Wasn't he supposed to win the Game of Thrones, or at least not die before anything even happened in the final stretch?

Wasn't he supposed to win the Game of Thrones, or at least not die before anything even happened in the final stretch?

Writing politics is hard
Writing cartoon dragons vs frosty the snowman is easy

D&D are retarded hacks and Game of Thrones is trash now. Shit sucks but get over it already.

D&D let his character flounder for 2 seasons until they got the confirmation from fat man that he isn't integral to the ending of the books so they killed him to wipe his character from the budget for the last season

I doubt he'll be jacking off in the North for the last two books. D&D just happened to put him there as placeholder. His storyline will probably be entirely different

Dying was part of his plan

but basically Bran fucks up everything. Bran having super psychic all seeing powers makes characters like littlefinger impossible now. He betrayed their dad. You can't just let that go. It's shit honestly. Before things went super power littlefinger was on the winning path.

it makes literally zero sense that in the show he was the one who sent the assassin for bran

Was he the last one actually playing the game? All the other players have more or less secure positions, and it's purely about military stuff now. Basically a shity LOTR.

It was a fucking mercy killing. The poor bastard hadn't done anything smart since season 4.

The entire Winterfell storyline in 7 was just god awful

D&D have no talent for writing. As soon as they went off book the series nosedived in quality.

Although they are good at shooting shitty CGI battles, or at least better than Marbel.


Who was in the wrong here?

yeah unfortunately the show is almost turning into one of those, you just have to finish because you started it.

2 years between 7 and 8 won't help obviously, but I just dont miss it at all.
little finger should've been killed off earlier imo, started off as a great character, but soon half his lines were "Sssansaa" with that fucking smug on his face all the time.

His time was, dare I say, up

Lady Sansa was too smart for him

I just hope S8 has some kino battles. Don't brainlet me, it's all that's left to hope for.

>evil mastermind from the beginning wins the game

Wow, talk about cliche much. Face it, you've been subverted if you thought that way, which is the point of Game of Thrones.

That was a faceless man not the real bashir.


>literally uses every person he meets and constantly lies
shit was going to catch up to him eventually. his death felt right


It makes perfect sense, user

>the point of Game of Thrones is to subvert
You're talking about the show where a villain called the 'Night King' and his army of evil zombies are invading the entire world and the only thing stopping them is an army of good guys lead by the secret Prince (who literally gets brought back from the dead) and his true love right? What is being subverted here?

Tbh it would've been cool if Sansa had developed into the queen of thorns or some shit, and offed him at the right moment. Too bad she says she's really stupid and bran just had magical powers.

>Writing politics is hard

And writing clever characters as well.

They literally had Little Finger stand around doing nothing for two seasons because they ran out of book material. Frustrating to watch while D&D were struggling to develop their snek characters.

The guy who is shown to have a plan for every situation apparently can't think of anything other than begging for his life when accused of something he did in broad daylight and made no attempt to cover up.
You would think Sansa finding out about his role in Ned's death would be the first thing he planned for.

>entire point of the Starks is that the person who carries the sentence swings the sword
>this is how the show fucking OPENS, basically, after seeing the deserter leave because of the white walkers
>Sansa orders Arya to kill LF for her

What did they mean by this?

Is it incredibly stupid, or is it showing how women don't understand honor?

Every Sansa scene had me wondering the same thing, she keeps being portrayed as some kind of political genius while making retarded decisions and there's no way of telling whether she is intentionally being written as stupid or if D&D actually think they are being clever.

yeah, especially with the end of season 4 reveal of player-Sansa, in the Cruella de Vil outfit, I was looking forward to her growing and getting more agency as character. But when we come back to her in season 5, all of that set up is just tossed and forgotten, and we're back to submission and rape...

Same shit happened to Varys, his entire character motivation and master plan got written out so he could stand behind Dany.
In the end both characters could have been taken out of the show from the beginning with next to no consequence

will the last season finally have war scenes that rival LOTR?

Maybe purely by visuals (though still unlikely), but there are still no likeable characters and the villains aren't threatening at all so no

I havn't thought about it like that. It's somewhat of a realization almost: The last season of Game of Thrones won't feature the game of thrones, it's just fantasy geopolitics, and no intrigues.

