Will RLM ever be good again?

Will RLM ever be good again?

they need to start cranking out some films

All critics are no talent hacks it wouldn't end well

Was it ever good

yes when the next video comes out you contrarian cuck

Will you ever get real friends?

gorilla interrupted and feeding frenzy were enjoyable. they're capable of making funny skits, I think they just lack the manpower and budget for movies.

t pedophile that lurks Sup Forums 24/7

i've seen all their videos,some of them multiple times and i love them

please tell me you've listened to their commentary tracks

only the rogue one and the room ones i'm afraid

Alien v Predator is pretty good nice to hear how salty they are over it since it made money

You mean "Will RLM ever start validating my opinions and make me feel like I have friends again?"

Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, critique.
Have you ever heard of a film critic turned director?

They're not really similar techniques, also literally anyone can direct, that's why there is an abundance of garbage movies that have actors who have been good in other movies.

i dont know I mean I guess you already know whether you like RLM or not ok so byyyyye

they're originally wedding filmers turned sketch comedy makers turned internet reviewers


They year end catch up was great and so was BOTW. Dont know what you're talking about.


They never stopped being good

when did they stop being good?

episodes keep stacking up since i saw that shillfest that was the last jedi review, we were all expecting them to tear it apart "i liked it, it was good" jfc

When OP got upset that they expressed an opinion he disagreed with.