Tfw Sup Forums infestation is getting worse

>tfw Sup Forums infestation is getting worse
>tfw you can feel how shitty a thread gets when they start budding in it
Go back.

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I feel you fellow user

cool story bro

I'm with you famalams

I miss IMDB

it sure is getting out of hand

I'm sure some retard will be by this thread soon to educate everyone

>go back to pol
>post pepe

“>tfw Sup Forums infestation is getting worse
>tfw you can feel how shitty a thread gets when they start budding in it
Go back”

>it was her turn
>ree back to /pol
>/pol doesn't respect my retarded opinion, and therefore is an echo chamber
>le out-rite
>yada yada
Anything else you want to add, reddit?

Nothing can be done about it. It has to burn itself out. Take refuge on /bant/.

maybe if the actual on topic threads weren't complete shit I wouldn't reply to Sup Forums bait threads
but they are and I do

Pepe is so 2016

Reminder that Donald Trump is an orange fat fuck failure just like themselves.

yes, I don't come to Sup Forums and annoy you.
so why do you?

>actually white males are the most discriminated people in america

shithole country detected

This post is so fucking reddit it hurts. Sup Forums is indistinguishable from r/thedonald at this point. Do you actually think Sup Forums invented fucking Pepe of all things?

You know, you're not forced to reply or even acknowledge posts you don't like.

How many more woman hate threads do we have to go through I want to shitpost about movies not women

There it is, guys. Notice how epic their images are.

Hola Reddit

You do. And furthermore, Sup Forums is for political discussion and threads about movies and such are often deleted, that's why we come here - a place for such discussion. If you wish to stop Sup Forums from mocking you and your views, then maybe you should stop being so butthurt about random words thrown out in every single thread, like this one for example.

t. nu star wars fan

Embarrassing. Look at this redditor struggling with Sup Forums’s formatting, despite being here for over a year.

yeah, fucking shitskins from pol destroying my board and I can't do anything

t. started posting in 2014

>thinking you're welcome here
>thinking you can pretend to always have been here
>thinking you can pretend to not be the invading one

It's a lot better on 4x2chan, but it's also ridiculously slow

they are simply idiots. the biggest idiots on this site. and that means something. they can't think for themselves.

Get the fuck out you false flag sjw faggot. We all know Sup Forums is being raided

>calls other people redditors
kek, so fucking stupid

it was always out of hand, these fuckers will never go away because they've been banned everywhere else.
it's like the "acceptable amount of rat feces" they allow in processed food, you just have to phase it out. they want arguments and negative attention just as much as they want to heare their own obscene thoughts regurgitated to them

Hell yeah found the Reddit meetup. What time does the narwhal bacon, lads?

8gag is fucking trash though. Go worship your precious little freak.

pol is such a garbage not even Sup Forumstards want to be there

>literally had an entire section of reddit migrate to their board
>calls anons on other boards Reddit


Whatever you say, reddit.


Maybe Sup Forums should raid Sup Forums, then.

>Get the fuck out you false flag sjw faggot. We all know Sup Forums is being raided

On an unrelated note, can anyone help me find this movie?

I've looked for it everywhere and I'm getting desperate.

keep shrieking reddit at everyone, it won’t change the fact that Sup Forums is the most reddit board on Sup Forums

where did all the Pepe fanfare come from, you stupid faggot? Sup Forums? Sup Forums? No, it was Sup Forums and r/thedonald, hence my post you stupid dense mutherfucker.

1. Sup Forums isn't raiding this board. If Sup Forums raided it, you would know.
2. Sup Forums doesn't even have 1/30 of Sup Forums's population, how is it going to raid it? Not to mention that most Sup Forums members are also Sup Forums members.
This isn't reddit, kids, get real. There's no imaginary capitalistic boogeyman you can fight here.


You would know what's reddit, won't you, reddit? Why don't you be a good little soyboy and go back?

Im a big lefty and over the past year or so its been harder to browse Sup Forums, all the alternatives to the boards are trash. I dont wanna go to Neogaf to discuss vidya, I dont wanna go to movie chat to discuss films etc. What do I do Sup Forums is it finally time to leave Sup Forums

you tell em magabro

>Sup Forums doesn't even have 1/30 of Sup Forums's population
>most Sup Forums members are also Sup Forums members.
Blatant lies.

rare pepes were a thing more than a year before you stupid niggers came from reddit..

