SAS -kino for the guy that was posting earlier. I took too long to reply and the thread died

SAS -kino for the guy that was posting earlier. I took too long to reply and the thread died.

Other urls found in this thread: falklands

Approached from an independent source (US), shows how things don't always go as planned but gives an overall fair look at the role the regiment, and elite SF played. falklands

Spot the operator kino.

aren't you not suppose to drop WP on people, the shrapnel burns 3000C or something and makes niggas look like swiss cheese. something about it being unhumane but the jews do it all the time to "civilians".

Are there any movies that capture the aesthetic of pic related?

Rainbow six siege is actually Ludo

This is the greatest kino. It's amazing nowadays we can get helmet cam footage from both sides.


Holy fuck this is awesome, thanks for posting


The soldiers are amateur hour but the footage is great.

they really did completely BTFO ISIS in that battle to

Duarte is alpha as fuck.

now if the CIA just fucks off


is it the guy wearing a black t-shirt just chilling popping off shots whilst all the marines are ducking for cover? Must be special air

is there anything more pathetic than the cucked cuckfic stories anglos love inventing about their "armed forces" whilst pretending they can actually fight?
the sas? fucking LMFAO

In a way if we didn't have the nazis we wouldn't have star wars.

fatty yank is upset that US tier 1 operators were taught and trained by sas but can't bring himself down to earth and face reality cos of muh MAGA.


thats not fucking funny

were you ever a kid and dropped your ice cream? how fucking heartless are you? don't joke about that shit

not really
I think the russians could slap you britpakis across the face

the spetnaz died in chenchya, they got surrounded and fought to the last man

they are for recon and demolitions not fucking shock troops

Loving those paintball guns

>they're not shock troops
ask jihadis all over syria who got btfo by these guys during any major happenings

You actually have no idea when that photo was taken and what happened on that day, do you?

SAS and DELTA have been active for 60 years.
They're the elite of the elite (the SBS don't exist - SHHHH!)
Delta actually coordinated with the SAS pre-Flklands and provided weapons ( Delta had more advanced weapons)
Long-term allies!

Yes the joke of a raid on the embassy, for real those what is on their guns. I can't tell if they are scops or fucking flashlights

I just watched Six Days.

Was a bit disappointing. Very sanitized "official" account.

Thatcher was also an idiot for how she used the SAS. Really muddied the waters and weakened their capabilities.

>they are for recon and demolitions
well that's what the SAS is supposed to be for as well, they just seem to be good at shock and awe as well.

No one "deliberately" drops WP on people. They official reasoning is "illumination".

When people point out that Israel can't possibly drop it in area "x" WITHOUT hitting civilians, they just shrug.

They could've saved Britain then and there.

Ameridumbs still think "SEAL TEAM 6" killed Usama.

>the CIA did it!
fuck off Putin

> tfw reading another horseshit story about the anglo special needs forces

>Walk in, see room empty, put 10 rounds into it anyway.
Man no wonder white people win all the wars

there was a terrorist ghost in there

>long lens partially concealed

This aesthetic is typical combat photographer aesthetic.

First big film it was used in (that I know of and usually gets cited) is Dr. Strangelove. The military trying to get to the General. Kubrick wanted to emulate real life Korean and WW2 footage he had seen to make it look realistic.

In the 90's Spielberg looked at Kubrick's war films and took inspiration from Dr. Strangelove and Full Metal Jacket (which used a mistimed shutter to create a smear effect of flames and light). This was used in Full Metal Jacket (and later SPR) because Kubrick had seen photos from Vietnam where the cameraman had been jostled had a damaged camera and it would smear because of the shutter timing.

Spielberg and Kaminski used those as the jumping off point and added a few more things based on their observing of WW2 documentary combat footage - crouched camera angles, angles from behind concealing objects, handheld tracking a long with the action and running/shaking, sometimes longer lenses to observe from further away.

In addition to other effects like a 90 degree shutter angle and dropped frame rates and step printing to give you the subjective feeling of combat.

