13 reasons why

unironically a good show

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where do i find a qt suicidal gf?

Bryce did nothing wrong.

>teenage drivel that offeres no solutions.*

Fucking Jorge

Anti-male propaganda.

Western Australia.

Righty Sup Forums is down the hall to the left, sharing it with reddit.

you're unironically retarded
My brother and I both agreed that it was a 0/10 piece of shit show, and we watched the whole thing too
Nothing makes sense and it has some of the worst dialogue ever written

Enjoy your regularly scheduled cuck programming.

You've already proven that you're fucking retarded. Go watch your favourite youtuber, and forget we had this conversion. Xxx

giv round faced pale skinned sleepy eyed luscious lipped wavy dark haired gf

He did wrong, but he also did right.

One of the things that the writers outright said they were aiming for is to show that rapists aren't fucking maniacs going around looking to commit rapes. Bryce was good to his friends most of the time. He was just really fucking awful when it came to women.

That's kind of a part of what made him dangerous. He was charismatic, and personable, and friendly, which meant people weren't afraid of him. If he was just some creepy faggot like the photographer kid, he would never be in a position to commit a rape, and if he did, he'd get outed and arrested immediately.

Is the morale that you gotta kill yourself to call for attention on the problem?

>Marketed at teenagers.
>For some reason has scenes like this.


Guess you're right since you're brother agreed too.

One of the biggest memes is that rapist are spergs and not charismatic poonslayers.

glamorizes suicide

social engineering

>13 reasons why
>err swetty try 1 reason why

She only killed herself because she was raped

Also because she was a fuckup that watched her friend get raped and didn't say anything. The writers established that she was far from perfect.


Go the fuck back

Was it full on rape? Or was it one of those regret is rape situations?

>Was it full on rape?
Yeah. He also raped some other chick while she was passed out.


i wouldve raped her as well desu

As a non American i found it very interesting.

post more of her