Nah overrated social ladder climber.
Did very little on his own.
Plus it's a lot easier to cock block than to build. He was just a little cock block.

I don't remember what the show did differently, but the books imply it was Joffery, and Littlefinger just misdirected them. Bran in general is kind of a weird target otherwise

Littlefinger was running on fumes since Season 4. His love for Sansa made him retarded, and he put himself at risk numerous times for her.

No. He has never had something to do with the ice zombies.

His plan to marry her to Harry and unite the North, Riverlands and Vale under him was smart.
All sense went out the window when D&D decided to marry her to Ramsey for literally no reason at all

Littlefinger kinda started this whole mess, so no.

>The entire [season] 7 was just god awful


Isn't his whole MO to seem like an overrated up-jumped player? It's also his intent to let other people carry out his dirty work, knowingly or not.

I'm not saying this is portrayed particularly well in the show. All characters have been thrown out the window at this point.

I believe Varys has no real end game other than he doesn't want to see the world end. Someone has to fight the white walkers, someone has to win a war and I don't think he gives a fuck who is in charge as long as its someone who can deal with it all.

Hold on


I was really hoping he'd make it to see the White Walkers. It's the one situation he'd have no idea how to maneuver. :(

So the only thing he did of note happened before the series even started

he didn't. the whole "betting on jaime" thing was a lie. it was always joffrey's dagger and joffrey is the one who sent the catspaw because he heard Robert saying someone should put Bran out of his misery and wanted to impress his dad

Somehow Littlefinger got wind of the plot (via Varys probably) and cobbled together some lame backstory about how it was Tyrion's dagger so that when Catelyn came to ask about it she would have further "proof" against the Lannisters

it's convoluted but it works

just like the show itself

At least let Jon behead him. Not that, nuthin personnel bullshit where they're basically laughing at LF as he bleeds out on the floor slowly.

I just don't get why he has to explain his entire character every time he has a scene with someone now

no. because the show is just coming down to a battle of good and evil, littlefinger is irrelevant now

He helped plot the death of at least one king and two(?) hands.

Littlefingers dad was a low level lord that schmoozed his way into being friends with Lord of the Riverlands, this is how he came to be in the social circle of the Starks and Tullys.
Cats retarded sister got him the job as master of coin.
His mother was Braavosi, this is how he was able to be the go to guy in dealing with the Iron bank.

What was the point of having Bran testify at his trial?
The only thing he says about him is something that, in that room, only Littlefinger would know about. Unless everybody in the room already 100% trusts Bran and believes in his ability to see everything then what he said about him betraying Ned is useless.
It's like the writers heard of the concept of using details only the culprit would know to frame him, but they didn't really grasp how it's supposed to work.

The only thing of any consequence that was said in that trial was Sansa revealing that he killed Lysa. What was even the point in leading him to believe that Arya and Sansa were turning against each other? It's not like either of them learned anything useful in the process.

Probably because nobody knows why he is even around anymore. Like, does he clean the floors or something? Fetch dany's mail? That's it? Wouldn't surprise me, considering what they did to LF. He's dead next season for sure, but not before reminding everyone how much he loves Saint Dany.

>Sansa revealing that he killed Lysa
Which was already proven in court not to be true, by the way

I don't think double jeopardy is a thing there, but you have a point in that the trail was all kinds of nonsense

In the books Littlefinger's power comes from being good with money due to making smart investments and being likeable. Everybody knows he's scheming but they ignore it for the time-being there's a huge war going on. Similar to Varys, everyone assumes they'll deal with him eventually but right now there are bigger issues and he's more useful to them alive right now.

In the show (probably because of Gillen's shitty performance) he is portrayed as a cartoonish moustache-twirling villain that everyone hates but trusts for literally no reason at all. They make jokes about LF having no friends when in the books the entire point is that he's EVERYONE'S friend.
For added insult at one point Tyrion mentions that all the money he made was borrowed from the Iron Bank, which completely destroys any reason for anybody to have him around in the first place. If all it takes to be the master of coin is the ability to borrow stupid amounts of money there's no reason to ship LF over from the Vale and not just give them position to any random guy.

Well, I assume that a person switching their recollection of an important event that much between two court cases would at least undermine their testimony to such a point that it becomes useless.

The last season of GOT was so forgettable.