It was pretty accurate.
I thought they've remove the hang-up error and the fact Maggy wanted it as a display of open violence.

Its called a prefire numbnuts
play some csgo or siege and you'll see the importance
shooting before you see him removes reaction time and target recognition from the equation making your chances of survival better

yeah, prefiring your mates in the next room

Some nigger (anyone not white) will most likely panic and show/fire.

they are shooting 5.56 which is not renown for its penetration capabilities, they are probably shooting old US surplus m193 from a short barrel with the wrong twist rate in the rifling for the old 20inch barrels that the ammo was designed for. plus since the fact that he IS prefiring means that in the ROE or tactical procedure that he is fairly sure that his buddies are not on the other side of the wall.

The technology jump in video and editing since even 2000 is so fucking extraordinary. Third world terrorists are capturing such amazing images that you couldn't even dream of in the 60's from real crews. It's crazy.

I guess it's dangerous too, since distributing this footage widely and quickly also means they can learn from their compadres mistakes so quickly and easy.

>tfw this crazy shit is happening a few countries over from me

>It's never on the news, ever, except the flip channels

>We never get refugees from flip land

Da fuq is everything Arabic focused? We also get tons of Arabic refugees who had to pass THROUGH the philippines to get to Australia.

pfft none of you plebs have watched this kino

also the footage gives good insight to your enemy on your operations if they capture the camera and you didn't practice any OPSEC like the isis fighters did

you should also see the effect of social media in third world conflicts like syria. i heard something about tankers made a facebook group where they generally just talked about their tanks and tankers on opposing sides were just chilling talking about their love for tanks.

it goes against the "religion of peace" narrative the media is pushing, they would rather push how much of a nazi the flip president is and how his death squads are killing "innocent" people


They lost to the Japs who had literally only just crawled out of feudal era savagery and learned to put on pants.

They got stomped repeatedly by Germany and had to basically with by zerg rushing and sucking American cock for equipment and funds.

They had to let Muslim fanatics run Chechyna for them because they couldn't beat the even tougher fanatics.

Every rescue operation basically means bringing out the hostages dead but only partially mutilated.

Russian military can't do anything.

government official are really dumber than you think. They only accept arab refugees because that all the people know about

It was just a bit white washed (gotta make sure we include the shots of the rolling grenade and reaffirm that he might have been a suicide bomber even though they shot them on site without needing to confirm they were a danger or a threat).

Thatcher's use of the SAS as sort of a publicity tool was really dodgy. Not long after the Iranian embassy operation she utilized them on a scottish prison, sending them in without guns. Not to mentino Northern Ireland. There was one good scene in the film where the SAS commander explains to them the best option for the mission, and they all baulk - which kind of demonstrates the issue - they wanted to use them in a manner that they really aren't designed for.

I did like some of the details though - they even included the Maori guy.

>Every rescue operation basically means bringing out the hostages dead but only partially mutilated.
you should read about the situations they were dealing with, i doubt any other groups would do better in those situations. except the opera one with the knockout gas, they failed to tell the first responders the proper procedure to not have the people die in their sleep

>i doubt any other groups would do better in those situations.

I dunno, most HRTs aren't issued with Thermobaric rockets that they fire into Gyms full of children

When you watch Ross Kemp in Afghanistan and his shooting skills got mocked by the army.
>"SAS my arse"
His docus are kino

lel, I was specifically thinking of the Opera incident.

>We gassed them. That way no one can blow them up.

Six Days was great.

SAS publicly made their name in the "modern day" with their London Embassy op.

That move by Thatcher showed the SAS as one of the most, if not the most, professional special forces.

I say that as a proud Burger.

He's so embarrassing though.

Well, actually, he seems a lot less embarrassing once you've watched a Danny Dyer tv documentary.

unless you're coming in overwhelming force, you're doing yourself a tactical mischief. Even if you do come in overwhelming force, the guy in the next room is going to get the drop on at least one of you. CSGO is not real life.

