*elevates your kino*

*elevates your kino*

*shoots your kid*

hey fat damon

meth damon

I feel like not everyone on this board appreciates the shows this guy has been in, but can we appreciate that looking like an ugly Matt Damon would prevent most people from having an acting career, yet this guy has prospered since childhood? Clearly he can act

hes usually one of the best parts of whatever hes in

He’s not pretty enough for “movie/tv producers” so he has to rely on talent

it's unbelievable the career he's had so far. he left fucking aaron paul in the dust with his post-BB career. he's been in nothing but quality stuff since. it really shows you that Hollywood still needs people with sort of ugly, villainy faces and that stereotype can always make a good career. meanwhile aaron paul has a nobody face, certainly not a chad hero but not a villain either.

He has a meth addict face, that's why he was good in BB but nothing else. They tried to push him as leading man material in the need for speed trash, but he just doesn't have the looks, charisma or acting chops to do it.

would you fuck his ginger boipusy?

Awwww snap. I look a lot like him, minus the chubby
I'm ugly dammit?
I've always known it deep down ;/

Look at me I'm Pickle Matt Damon wubalub

>acting chops
He has acting chops. Some of the scenes he pulled off in Breaking Bad are nothing short of amazing. I think it's one of those cases where an actor is destined for one role and no more. He was perfect as Jesse but he couldn't pull off anything else. Kinda like F. Murray Abraham as Salieri but even more extreme since Salieri was in a few more kinos since then

this dude looks like jim gaffigan if jim gaffigan lost 20 or so pounds


Jessie was supposed to be killed off in season 1 but they decided not to. The show would've been way better if they did.

>he's with kirsten dunst
What the hell. Also
>ewan mcgregor broke up with his wife and FOUR kids to be with mew

Don't bring nasty-ass Ewan into this treasures thread.

Skylar was also supposed to commit suicide in Season 5.

What they are putting in the water on the Fargo set ? At this point I wouldn't be too shocked if Billy Bob and Martin Freeman had a gay affair

to be fair aaron was using a xbox to find a job

>yo xbox, find me a roll man please for god sake

Friday night lights
Breaking Bad
Black Mirror

yeah this guys has a good track record fot sure

>haha the evil white nadzy is stuck in a virtual world until he dies irl

He was kinda handsome on the ship but maybe that was just special effects


he was literally the "voice of gamer" at the end of meth damon's black mirror episode

>He died
>His wife survived

Post >yfw