How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

to THIS?

Are you implying this is a bad thing?

By getting married, creating a family and living a good wholesome healthy life.

It's called the aging process, user.

I came to my mommyfu earlier today... might as well go for a twofer!!

Aging is supposed to make you uglier though.
Susan went from a 6/10 to 10/10

Does anyone think Susan Sarandon has ever tried double penetration?

but she is better looking in op

she's just hiding her tits with a baggy t-shirt in OPs pic

you're clearly wrong
her face is objectively better and her prime MILF body oozes sexuality you couldn't squeeze out of her younger self couldn't


Fucking white women


she was in her prime in rocky horror. qt af while still oozing sexuality

She wasn't bad in Pretty Baby either.


she must bathe in the blood of virgins or something.

Then you'd better keep your light on at night and Susan Sarandons gonna getcha

God DAMN. I wanna suck that barren cunts tits raw.

>Nana always had the best milk

why can't every woman age like Susan?
that's really not fair

I like things the way they are. Gives us men an advantage. Imagine if every woman aged like her. You'd be dealing with stuck up whores who never grow up for your whole life.

Aging like a Zeppelin album

I'm surprised the Chinese haven't kidnapped her already to steal her genes.

>who never grow up
you certainly sound like a good judge of maturity and not a bitter teenager

roastie detected

incel detected

women like this don't belong in the real world

they belong in the fucking barn. fucking cows. her and that cunt hendricks. they're cows, not actresses.

> barren
luckily her genes were passed down just fine

t. titlet roastie

Does anyone think Susan was autistic when she was younger?

I’d like to squeeze her if you know what I mean

I want my nanafu tit cow NAAAOOWWW!

bug-eyed freak


Might be the best mother/daughter tit-cow team...

joi pls

Get it.

saggy but meaty tits are my kryptonite