Scenes that women will never understand

>scenes that women will never understand

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Great film, OP.

>His Silver swimming medal looks like gold in the furnace

This is literally,and im not even exagerrating, my gfs favourite movie of all time.

Checkmate atheists.

Which subhuman chooses to watch films with such atrocious looking subtitles?

>Redditors don't understand science
>But they still FUKEN LOVE it

>my gf self inserts uma thurman's character and fantasizes about ethan hawke's body and face



t. soy



I believe you

that scene in logan where wolverine destroys the car


jeez, Bannon JUSTed himself pretty bad

All the love for gattaca

Prove you can do any better with A C G T

fuck i hadn't even noticed that

i thought italians were white, though?

Why are you trying to meme gattaca so hard lately?

Kinda weird since I just rewatched it last week

maybe he's 16 and he had to watch it in class

Yeah that's probably what's going on, that's when I saw it first in genetics class




Jk, Immortal beloved, Beethoven pissing himself

Everything this guy did and said in the movie. Shame the different language will never make the wider public appreciate it