Emma Stone

Is she the modern day Audrey Hepburn?

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Hepburn was cute, your shit waifu looks like a retarded frog

Please stop confusing Emma with your mother.

Yes she is in terms of talent, look, likeability and class.

Most unique woman in Hollywood.

are all Emma Stone worshipping fags this unfunny and unoriginal or is it just you?

>ginger inbred irish face
why are americans obsessed with this

All Emma worshipping fags have class, intellect and we are all well-mannered just like Emily Jean "Emma" Stone.


She is a Godsend.
Only plebs disagree.



>his waifu isn't Emily Stone

Imagine being this perfect

ultra lewd feet

Yes she's the greatest cunt being fucked by some obscure jew we don't know about yet

Emma Watson>Emma Ribbit>Emma Roberts

One of the greatest actresses in history. But only those who are genetically superior will be inclined to see.

U CAN DREAM. She is untouched. She is where she is because hard work and she fought for it very long time, since Superbad 2007 .

Emma Stone > Emma Dumont > Emma Watson > Emma Robnerts

More like Dreary Heartburn desu

>Emma Watson>Emma Ribbit>Emma Roberts

Not this


Your dad sure didn't have a problem with marrying his cousin.

>29 years old

the old hag itt
has she been relevant since zombieland?

>/u/half-bloodprince grasping at straws this hard

I want to marry this strange pepe. I want her milkies.

No !

u can nitpick photos. Watch vid when she presented Golden Globe to James Franco, she looked better and younger than Roberts, Watson or Ronan. Stay mad fag. SHE IS THE QUEEN OF HOLLYWOOD



i want have kids with Emily Jean "Emma" Stone and i want to watch movies with her. I would show her Griffith masterpieces like Birth of the Nation and she would be really impressed by my great taste in cinema.



>frog posting in 2018

She is better than Audrey Hepburn, but both are greatest.

she gets paid for looking like that?
lol the state of hollywood and it's worshippers.
makes me wonder who she has dirt on.
must be someone high up.

Emily Dream Jean Stone
Has solidified her place in my heart
In the hearts and minds of those who appreciate her work.
Her talent. Who she is.
Emily Jean.
The one and only.
Who dedicates it all to the ones who dream.

This was better to hear rather than Jeniffer Lawrence. Lawrence is annoying.

she get paid for her talent, beauty, kindness and likeability. I would pay her if she would hold my hand.

Why do you report everyone who says things you don't like, Bruce? Snitches get stitches.

>le badly timed picture proves ugliness meme
>and she still looks pretty qt anyway

Imagine waifuing someone this ugly, she's never been attractive


what browser is that

yea she was awesome in the house bunny.
and that other movie. the one with mcglovin.

she has some serious dirt on someone

that's pretty good

you mean cute over talent? yes

All these simple jack posters envious that others have waifus with talent

Her feet are on another level than Audrey, but yes.

U are obviously wrong, because she is most wonderfull actress that ever lived on planet earth also this:

>>One of the greatest and most beautiful actresses in history. But only those who are genetically superior will be inclined to see.

You are lucky to coexist in the same timeline


shitlist. Emma has best toes and soles

there are redditors itt right now that think a
non-jew is going to stay on top in lolliwood.

>replying to your own post

She's seriously terrible, everything I've seen her in has been laughably bad and amateur, especially Birdman damn.


She's meh as an actress, but she's classy.


Isn't it wonderful?

She looks like an alien with fetal alcohol syndrome. No.

Good joke. She has no bad performance, and for Birdman she should win oscar. In Birdman every performance was over-acted Keaton, Norton etc, it was Inarritu vision for the movie, because on stage performance are also over-acted. She was obviously robbed. You are obviously jelly of her and ur opinion is invalid because of that.


>doesnt check poster count

>'whos this contrarian in my thread again? is it /u/half-bloodprince? anyways ill just continue being cuter than the world can conceive!!!'

0 bad performances, best actress in her generation. One of the few actresses that can easily perform in comedy and drama. With fantastic comedy feel and timing... How many actors and actresses can even act in comedy? They are to shitty and untalented for that. Emily can do both without trying.

I guess I haven't seen enough of her movies.


stone definitely has the most autistic fans

>Essential Emmakino A.K.A: How to watch someone age 10 years in the span of a day

keep saying that to yourself.

Fucking hell.
>I've only seen Superbad and Zombieland.

would look better if she was nude.

guess what agenda pushed her to super stardom.


I mean just look at the thread, or even worse /esg/. you have to have autism to find this thing attractive or talented.

None? She was great in Zombieland, but I can't even remember anything about Superbad aside from Mclovin.


Easy A was her first break-out. Birdman was her next breakout with academy nomination. La La Land was her stardom breakout. And that for that.

>> non jewish
>> she need actually work hard for that

I'll go watch one. I need to wash the fucking awful taste of The Last Jedi out of my mouth.

>she (((worked))) hard
come on. you must've understood how this game works after all the allegations



see you again in a year or two. they aren't all harvested but they are indeed all under jewish control.


holy shit we're the same age yet she looks like she can be my mom

what are you listening to rn user

>best friends of Jennifer Lawrence
>no connection to Harvey

look what she does

she's clean, believe me

absolutely clean

This faggot nitpicked one bad photo and thats all. She has very specific and unique look. She looked great on golden globes watch james franco golden globe win. Also she looks better in motion than on photos.

>Also she looks better in motion than on photos.
legit made me kek. have a (you)

Dumb (you)poster





imagine getting this passionate for an ugly version of Anya Taylor-Joy