Poor baby

>op's image is rare
just kill yourself already

>Sup Forums doesn't even have 1/30 of Sup Forums's population
Really? The traffic Sup Forums gets is equal to the rest of Sup Forums's.
>most Sup Forums members are also Sup Forums members.
Reddit newfags don't count.

Sup Forums is done, taken over by stormfags and thedonald retards.

Pepe was a meme for years before Sup Forums redditized it



Im not even from clapistan

Pepe had already been a staple meme for Sup Forums years before Sup Forums was even a board you stupid faggot

herald of the times and things to come mate

get a gun and learn how to use it

hate to break it to you kid but 'rare pepe' was reddit who do you think was flooding into r9k during 2014 causing its board population to more than double in a single year during the 'rare pepe' craze?

If reddit newfags don’t count then Sup Forums is not the most popular board on Sup Forums.

That's the thing. There's no where else online that I know of where someone can discuss movies in this format and with Sup Forums bros. Now you can't step into a thread without getting mooned by some smug retard with shit for which there's a whole other board for.

You weren't supposed to ever come here in the first place.

Like I give a shit...I’m not either. But if you don’t like Trump you’re a total faggot, the guy is a legend.

This 2bh

>spotted the newfags
It was not. Pepe was a popular meme on /r9k/ only for a short time before Sup Forums adopted it and in turn turned it into a popular Sup Forums meme, then Sup Forums adopted it and spilled it into the rest of the internet. Goddamn redditors.

Sup Forums was the most popular board even before the election, autist.

I feel like if the entire rest of the site banded together we could get better moderation so Sup Forums would stay in Sup Forums. Maybe we could rally the other boards?

Yep, I remember seeing stories about pepe on fucking CNN before the '16 election OH WAIT

What a gay ass post lmao

The retard will tell you that they invaded, the person who actually knows will tell you they've always been here and once some shit argument comes up, they start posting in retaliation. The same argument was made on Sup Forums, when the truth is Sup Forums was Sup Forums before it even existed.

it's best to just wholesale ignore them. they're losers with nothing better to do but argue.

absolute bullshit, kill yourself

>acting like pepe is still just the "feels bad man" frog because muh hillary clinton's website said pepes were bad

nah you're retarded you should shut the fuck up if you dont know what you're talking about

>the non whites are the ones who dont mindlessly hate Trump
What did reality mean by this?

But seriously until you give me a logical reason as to why you hate Donald please commit suicide.

Jesus, you faggots and your boogymen. Little bitches.

They're not even trying to hide it at this point
Too bad the janitors won't do anything

how can one guy be so wrong

what the fuck are you even trying to say?

Sup Forums just says what everyone else is thinking but are too polite to say.

How long have you been here? I guarantee it's no more than a few months.



>pepe = pol

That's how you know you're the former and not the latter. Pepe has been huge for years on Sup Forums and it was nothing but a green thing wearing sport apparel. That's it.

Tbf have any of you actually spent a decent amount of time on Sup Forums? I used to be a lefty soyboy but after going there a couple times to "fight the good fight" I was blown out so many times that I realized that they were right about a lot of things. Same would happen to all of you.

Get a load of this nufag. Unironically kys.

Damn, It feels good to be not-white
When SJW's win we invade your country
If you win we make israel invade your country

I don't know, I'm done with this thread anyway.

Feels bad man
What the fuck does that even mean


if it makes you so butthurt then fucking leave

problem solved

I literally guarantee I've been here longer than you.

You dumb cuck nigger faggots complaining about Sup Forums while circle jerking your midgetdicks

go grow a pair and realize Sup Forums and anonymous speech is true free speech and if you can't handle the bantz then maybe you can go get karma or social brownie points elsewhere.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums has always been contrarian to mainstream culture and the current zeitgeist. What does that say about our current society where Sup Forums and Sup Forums is promoting race realism, nationalistic ethnostates, and the promotion of traditional gender roles such as masculine males and chaste women?

Your virtue signaling and appeal to emotion has no purchase here in the presence of logical, realistic dialogue

It's not Sup Forums. It's a type of poster. The ones who also brought Sup Forumsirgin vernacular and anime to this board. Love to use the word "kino" and "unironically".

>too slow
that's a good thing you nu-faggots

Pepe was all over Sup Forums before the election for years.

Fuck off.

boo hoo nigger

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>How It Fits Together by Dr. William Luther Pierce
>American National Socialiasm by George Lincoln Rockwell
>Hey There Europa
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>With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations
>In Their Own Words

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