So did any of you see this?

so did any of you see this?

>le method acting autismo hack

No thanks

t. Brainlet

Yes. It was a beautiful love story. I saw it Christmas day on 70mm.

Don't be a gay. Acting is an art, and DDL does it his way. And it works.

he said that making this movie made him so depressed that he's going to quit acting. i thought it was pretty good but worth never seeing him act again? jury is still out for me

>love story
It was an amazingly hilarious anti-love story. They both make each other miserable, which is what makes them happy in the end.

Which makes it a love story. You completely missed the point of the characters and their need for each other.

Don't be so fucking selfish. He's doing what he wants to do. DDL doesn't have to please you or anyone else.

I don't give a fuck what he wants and what he pleases. I want him to act for me.

he can do what he wants, i just don't think his kino acting made this a kino film

its not out here and i hear its a 60 min runtime?

The direction, musical score, cinematography, and everyone's acting made it a brilliant film. DDL was the cherry on top.

Did he method acted this? I don't think he does it for every movie.

>le underage opinion


I'd like to see it but it's not out here yet.

The best "gypsy curse" movie I've seen

>released in 62 theaters so far
basically no one can see it but those in LA/NY

Good thing I live in that area and saw it today

the trailer for this could've legit been a parody of pretentious oscar bait dramas, it felt like zookeeper 2 all over again

Hated it.

>expected analysis of genius and discipline, beauty and frivolity
>get a creepy love story about a psychopath and dude with a baby fetish

how uncomfortable will I be if I see this with my fiancee? the relationship sounds like it'll go into deep places and make me cringe hard.

also PTA continues his incredible hot streak, sounds like it'll be his 4th great movie in a row

>>expected analysis of genius and discipline, beauty and frivolity
Sounds gay

Sounds like you know a lot about film and directors

Try 8th

>it'll go into deep places and make me cringe hard.

No. Really shallow places for about an hour and a half. Then it rushes into a "deep" place in the last 15 minutes because PTA can do everything in a film except develop characters.

lol no. His early stuff has not aged well in the slightest. Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and Hard Eight are all shit that is almost endearingly the work of a young man. PDL is pretty decent. His hot streak started with TWBB.

Is Lewis a queer in this? Trailer made it seem that way

Shut the fuck up you fool. Boogie Nights is as good of a Scorsese imitation we will ever get, and Magnolia has some excellent characters that are in many ways superior to his later movies.

PDL was PTA's greatest work.

>beautifully concise
>rich in emotions
>actual character development (as opposed to one-dimensional characters (TWBB) or shallow/deluded characters (M, PT))
>actual drama, as in, conflict and resolution

Magnolia is by far his worst film and it's absolutely atrocious. Almost laughably put together and set to such embarrassing, histrionic music.

Also thank you for calling me a fool before then praising a movie because it's an imitation of a better director. Sounds like you're a true cinephile.

>Magnolia is by far his worst film and it's absolutely atrocious. Almost laughably put together and set to such embarrassing, histrionic music.
Ok Kevin Smith. I would classify all of Johnny Greenwood's "music" as histrionic and preening garbage. At least the soundtrack to Magnolia makes sense in the context of the movie.

> I would classify all of Johnny Greenwood's "music" as histrionic and preening

would you, aye?

I'm Kevin Smith because I don't like Magnolia? It's a ridiculously over-the-top movie and it's pretty telling that even PTA thinks that it is in need of a serious edit that would cut out multiple narrative threads.

I thought it stunk.

Yeah I would you faggot.

I forgot the director was the authority on whether his work is valuable or not. Newsflash: when an artist releases his work into the world it no longer belongs to them

You don't even have an ability to have a conversation. If you knew how to read you'd understand that someone saying "it's pretty telling that even PTA" denounces it they're not saying "PTA says it's bad and therefore it is." It's saying that it's valuable to sometimes get a director's opinion on the work they made when they were much younger and unhinged. Magnolia is an absolute mess that generally appeals to very young people because of it's obvious style and noxious use of pop songs and a deus ex machina. It's a bad movie and I'm so glad he no longer makes movies in an imitative fashion, he's become a filmmaker with his own style.

>he's become a filmmaker with his own style
It's cute that you actually think this

it's cute that you openly commend much weaker works of a director's career and praise them specifically for being good imitations of other directors. you're embarrassing my man.

It's cute that you care so much about my opinion on PTA and my reasons for liking his movies that you are getting visibly upset. Good luck with your hostile attitude champ

jesus christ mate
