White christian male villain. Check

White christian male villain. Check.

Oppressed woman, gays and blacks. Check.

It was an extremely average movie hailed as an awards contender purely because it's on narrative.

None of the three were actually "oppressed" though. Sally Hawkins just literally did not have a voice, Octavia Spencer was subject to racism of the time but her character wasn't defined by it, and the closeted homosexual subplot was not to do with his character being "oppressed" and everything to do with the fact his relationship with mutey was a sham. At the end of the day it's a romance.

Be honest OP, did you watch the movie?


You're not OP since there are 3 IPs here (excluding mine).

Yes I did. Oppressed is what the SJW's call it. I guess you've been living under a rock or you have rocks in your head.

My opinion is that OP is exaggerating but there were a couple eye-roll moments. What is it called when the movie doesn't want you to like a character, so it shoehorns in some generically villainous behavior? Shannon awkwardly making jabs at octavias race, or when the pie guy rejects the gay dude and immediately some black people walk in so he can be racist to them. It feels completely patronizing as a movie watcher. I should be able to form my own opinion about a character based on their actions within the context of the film without them turning toward the camera and grinning evilly while saying 'by the way, IM RACIST!'

Sure but that's a surface level analysis. The setting is one of oppression, specifically the cold war. But the movie is about two characters bereft of speech who fall in love. Any "sjw" are second to the romantic premise.

The characters have no ambiguity. I think they should have named it 'the shape of dogshit'. Certainly has a better ring to it.

The pie boys behavior felt shoehorned, I agree. Not so sure so about Michael Shannon but he's such a good actor he was probably just more convincing.

It's a literal chick flick. Who cares?

>Oppressed is what the SJW's call it.
So you want to get mad about what other people's opinions, not the work itself. The mark of a true pleb.

yeah you're right. Pie guy is shoehorned but shannon delivers it well. I don't know, maybe my brain is being poisoned by all the people on here who have an aneurysm whenever theres an interracial couple in a cheerios commercial, but whenever a villain is overtly racist on top of their actual motivations and villainous actions I can't help but be a little incredulous toward the script.

He said the characters weren't oppressed, which is hilarious considering the movie goes out of its way to portray them as oppressed and having no power against the evil white man.

Btw your post makes no sense. Delete it now.

I don't think the movie went out of its way to show that, it's implicitly understood that fucking janitors have no say in the company they're proving their services for.

yep, i'm surrounded by brainlets.

not even Guillermo del Kino can save Sup Forums

Octavia Spencer is a legitimately good actress, how did they get away with writing her character as
>the sassy black friend
It's not even subtle and it's played completely straight.

Why the need for subtlety? If you're going to have a mute character, well, it's no secret black women are chatty as fuck. Why not cast Octavia Spencer, she played the role perfectly.

I should have known something was up with this when i saw those soy-slurping ((vice)) arch bugmen promote this shit earlier, but then again del toro the fat fuck has a history of shoving this kind of SJW bullcrap into his soyflicks (see the ebul fascist falangist villains in pan's labyrinth for example)

the character was so 1 dimensional
>mmmm girl
>my feet are KILLIN me
>that (insert romantic partner's name) is a no good bum

But without her Sally Hawkins character wouldn't have made any sense. She wasn't exactly "fleshed out" either but no stink about her.

it's like getting Caravaggio to sign on to do artwork and then having him work with colored construction paper and a RoseArt 8 pack of crayons

I liked how they showed niggers their place, America was a nicer place back then, more honest and comfy. I’m mexican btw

Fair. But from what I heard Octavia has a massive boner for Del Taco so she was probably just stoked to be there.

what are the complaints exactly? it was a very accurate portrayal of the USA in the 60's. drawing parallels to today's society would be counter-intuitive as it's very obvious society is no longer like that. you can't let something like this ruin a great movie for you, can you?