Eh. It was a mixed bag. Too safe and official/matter of fact for me (like the shooting of the terrorist leaders).

Thatcher had the right idea, but I'd feel bad as an SAS commander knowing the best possible plan is rejected in favor of the most showy. It cost two hostages their lives.

In saying that - The U.K. doesn't and didn't have the options that the U.S. had. The U.S. has domestic agencies that can handle situations like Petershead where they would never use someone like Delta or DevGru to do that work. Maggie just didn't have the options there.

Not trying to be racialist, but I trained some mofos in other countries and it's sort of true that white people panic less. But maybe it's a conditioning thing

but the concepts of reaction time and target recognition is still valid, you vs a guy who is waiting for you and going to shoot at the first sign of movement

I have no problem with every confirmed hostage taker being killed. I don't care if they do some grenade scene.
The prison situation is a great example of using them again. They ended a real problem in 5 minutes - without lethal force. I even saw an interview with prisoners after that, that said the speed and execution of the SAS raid was enough for them to give up.

I get what you're saying, re- the army, but his real docus are legit. he puts himself out there.

It's an interesting idea. Eurofags, especially the British and Germans, have been drilling their soldiers for centuries to be calm, ordered and professional, and it's certainly true of the Britisha and German character (at least in decades/centuries past) that they had a calm, reserved demeanor in general. I wonder if it's something that is inherent in the people DUE to social conditioning over a long period of time.

That said

Take the red pill ( Sup Forums )and you'll understand.

I have no problem with it either. But the movie seemed to. It wanted to soften the situation. I thouht Zero Dark Thirty's raid was better in that presentation.

The prison situation isn't a great example of using the SAS as so much a great example of the British prison authorities not being competent.

It's weird though - in the U.S. when they do bring specialized civilian units up to this standard, people get really worked up about "militarization". But as the prison situation showed - you might just have to call in the military if your civilian units aren't up to that standard.

>abu sayyaf, MNLF, MILF, al-qaeda, ISIS etc
>tfw these insurgents will go quiet for a couple of years then will act like a bunch of faggots under a different brand name
>tfw these cockroaches will never be completely destroyed

I think it's wrong to look at it as a US prison situation. This was "20-30 yrs ago in Scotland - where this situation is completely not comparable to modern US prison situations.

>Putin did it!
no u

The U.S. had far tougher situations 20-30 years ago and handled them. Of course, people at that time said the military should have conducted it those operations, which is why they brought their staff up to those levels (for those situations).

It was an example of a Victorian prison being over-run by prisoners. A low prison guard population being take hostage.
It became an embaressment of how Scotland was being abandoned by the gov. So it was an overkill situation.

I agree with you on Thatcher's order to make it flashy, but the Bongs pulled off a feat that was truly incredible.

Hostage-Rescue is one of the most difficult tasks, and the SAS was one of the biggest sources of inspiration for SOF elsewhere to do the same.

Israel's Ugandan airport raid is the only other event (immediately comes to mind, drunk) where a large number of hostages were saved with minimal casualties.

Decent effort post. I enjoyed.

no dummy, Im saying only Russian shills push this conspiracy theory that the CIA created ISIS to discredit america

I doubt this.

JTF2 movie when?

This pic of the original SAS must turn soy to mush.

Doubt what?

The British SAS prison situation was ONE hostage in one small wing of a prison with a dozen prisoners.

The U.S. at the time were handling situations like Attica, where thousands of prisoners had taken control of an entire prison, murdered guards and fellow prsioners already and had the hostages dispersed through the large complex and held by different factions.

It's not a conspiracy, theory it's a "fact".

If you want to extrapolate to possibly absurd lengths. But ISIS did feature a number U.S. trained individuals and via proxies received U.S. support.

But it's like saying the U.S. created the Soviet Union. ISIS existed as an opposition to the U.S. long before it found itself temporarily allied with their position.