I can't really remember anything that happened apart from all the ludicrous shit like Dany rescuing the good guys on her Dragon, or the stupid plot point where they take a zombie to kings landing.

Fucking shit season, boring dialogue, stupid characters, tedious fan service. It's like it morphed into the walking dead overnight.

>What was even the point in leading him to believe that Arya and Sansa were turning against each other?
What was the point of leading the audience to believe that Arya and Sansa were turning against each other then resolving it off screen?
Anyone who believes lying to the audience for an entire season and then doing random shit constitutes a 'twist' should be banned from writing.

I still havn't figured out if Sansa and Arya were actually intending to kill each other (it seems so in their acting), or if D&D changed their minds in post and tried to re-edit it to fit the "plot twist" they came up with. Going back and watching it, it doesn't add up (like much else in the show)

To be fair, the plebs fucking loved it.


fpbp and /thread

It was a season where 7 random good guys sat in the middle of a frozen lake and waited for somebody, who was hundreds of miles south, to come and rescue them on her dragon. And she did.

Don't expect it to follow logic.

>yaaas queen bullshit

don't get your panties bunched up over it

>yeah, especially with the end of season 4 reveal of player-Sansa, in the Cruella de Vil outfit
Fucking this, I felt absolutely cheated
That might have been the turning point of when the heart started to fall out of things actually

I think it would have at least made sense if the fake trial against Arya had led Littlefinger to show his hand, thus allowing them to expose him in front of everybody.
Instead they just do a 180° and go "actually we're accusing you with evidence we already had all along and some new evidence that's worth jack shit."

I mean, it's not like Arya wasn't acting like a weird psychopath for no discernible reason. They couldn't even really accuse him of trying to frame Arya, because aside from the hidden letter she basically did everything by herself. He could have just said "she fooled me, I was just trying to counsel Sansa".

Are there any characters left in S8 that haven't had their characters assassinated?
Jaime, Euron, Arya, Tyrion, Cersei, Davos and Jon are the worst offenders.
Other characters like Jorah, Theon, Brienne, etc. don't really do enough anymore to be assassinated. Their plotlines have been destroyed but their characters aren't all that different.
Sam and Bran are just exposition machines.

I suppose Dany is pretty close since she's insufferable in the books and show.

He wasn't supposed to win.
His obsession with ginger fish minge was his Achilles foot and it proved to be his undoing.

In the books, though, GRRM will make that better, I hope

I assume it's leading towards this
The idea of LF coming up against a supernatural threat that he has no means to scheme his way out of is the best ending.
I think that's what D&D were going for with Bran but it didn't work at all

He was a financial wizard before going to Kings Landing but his power grabs in KL are really a mixture of his money skills and king Robert not giving a fuck.

>Instead they just do a 180° and go "actually we're accusing you with evidence we already had all along and some new evidence that's worth jack shit."

Was there hard evidence against Eddard Stark? No, there was none.
Karma's a bitch.

Which, by the way, is a running theme, that trial mean jack shit here, be that "fair trials" or "trials by combat".

Well yeah that's my point, in the show they lost the financial wizard part of his character, leaving their no reason for him to have his position at all

They're the same character.
Littlefinger's true mission to gain command of the Iron Throne and rule over the Seven Kingdoms was to end infighting and provide a unified front against the infiltration of Bane and the League of Shadows
When he saw that the White Walkers were real and had returned to the realms of men, he understood that he could never complete his mission in time and faked his own death using Bran's warging abilities as a catch to feed Sansa and Arya the information they needed to do away with the "Littlefinger Persona" so he could go off the grid and track down Bane personally before he could destroy King's Landing

Fucking sleazy Jew

You completely missed the point.

Fucking this.
Another thing that pissed me off was how there's no "grey" mortality characters, just le ebil antagonists who do bad things.

Nope, no characters left, it's just actors at this point. And they are shoved into scenes with no regards to plot or anything. It's all done in service of maximum social media effect and yellow journalism.

That's a big plot

i love sansa so i'm glad she killed him

Maester Qyburn, I'm Small Council


Too bad Bran just uses it to see his big sister get raped.


No. The show has taken an entirely different turn since season 4 ended. And since D&D have the arrogance to think they can write better than GRRM, the result is a braindead catastrophe worshipped by the normies.

that soyboy face he's making