Is everyone in hollywood just getting raped all the time or are the rumors untrue

Is everyone in hollywood just getting raped all the time or are the rumors untrue


Some hardworking cuck will MARRY one of those gals one day and think he doesn’t desserve a woman as good as her

It turns out that when you constantly walk, talk and act like a whore that at some point in your adult life you're likely to have someone come onto you sexually that was more than the ideal you made up in your head

or it'll be a degenerate lazy chad? It can go both ways you fucking virgin.

>hey user i once bathed with a few other girls

me on the right

This image is missing a Tyrone.

How do I veto girls to ensure they're deserving of my affection and provision? Do I need to do background checks? I believe in love and would like to just trust someone but it's clear that those days are over.

as opposed to you, who will marry nobody


t. mgtow loser

imagine if the sexes were reversed here

thatd be fucking gay

>the myth of the heterosexual male: how bros love each other in bisexual ways

Just remember boys. Every time you see your future wife kiss your children as she tucks them in for bed. Just remember.

Some women consider a friendly hug on a birthday as sexual harrasment.

it's fucking gay when women do it as well, you're just defending it because seeing it makes your peepee twitch

Honestly, since I’m assuming you live in a city or suburb, you have to try to pick them up fairly early. College slutifies every single girl who attends, though some a tiny bit less than others. Alternatively, marry some sweet farmer’s or miner’s daughter who only barely finished high school.

no because girls dont get hard so you cant tell if theyre enjoying being in the tub whereas a poofta male would

do you get all your life experience from TV and movies?

To pick them up early I have to be sort of young (which I am) but I don't want to get hitched this young anyway. But when the time comes that I want to get married (30s), I'll be creepy-level old to chase 18yo girls

It's been going on since the beginning of movies
It's what's expected, it's what's normal, that's just the way they've done it

Like how in regular people society men are expected get used like an old pair of socks. In hollywood it's the other way around, it's the women who are desperate

They'll eat dirt if they have to.. but normally it's just jizz

Actors and actresses exchange sex for roles in movies. It's an exchange of goods and services by consenting adults. I guarantee not a one of them was coerced.

No, also from Sup Forums

Consider dating seriously in your early 20s and getting hitched in the mid, then, unless you’re already too old. Otherwise, you’re probably out of luck if you want a true virgin, bro

What's a shore if genders are equal wouldn't boys be whores too if girls allowed themselves to be with any boy?

Can you even tell me why dating a non virgin is bad? And don’t bring up that cheating bullshit. We all know it’s because you’re insecure as fuck about the others men’s dicks

Who knows, maybe I get rich enough that by the time I'm in my 30s I can pull off the Jerry Seinfeld and get a 17 year old fresh outta high school

Because you can't guarantee how promiscuous she's been. I'm not super conservative but it's a big turn off for me if a girl's been riding like 5 dicks a month for 5 years before I marry her.

Don't marry a woman who
>has had more than one sexual partner before you
>demands she must drink caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs while pregnant
>has or has had an std
>says she won't give birth without pain medication (can be used after baby is born)
>colours her hair, natural colours or otherwise
>used anti aging creams before she met you
>uses excessive amounts of makeup
>uses sex as a weapon
>doesn't want at least three children
>is four inches below the average female height of your country
>can't give birth without a C section because she has non existent hips
>has borderline personality disorder and/or bipolar disorder
>used or uses "party" drugs
>has breast implants
>is addicted to social media
>has a tattoo
>has excessive piercings
>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself

sexual leverage
i'm a virgin and i don't want to be with someone that has more sexual experience than me. i want us to be each other's first, not some girl's #15 or whatever.

so i should just groom a little girl and keep her in my basement life fritzl?

lmao so don't marry at all?

So you feel insecure

Why? Why would you care? She's with you.

This is basically my list of requirements too but I don't think I'll ever meet anyone like this


>I have no standards and you should too

What gives you the right to be so picky?

Can't guarantee that she's a virgin either user. There are hymen repair surgery. Not even that expensive.

>for me if a girl's been riding like 5 dicks a month for 5 years before I marry her.
>some girl's #15 or whatever.

do you even read the shit you type?
I'm going on a limb and just flat out go and assume you're Amercians
your country has national average for women 7 sexual partners during entire fucking life

No woman has ever, nor will they ever, touch your penis.

>ewww men with no standards
>oh no a man with standards

>spending saturday evening/night in this thread
none of us will marry anyone decent. we'll either be alone or marry someone ugly/weird (who could quite ironically be a virgin).

Sup Forums users everyone.

>women tell the truth...

This is borderline avatar usage.

The rumors are untrue.
All this whores consented until they found out that they could make big bucks bringing false allegations, because the law is ALWAYS on the woman's side.

For all you soy goys who don't believe me or have any questions.. see

More or less.

You can check it in real life. Ask one of your girl friends if you can follow her around on an average night out, and you'll see right away that she's being constantly harassed no matter how she dresses or acts. Then imagine the same men were doing it to you all day.

The only way to avoid some of it is to establish a bitch-field so people don't risk actually groping you, but then they end up in arguments all day. user would definitely be the kind of woman who doesn't say anything so they can avoid arguments. This is how they respond to the normal challenges of their lives.

that's where you're wrong kiddo

Why? I don't know why. I'm sure some anons can eloquently put it but for me it's just how I was raised and the gut feeling I have. I'm not against her not being a virgin as long as I know that she hasn't been on the cock carousel too much. 1 or 2 partners before 25 is ok, but anything more than that, like you see in Sex in the City, is just asking for trouble.


