearly not the case

Both have disgusting front tooth and look gay af. Those genes need to be destroyed. Thankfully Jay couldn't pickup a woman in a million years.

it's a meme you doofus

>not fucking his 10/10 sister

He wouldn't leave, tho. He gets paid to be on there.

>not completely infectious

If they were his kids, he'd be much closer to them

>they didn't even talk about the 2nd best movie this year, good time
oh shut up already benni

He and Mike have good chemistry, and he boosts Mike's jokes because he's more dry like you're saying.

His posture is absolutely disgusting. I wonder what his grandfather (looks badass) thinks of him.

you can't see it but he has a raging boner in that pic

This. Jay and Mike are the funniest pairing. Rich Evans is too low IQ and is basically just a punching bag that splurts out an incoherent criticism or two.

>reason Reddit dislike the prequels
prequels are the reason people dislike the prequels, they're bad


being a homosex kind of makes that true as well

More than life itself.

Retards don't realize Mikes jokes are bouncing off of Jay, who is essentially a straight man.
Retards also don't realize Jay does most of the editing, which is where 90% of RLM's humor comes from.

Mikes not some comedic genius.

he said they're good movies, he's just not into them

South Park Season 3, Episode 4 "Jakovasaurs"

>Retards also don't realize Jay does most of the editing
Then how come I see Mike's name come up under editing so god damn much?


you're completely wrong. i'm going to guess you were too young to remember actual reception of the prequels on release.

Mike does the most then jay. Guess the little ugly dwarf has fans on tv lol

Counter culture show goes agaisnt the grain for the sake of being contrarian. This just proves that the public's general veredict was positive on the prequels. Nice try.

>Guess the little ugly dwarf has fans on tv lol
Now which one would that be?

I genuinely can't tell if this is shopped or not

Jay is ugly.
t. Sup Forums

They literally take turns to edit HITB

Mike and Jay split the editting duty.
Jay's style is overly editted, there's often times he'll just repeat something funny happening for no reason (not including the "I would play that 30 times" gag from High Voltage) like during the Suburban Sasquatch BotW he just replays the bad effects over and over again in quick succession for no reason, he's also the one to do quick zoom ins on people's faces and make flash cards pop up for no reason that aren't funny, Mike just lets the scene sit and not let the scene get distracted by flashy editting, making those moments where he does edit something in funnier.

the teeth give it away

Rich Evans adds literally nothing in terms of actual critique and little in terms of humor, unless it's his obnoxious laugh
Fuck, half of the jokes in a typical episode he's in involve making fun of something utterly retarded he says or does.

the eyes and forehead do too now that I look at it again

Mike also does all the plinkett stuff and best of the worst.

ya but jays one brown tooth sticks out like a sore thumb on my screen, must be my colour settings

He also sucks at previously recorded which is the worst spinoff in history of spinoffs.

Mike and Jay are the reason I watch at all. Without one of them I wouldn't even bother. The other people are nice filler, but they aren't the meat for me.

They are great, their deadpan post-ironic hatred of Hollywood, their audience and others in their field makes me love them even more.

People with a brown tooth shouldn't exist. Like people with a fucked up nail. Disgusting. If he had any self respect he would visit a dentist until he got someone to fix it.

>3D Mario games shouldn't have controllable cameras

Mike is the only reason because of plinkett reviews. No jay just means less shit. Same goes for every one else. Mike could actually pull it all off solo. At least in front of the camera.

The trouble is that Mike doesn't know anything about storytelling and he doesn't take film making to be an art form in an way.
He only likes Star Trek, shlock, and tired formulas that need to be adhered to because, according to him, that's what it's all about - ironic when you consider that all they ever fucking talk about is how repetitive Hollywood is... yet one of Mike's complaints about Episode 7 was that Rey and Finn didn't make out and that there wasn't a romance angle.
Jay is the only person there that genuinely seem to enjoy movies without preconceived ideas of what they should be.

They should focus more on those, but I guess it's easier to just sit and talk about popular movies.