"I said to Rian, I said, ‘Jedi don’t give up.’ I mean, even if he had a problem...

>"I said to Rian, I said, ‘Jedi don’t give up.’ I mean, even if he had a problem, he would maybe take a year to try and regroup, but if he made a mistake, he would try and right that wrong, so right there, we had a fundamental difference."

Who was in the wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why didn't he say "no" after reading the script?

Because they could have easily made the movie without him

Because he signed the contract even before Disney bought it from Lucas




He thought he was working with Lucas, Harrison and Carrie Fisher

Is he dare i say it ourguy
did you mention he was based
shadilay hurrr durr arrrrgh oh no my siezures are coming back wuggugggglugggu luhhhhhhh

t. cuck

ouch what an insult
got anymore?


And yet he wanted to shittalk Trump when its "his side" who feels there is zero place of white males in the future

Stupid liberal faggot upset he has to lay in the bed he made

He said he thought he would be the most hated person ever if he refused the role of Luke

libtard cuck gets what he wants, and yet he's salty about it

What's interesting about the Last Jedi is that it recognizes a causal relationship between the failure of the Jedi and Rebellion and the rise of the Empire. Luke assumes full responsibility for the turn of 'Kylo'. The movie is ostensibly about the revolutionary power of failure. At the center of the Last Jedi is the storyline of the Rebellion fleet being slowly chased by Imperial cruisers while running out of fuel. They are chased by their own self-admitted failure as the liberal-social-democrat project of progress runs out of historical fuel.

It's tempting to interpret the Last Jedi as Rebellion/Anti-Trump Resistance vs the First Order/AltRight, but it's more than that, after all, who has always been the real 'villain' of Star Wars? The movies are a struggle against self, against one's own 'dark' inner potentialities. In the Last Jedi, the fairy tale eschatology of the original trilogy is replaced by the notion of the self-perpetuating struggle of the emancipatory progressive-liberal project against the techno-material forces it unleashes/harnesses in order to actualize itself.

At the end of the film the Rebels escape to the 'mineral planet' to make their last stand, this is key, as in literary terms, the trip into the earth, down into mines, stands for the self-reflection, a burrowing inwards of the self, an *escape* into self-consciousness. The Last Jedi is an apologia for the Disney Star Wars genre of global-liberal propaganda, an admission that yes, Social Capitalism, did bring about the current world state, but a promise the Clintonians know what their doing by passing on the 'spark' of resistance: failure.

The Last Jedi then proposes to neurotically collapse the progressive's sense of increasingly impotence towards history by claiming techno-materialist inevitability as its own deliberate act of failure, by which the progressive impulse is redeemed and rebirthed endlessly.

The casino planet is the neoliberal opulence of the ‘old republic.’


I want whatever you're smoking.

I’m just surprised they really showed Luke trying to pedo uncle his nephew Ben in a less than R rated movie

Your Jedi theory sucks :^)

what? lucas was never going to make another one.

jedi kind of do give up......

Luke Skywalker is portrayed as a flawed human being who is capable of the same black and white morality choices that faced his father, and isn't shown as some immortal infinite power space wizard paragon of righteousness. Instead he experiences character development as he comes to grips with his own failures, and learns from them, making his failures part of his life lesson and experiencing catharsis, as his internalized battle is won and he simply moves on peacefully.
They draw a subtle parallel back to anakin skywalker's struggle and fall. Just because Luke blew up the emperor and faced his father didn't mean his own struggles were done and he was somehow now the perfect person

Because that's what you shitheads wanted: A gary stu, incapable of doing wrong, who would "never" make a flawed choice or feel anger or succumb to the dark side even for a second. You somehow think that when Luke Skywalker, who was tempted in his original trilogy and struck down the vaderbot in anger, is confronted with Baby Hitler and sees a future where billions of people will die all because of one child that has already passed to the dark side, that he wouldn't consider even for a moment whether he should strike him down then and there and save the galaxy. When the moral weight is so incredibly skewed to killing one person to save billions, and you think the guy who experienced the first empire and the heavy costs of its downfall, wouldn't be tempted?

did he not watch the prequels?

>Jedi don't give up

why not have him have children to carry on his middiklorian magic genes and not be a fucking clown hermit ?
Oh right you can't depict white families in 2018

..there is hope for Sup Forums

Is this pasta from Sup Forums or from some lefty review article? I've seen the "it's about failure" thing thrown around both seriously and as a joke

It's from an alt-right literature site.

so it is from Sup Forums then :^)

I don't blame Mark Hamil for how TFA and TLJ ended up. He polished the turd they handed him as well as any Jedi could.

It took you so many words to be wrong?

Oh you keep going


Because then the trainwreck we saw wouldn't have been made and fans would have thought Mark was the bad guy. They would either blame the movie being shit on Mark or constantly bitch that it was a good movie, why didn't Mark want to be in it?

that was different situation you mouth breather.
with all the security around palpatine and palpatine having just waved his big dick at yoda and come out with the bigger girth, yoda knew he wouldn't get another chance to take him down.
and with the entire galaxy on the lookout for jedi, they had to go into hiding and regroup

Lucas was definitely planning to do sequels, he wrote some scripts (that Hamill, Harrison and Fisher read and signed for) and turned them over, alongside everything else, to Disney.

He also commissioned some art from Ralph Mcquarrie that made it into the making-of book of TFA.

Reminder that Yoda did the same thing.

>"Failed I have. Into exile I must go."

Go ahead which part is wrong?

It sorta rhymes, that's why it works

Yoda has been watching like his whole life, he says this in esb

I think what they wanted was for them to not make Luke end up the exact opposite of a Gary Stu.

>the fairy tale eschatology of the original trilogy

I don't think you know what eschatology means.

then fucker should've made movies instead of being a passive aggressive fuck because "he was bullied"