Bro, I don’t mind myself. My current girlfriend would get called a roastie by people here desu but she’s really great (and yes, you other incels, I would drop her in a second if she cheated). However, some guys really only want to be someone’s first because let’s be real, no other relationship exactly captures the wonder of the first one. I can understand that idea even if I don’t agree with it.

the point is, you know how the world works. you can't pick and choose whoever you want, you have to settle with what life gives you.

so, what do you have to offer a woman which you think gives you the right to ask for so much in return? what are you physical stats? how is your career going? how large is your social circle?

I'm married already, my wife is sending me alex jones memes

You showed him.

there is a red flag that I never see mentioned. If a girl dances with other men, even if they are only long-time friends, even if they don't touch while dancing, while being in a relationship: she is a cheater and you can never trust her, ever.

>all this whores consented

How do you know? Because you would always consent in every situation where someone wanted to fuck you?

>the law is ALWAYS on the woman's side

That explains the 100% conviction rate for rape allegations.

>Like how in regular people society men are expected get used like an old pair of socks.

Dude what went wrong in your life to make you think this is true? Who hurt you, bro? You can tell us.

>is just asking for trouble.
what does this even mean. are you afraid of stds? are you afraid she'll leave you for another man like in her past?

What exactly on that list is Absurd to you? Seems reasonable to me

The only reason why anyone would want a virgin gf or wife is because they're massively insecure sexually and transmit that onto a hatred of women

Also it’s unfair to expect women to be virgins for me when I haven’t been a virgin for them

wtf is wrong with anti-aging cream or wanting 2 kids? or being short?

What time is it in Saudi Arabia, brohammed?



answer my questions, i'm curious.

It's run by an evil jewish cult that thrives on the suffering of others so yeah, its probably true

>wtf is wrong with anti-aging cream or wanting 2 kids? or being short?
Enjoy your short sons

Asked Saudis, thots can’t dance if they aren’t allowed to listen to music.

>if you don't want sloppy seconds you are insecure
I also don't get this shit. I think you are just projecting, anyone who has ever had an actual girlfriend knows that you absolutely can never be sure she won't cheat on you, in fact most of the times you can be sure she will because literally any kind of woman receives at least a dozens dicks offered to her for free just when she goes grocery shopping

>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself
>is four inches below the average female height of your country
>can't give birth without a C section because she has non existent hips
>says she won't give birth without pain medication (can be used after baby is born)

those are insane at best to point a few

because promiscuity is like drug or alcohol abuse. it's reckless hedonistic behavior and it shows that her priorities align with short term pleasures. i don't want to be with someone like that, I don't want my daughter to have a mother like that


You are insane if you think women live like this 24 hours a day. who never had an actual gf

There is a reason why "chads" pump and dump those girls. If she only dances with other women there is nothing wrong with it.

Wow, rude

Do you know how many talentless skanks are big time television and movies stars for the sole reason alone they slept with powerful movers and shakers in the entertainment industry? Half of these bimbos couldn't act their way out of a paper bag, and yet they get plumb roles in movies and television shows.

Also do you know how many men are serving time because of false rape allegations in court even though there was/is ample evidence that these people who were accused of rape were innocent all along?


why wont you answer my questions? you are obviously a picky person.

Good advice. No woman should consider a man who doesn't fit this precise same set of standards either.

You'd have to add

>plays videogames or watches cartoons
>wants to circumcise any of your children

>>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself
>>is four inches below the average female height of your country
>those are insane at best to point a few

My wiener is 6" on the dot. That puts me in the 95th percentile of men worldwide. Statistically speaking, if a woman has slept with 20 men, at least one of their dicks was bigger than mine, probably more. Once I am reasonably certain that the actual (not reported) number of past sexual partners is in the ballpark of 20, I immediately lose any and all physical attraction to the whore in question. It's not even something I can help

True but devil’s advocate there will presumably be high standard deviation on that figure. Some girls will have been ridden like the Orient Express; a few of my friends are like that. Some girls can also get callous and unappreciative of a relationship or lover if they’re comparing it to a previous one, which is easier when they have more previous ones.
I don’t agree with these things but I can see how there could be some there there for some people.

What questions

you won't marry someone that used "anti-aging" creams?

you forgot:
>she isn't Catholic

based clever whore poster

>demands she must drink caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs while pregnant
wow i was going to be okay with this but now im not so sure

Doesn't matter because they're not and never will be

You are a complete and utter, actual, literal, real-life retard and I feel sorry for you.

oh, you're retarded.

questions come before a question mark. look at my replies you, scour them for question marks.


That's why you never ever ever ever ever EVER go for a girl that you meet while drinking or something degenerate. You go for the virgin at church.

The trick is to not care about women and resist falling in love with them. It's tough for guys because we're romanticists disguised as realists but that's the only way to avoid being disgusted or having your heart broken.

>look at my replies you,
Not worth the time to be honest

You'll have to explain how this is relevant to anything. Are you butthurt that all the great female actors don't get a chance to perform? But you're pissed at the ones who get to perform, and not pissed at the people who choose who gets to perform?

>false allegations exist
Then all allegations are false? You'll have to explain that too. And a lot of these aren't rape allegations, they're just stories about times someone was being completely disgusting in a legal way. If you're more pissed at the victim in these stories than the perpetrator I don't even.

>neet virgins actually come up with lists of “requirements”
>believes that simply based on the fact that he was born male he is owed something
>approaching 30 and still an unattractive kiss-less virgin with sub-par social skills
>believes it’s entirely the fault of the female population for not yet meeting his “requirements”
>keeps waiting while making no effort to improve himself

This would be funnier if it wasn’t so depressing. Prepare to die alone my man.

t. roastie